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About harryviking

  • Birthday 10/03/1952

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  1. Dig a little deeper and you might be surprised....🙄......its not gold all that shines...
  2. And ask him how much he get in pension when retire!!😆
  3. Buying Chinese subs must be the dumbest ever! Havent these clowns in government already noticed that the Chinese subs are of sub standard quality???? They are "rat traps"!! Wake up!
  4. Thailand: COWARDS!!!😫
  5. The PM just echoes papa Thaksin .......😫
  6. Wearing a helmet and reduce speed would have put Thailand's death toll in half if not better!
  7. Seen this like for ages! They think its fancy and have no clue who Hitler was!! The swastika is and old Indian religious thing I think....
  8. I guess the air quality in Thailand does not help much....🙄
  9. Lol! At least now the buffets and toilets in Thailand are safe! 🤣🤣
  10. When will Thailand start understand that they have a huge dog problem! Some dogs should be banned from owning! No one,. except maybe law enforcement, need any "killer" dogs! Rottweilers, Pitbulls and the like is NOT something anyone need for a pet! Stop the madness!
  11. This is a disgusting behavior by Thai Government and show only how little they care about human life and suffering! These people are probably ending up in a camp and will be "disappeared" or harvested for human organs! Congratulation Thailand! 😣
  12. Ads a kid we were all vaccinated against this and a few other diseases. These vaccines have been used for decades and are safe! I never heard of anyone falling ill after vaccinated back then and not since either! Hysterical people afraid of needles should STFU! America is now probably the dumbest place on earth! Just look at who they have as a president and more....
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