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Posts posted by Stan42

  1. I'm not really a social misfit, just want someone to come along. Sofar, you people here appear to be ok. So, is there any chance one of you knows some people around my age (early to mid 20s) that will accompany me?

    So my age is early to mid forties however if you like women your age, we have something in common ;)

    Depending on your gender, this is either creepy or funny. Needn't be females, guys will do just as well.

  2. men and their ever increasing obsession with their bowel movements. Um, just so you know, not something to talk about on a first date, or second or third or even 10th.

    Go to the toilet prior to your date. Problem solved.<_<

  3. I still remember the times I used to pay for arcade games at a department store. I still remember arcade beat'em ups, I played as a kid, heck I even remember inserting coins for Metal Slug, Streetfighter 2, House of the dead and "gasp" Pacman!

    Things have changes over the decades, now you can practically find and download any arcade game ever made from the internet. They got the same graphics, the same gameplay... but personally they lack that certain touch.

    I don't know any places with pinball machines, though the top floor of the Mall Bangkapi and Center Point used to have loads of similar games like "whack a mole" and the like. Other than that, the only payed digital entertainments today are FPS, RPGs and other PS3/xbox360 games found around every corner.

    Authentic "insert coin" arcade games are extremely rare due to the fact that "better" games are available for download on the internet. My suggestion is to try and look around Siam (opposite the Paragon, near MBK).

  4. Stan42

    You can already start by a pm to oxfordwill perhaps?

    He's expressed an interest but maybe doesn't read the thread often enough

    Alternatively you could pm bkkjames to meet for a game of chess :whistling:

    Sorry for my lack of internet/forum knowledge, as I said, I'm new here. How's that work?

    (...meet for a game of chess) Wow, that sounds really. really exciting... not.<_<

  5. "You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you..."

    In all seriousness, I have to agree with most of the replies. Yes, as much as it hurts, Thai girls are vain. One of the first conversations I had with a Thai girl I met was: "What you do for a living?" followed by "How much you earn?" ending in "I can give you (and I quote) happy time".

    The first two questions are fairly standard Thai as she's trying to establish your place in the pecking order (sakdina). Other acceptable questions are 'how old are you, 'are you married' and 'how many children do you have'. Offering you a happy time is another matter entirely :rolleyes:

    Gee, I wonder what she meant by that...:blink:

  6. "You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you..."

    In all seriousness, I have to agree with most of the replies. Yes, as much as it hurts, Thai girls are vain. One of the first conversations I had with a Thai girl I met was: "What you do for a living?" followed by "How much you earn?" ending in "I can give you (and I quote) happy time".

    It doesn't get any more obvious than that. As a friend once said:" It is easy to get a Thai girl, simply sit at a bar and you're bound to hook up with one within 30 seconds. But it is very difficult to find a decent Thai girl. So difficult that you're better off finding a farang girl, at least you know what to expect. With Thai girls it's tricky, they may seem friendly on the outside, but they may be slowly exploiting you from behind your back.

    Conclusion: Be very, very careful in choosing a Thai partner.

  7. Hi,

    I can only tell you from my own personal experience. The average income for a Thai with a bachelors degree is approximately 10'000 to 15'000 THB a month. I don't know what country you originally come from, but as for me, I earn about 30'000 THB a month working for a foreign company, and receive and additional 40'000 THB from my home country. If you're seeking work that pays well, you won't find any in Thailand. I know an older farang teacher from Europe who comes here during the school holidays to teach English lessons, I don't know his exact salary, but I suspect it's somewhere between 10'000 to 20'000 THB.

    Bottom line: If you're working for a Thai company, or have a Thai employer, don't expect to be rich. Your best chance is to work for a foreign company paying in US dollars or Euros. If you read through the previous posts you should think about this: If I return to my home country A. Will I find a good paying job? B. (Since the cost of living is likely to be higher) will I have enough money left after paying for rent, food etc.?

    Thailand is a great place to live if you're source of income is from overseas. If it's from Thailand, you'll have to struggle. The only suggestion I can give is possibly becoming a tutor (language teacher) at a private institute. They earn about 5'000THB per lesson (That's 45 minutes). You must be able to speak, read, and write Thai in addition to the language you're teaching though.

  8. Hi everybody,

    I'm new to Bangkok and I'm looking for farang friends to hang out with, both guys and girls. I've got lot's of Thai friends, but it's really difficult to find like-minded, foreign friends, in their 20s, who have a permanent residence in Thailand.

    One must admit, the only farangs I know are either sexpatriots who picked up a Thai girl at some pub, or people only temporarily staying/studying in Thailand.

    So... I'd really appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction, send me a note, or give me any other helpful advice. Fingers crossed.

  9. we dont hang out in pub that much anymore, so i donno alot. Honestly We (me and hubby)think we should finding new friends too coz our friends they r now having kids (all at the same time, but we dont want kid lol) so it hard to get them to hangout like before.my hubby didnt work here that is abit difficult looking for friends that speak the language and my friends are scare of farang lol , if u know wat i mean.

    anyone around ?? lol :P

    You had me at husband and kids. I'm at that age where I'm too old to hang out in pubs, which never really was my thing to begin with, and not yet willing to get married, let alone have kids. I guess that narrows down the circle. As for the last part, you lost me there. I have lot's of Thai friends and they don't seem scared of me (at least I don't think so), it's just the farang department in which I'm lacking in.

    But it's good to know there are guys and girls out there, so here's hoping somebody will take notice.

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