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Everything posted by MikeWill

  1. How about English translation?
  2. Thank you for the useful info, sirineou.
  3. jaywalker2 gave you good advice. I will add that you'd better try TRUE or AIS as your providers.
  4. Dear steven100, Forget to ask you, how do you know that it's so bad? I do agree with you that their support sucks.
  5. When it worked, it worked good for me. I'm still using its DNS, i.e.
  6. Here is the content of the "warp-debugging-info-20230831-102627.zip" attached.
  7. The Cloudflare WARP service is not available. Try rebooting. This is an error message that shows every time I start my PC: Windows 10 Pro x64; 8 GB of RAM; Chrome browser. The Cloudflare WARP icon in the system tray has greyed out. It all happened after I lost an Internet connection, and after it was repaired the Cloudflare WARP service became unavailable. At that time an icon called "warp-debugging-info-20230831-102627.zip" appeared on my desktop. If needed I can post the content of that file. I have tried to uninstall (v. and reinstalled the app (Cloudflare_WARP_ Release-x64.msi) and it wasn't successful, as well as rebooting the system. Any help?
  8. My due date for the 90-day report is 25 June. I submitted my notification online on 16 June, and till now its status is pending. Is there somebody I can contact (by phone or email) to check out why my submission hasn't been approved? Your help will be much appreciated.
  9. Does someone know how to subscribe to/unsubscribe from this service called DMARC?
  10. Does someone know what is DMARC? (see the new post by that name)
  11. To clarify...in short: Recently, my MX records were changed by someone. I noticed that a few days later, and changed it back to Google as it is my email service provider. I also changed my password to cPanel. I do have an antivirus (Bitdefender), but I'm not 100% sure it can protect me.
  12. I received several unsolicited email messages, see a snapshot. I'm not sure if it's safe to open the attachment (a file name: google.com!th4u.com!1679616000!1679702399.xml).
  13. Crucial Storage Executive has been updated to the version 9.01.012023.01 (this update should address the firmware update issues). Here is the link for update: https://www.crucial.com/support/storage-executive Just install it over the previous version.
  14. Good news! Firstly, I enabled Momentum Cache. And then, I was able to update the firmware. Attached screenshots.
  15. Dear BigStar, Did you enable Momentum Cache on your drive?
  16. Thanks for assurance BigStar.
  17. Yes, I am aware of that. Just worrying about the next update.
  18. Should I update the firmware of Crucial SSD?
  19. I bought and installed CRUCIAL MX500 250 GB (see pic). Transferred data from old to new SSD. I think that I need to Repair Install of Windows.
  20. Here are the pics of CRUCIAL MX500 250GB box. Does the year of production exist there?
  21. Dear fdsa, Please inform, where is it possible to find the date of manufacturing of the drives?
  22. Dear KhunBENQ, Where did you purchase your drive? Did you install it yourself?
  23. Dear fdsa, Thank you for the words of advice and warnings.
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