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Posts posted by pointoffew

  1. It baffles me how anybody can beg for the death penalty. Many of those who demand the death penalty repeatedly complain that the BIB and Thai justice system are flawed, and rightfully so.

    If you get framed and people call for you to be put to death, you will beg again, this time that there is someone to stand up for you.

    Moreover, no matter how horrific this case is, it is a typical case of manslaughter, not premeditated murder. Can't see how a competent judge in any country would pronounce the death sentence for those two fatal stabs.

    I have to disagree with you pointoffew, as far as was manslaughter, in the footage the "killer" violently stabbed that lady, he didnt accidently stab her or trip over and accidentally stab her

    "...murder requires either the intent to kill – a state of mind called malice, or malice aforethought – or the knowledge that one's actions are likely to result in death; manslaughter, on the other hand, requires a lack of any prior intention to kill or create a deadly situation."

    Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manslaughter

  2. It baffles me how anybody can beg for the death penalty. Many of those who demand the death penalty repeatedly complain that the BIB and Thai justice system are flawed, and rightfully so.

    If you get framed and people call for you to be put to death, you will beg again, this time that there is someone to stand up for you.

    Moreover, no matter how horrific this case is, it is a typical case of manslaughter, not premeditated murder. Can't see how a competent judge in any country would pronounce the death sentence for those two fatal stabs.

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  3. I have never understood why other countries do not reciprocate the 'rules and regulations' that countries such as Thailand impose on foreigners. For example, if a Brit cannot own land or property in Thailand , then a Thai should be under the same rules in the UK, if a Brit cannot own a company in Thailand then the same should apply in the UK for Thai nationals. Things would soon change in Thailand, Saudi and the UAE if we simply matched their respective regulations. When the elite suddenly found they cannot own properties in London and shift large amounts of money by say owning football clubs ! Then things would rapidly change for us.

    It sounds like the Deputy Commerce Minister has been shafted on a shares deal so has started a vendetta.

    Do I understand you correctly, that because all Thai are always required to obtain a visa prior to any visit to the UK, any and all Brits should always be required to obtain a visa prior to any visit to Thailand?

  4. Suspects are suspects, thus innocent until proven guilty and should NEVER, should I repeat? NEVER ever be named. Basic rules of civilisation: respect human rights. Period.

    Not many civilized places in the world then. With the exception of under-aged children, people are put on trial and their names published and broadcast far and wide before any judge or jury has proven them to be guilty or innocent. In many places the police log of arrests is published regularly regardless of whether or not guilt is ever proven.

    Interesting, considering how often people are named here at ThaiVisa, that your concern with this issue has apparently only surfaced when it's farang accused in Thailand and, of course, a chance to suggest the "natives" just aren't civilized.

    "your concern with this issue has apparently only surfaced when it's farang accused in Thailand and, of course, a chance to suggest the "natives" just aren't civilized." Nonsense! You must have missed my previous, similar comments, here and elsewhere - even today - when it concerns Thai. Get the facts, forget your fantasy.

  5. Suspects are suspects, thus innocent until proven guilty and should NEVER, should I repeat? NEVER ever be named. Basic rules of civilisation: respect human rights. Period.

    Suspects like this and in many other cases should be named so other peoples that have been duped can come forward.


    You mean you really believe those suspects used their own, full names when contacting their targets?!

    Wake up!

  6. TIT, an otherwise beautiful and lovely country where holders of state recognised degrees have to pass an entrance exam for a single reason: to line the pockets of those who need it least and deserve only one thing...

    Shame on you. I think you will find that entrance exams or selection exams are mandatory in most countries, including the UK, US etc...

    LOL - entrance exams, not to enter university, but to obtain a job as a government officer required in most countries?!

  7. For those that continually slag the Thai's , you should not be here '''''' you all obviously have nothing nice to say about any one.

    When you speak , you only voice an opinion and we all know an opinion is like your rear end , we all have one.

    I'm an Ozy living here like many other's I respect the police and all those that try to make this country a better place for all. Stop being so negative in your posts 'bad news can travel half round the world before we can get our pants on , your negativity will do nothing but give some people a misguided opinion of this wonderful county and make you look like an uneducated dick.

    I also respect "all those that try to make this country a better place for all." But I fail to see what that observation has to do with the Thai police.

  8. Transgendered men do not become women. They are men with their genitalia removed. Sex is determined by one's chromosomes which I imagine are not altered during surgery.

    Perhaps. But medically and legally they are sterile or infertile females.

    Their endocrinology is hypogonadal and therefore require female sex hormones for their lifetime to remain healthy.

  9. Promiscuous anal sex is more risky than vaginal sex, oral sex is far less risky and I understand that most ladyboy prostitutes and their customers prefer this method (http://www.avert.org/oral-sex.htm).

    To me the real question is why are there so many ladyboys in Thailand compared to other countries?

    I can think of quite a few reasons, social, economic and environmental, these reasons seem to apply to other countries with a high proportion of ladyboys such as the Philippines and Brazil. However to discuss this would be off topic.

    Lady boys are already accepted in primary school. This is going back to Thai culture and their beliefs. If a family has got three kids and one turns out to be a "third gender" it's mostly accepted.

    The questionable reason for is that they believe the lady boy had been a woman in his former life who had sex with many men.

    I know it sounds very weird for people who're not from Thailand.......wai.gif

    Weirder even: for some Thailand in the past, standard birth certificate forms have been used in Thailand where the sex of the new born could be ticked as

    [ ] Female [ ] Male [ ] Other

    Don't believe me? When I first saw one, I couldn't believe my eyes either, but I have now seen several and am used to the nonsense.

  10. The implants thing is global, the same dangerous industrial-silicon implants went into 40,000 UK women in the last decade.

    Some reference here would be helpful. Are you talking about Dow Corning breast implants?

    Dow Corning was one, more recently - late last year - news broke about a French company, Poly Implant Prosthèse (not abbreviated PImP but PIP). Four years it had - apparently knowingly - sold breast implants made of silicon for industrial purposes, containing fuel additives, unsuitable for this purpose. Tens of thousands, if not more than a hundred thousand, women affected.

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