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Everything posted by Kevin1908

  1. I bought a couple of these and would like some advice on planting them in a Thai garden and care. The only advice I found was if it was an indoor pot plant in a temperate climate.
  2. On a second note, I just bought two birds of paradise plants. Well two potts but looks like several different plants or several shoots off of the same plant in each pot. Any special conditions. My wife's house is on one of these raised plots with rubble and rock infill. I guess I dig as much of that out as I can and put bags of compost in.
  3. OK no shade where I am unless I build an enclosure and cover it with black netting.
  4. What is it? Where do you plant it?
  5. There already is bore hole on the site. I will try the PEA the next time I visit the area.
  6. I am selling a bite of land so it would be of use the know the worst case for installing an electrical supply as it is bound to come up. Its over flat land following the edge of a mangrove swamp but along an unmade road. The last 100m or so flat solid land. Up to 10 years ago the nearby fishing village wasn't connected so it was a two or three mile route but ten years ago the fishing village was connected so I assume the last 500m is relatively straight forward. This would just be for domestic supply. A worst case would help.
  7. What would be the cost to install an electrical supply to some land where the nearest supply is approx 0.5km away?
  8. May be I am using the wrong term. There are several Facebooks groups that look suitable. It is composing the listing.
  9. I need somebody to help build a Facebook page to sell some land. I am in Surat Thani but I suppose that this does not need to necessarily be anybody local. Trying to find soembody is sooo difficult. Anybody out there?
  10. This group seems pretty quiet but I will start here then may be post further afield if there are no takers. I am in Surat Thani, Phun Pin to be precise. I need to sell some beach fronting land and guess the best place to go is one or more of the many groups on Facebook. But I have no idea how to go about building the page. I need somebody, Thai, expat, who can put the page together. Paid of course. I might as well be speaking Martian trying to ask my Thai wife who lives local to help me find somebody. Any takers?
  11. Can I jump in here and ask a question. I need to re-establish contact with my solicitor who advised me on selling some land owned through a company with my ex wife. Due to changing computers I have lost here email address. I can find her searching the internet but only her address in Thonglor Bangkok. Her name is Suwaphat Sarasalin. Somebody here recommended her but it was more than 10 years ago. Does anybody know her and got her phone number and email address. I don't want to turn up at her address unannouced although security might be able to give me her phone number. She also did my will that needs updating.
  12. I replied about getting a throw away ticket before see this. Has anybody tried saying they intend to extend the visa? To he honest I have only done the poot route once before in 2020 just before covid and I did have an exit flight to KL as I wanted a week end their with the wife anyway. Sod's law the check in at Heathrow weren't interested in seeing the poot.
  13. I intend to buy a throw away ticket. Seems the cheapest I can find so far is Phuket to Kuala Lumpur for $49.
  14. If I intend to stay 60 days but enter as a visa exempt for 30 days with a confirmed fight out, how easy is it get a 30 day visa extension at a regional immigration office thus not needing to actually leave the country and return? Planning to stay in Surat Thani and want to avoid having to actually go to Bangkok or Phuket to do the flight out and back. Married to a Thai if that helps.
  15. "If entering visa exempt or with tourist visa you need to open bank account asap. " That is the one thing that I don't have to worry about. I opened a Thai bank account several years ago when I got fed up with endless fees for using a foreign debit card, Thai and far higher UK fees.
  16. I have heard of a story of a guy who pays bribes to get a visa to stay. I now see why.
  17. "Better imo not tying up additional 400k forever at zero interest." Yes I agree totally bonkers unless you are the sort or person where 400k is like lose change. I wouldn't leave £10000 sitting in the bank in the UK doing nothing let alone use it to justify getting a visa.
  18. Spidemike007 I suppose it boils down to they want the foreigners money but not the foreigner. I have to admit I am rapidly going off the idea.
  19. "or private top it off and make monthly payments since interest rate are low!" Already rising and set to go through the roof.
  20. I entered on the 16th Sept and due to leave on the 15th Oct. I have a return flight. I wasn't looking to do this this trip. I was using this as a fact finding exercise for future reference. I guessing in the future I will either need to enter on an open ticket. Expensive and not sure if Immigration even accept that as POOT or have a single ticket and cheap throw away POOT and get extension.
  21. "Perhaps you should go there with your wife to avoid being lost in translation? " I had my wife with me. And bt Thai standards the Immigration Officer spoke pretty good English. "About your second statement "...low value now" : Low compared to what?" Thinking in terms of the low pension pot and investment post values rather than the pound. They are well down so don't want to turn those into a revenue generating scheme right now.
  22. Well I thought I was in the Surat Thani Immigration Office. It looked very official. The marriage was in Thailand if that makes it easier.
  23. "it's 400k in the bank (permanently) OR 40k per month income. " Ok that makes sense. I still don't see where this 20,000 per month comes into it. At the end of the day it is the Immigration Officer that I have to satisfy. 400,000 permanently plus 20,000 per month might make sense otherwise what are you living on. Still don't understand why she said 45,000.
  24. "where does it mention 20k baht or 45K? " did you look at the scribblings at the bottom. The Immigration officer said 45,000 baht despite the form saying 40,000. I assumed it was an out of date form. She then went on to mention 20,000 baht per month to be deposited or 240,000 per annum. No where on the form does it say that but she brought it up hence my question.
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