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Posts posted by mrfill

  1. 2 hours ago, Toshiba66 said:

    Whats happened is a fact. No point discussing it now imo.


    I am keen to learn whats ahead of them to get out. They are 3 klms in, right? How many sections are totally submerged? How many are walkable, wadeable? Does anyone have this info to give a clear understanding of whats in the path out for them all?


    Hang on - I'll just pop in and have a look for you...

    • Haha 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, Benroon said:

    Drug addiction starts as a choice fully knowing the possible outcomes - don’t insult people who are fighting real disease!

    But the biggest addiction problem world wide is that of prescribed opioids such as Tramadol and Fentanyl. All supplied by lazy doctors happy to accept gifts from the pharma companies for shifting them. Now, how do the addicted patients stand in your world? And should the doctors or the pharma companies be dealt with as suppliers?

    • Like 2
  3. 42 minutes ago, nev said:

    Maybe if the death penalty was brought in for corrupt politicians, police and the high so who blatantly break the rules to enhance their weath and not just for the poor, Then I can agree.

    China has used this policy to eradicate the corrupt why not Thailand, Oh I know why those that make the decisions would not want their mates ending up on death row would they.

    And who decides these politicians are corrupt? Even more corrupt politicians.

    An ideal way of removing opposition - permanently.


    All been done before in the 1930s.

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    I do not like foreign "football" but I like soccer.

    Should be a lot of fun go enjoy..

    But the only foreign football is the american version. Wrong shaped ball, wrong rules, wrong goal shape and too much foam. They also don't use their feet very much so the name is just wildly inappropriate. Better call it overpaid fat blokes playing with an oval ball. The English Football association was started in 1863 while the US version (which is actually a rugby derivative) can barely get back to 1869.

  5. This is NOT a tax hike but a minimum price. The government may make a little more if consumption stays the same but this is not the point. Other than cheap strong supermarket cider - favoured mostly by those park dwellers - there will be no increases necessary as other drinks, generally, are above the minimum price now.

    It would be like doubling the price of lao khow. Would you care?


    All a bit of a storm in a teacup, or wine glass, really.

  6. 3 hours ago, Megasin1 said:

    an earlier poster said it and its true everywhere, until the penalties are so severe and enforced that only the incredibly dumb will drive under the influence then nothing will change and it's exactly the same in your home countries, only very severe penalties deter drunk driving to the point that only the really dumb people do it... and even then they have to be in place for a while to have a positive effect, its people everywhere, they are lazy, its just that in western countries now the drunk drivers have to balance the risk of driving against what will happen to them when they are caught.

    It's not just the penalties that has reduced DUI in the west, it is a change in social attitudes. 40-50 years ago drink driving was seen as a necessary evil and had macho overtones (ooh look how clever I am - I can drive home after 12 pints, how clever am I?) . After intensive campaigns, it is now not acceptable socially and drunk drivers are regarded as idiots. It took maybe 10-15 years to work fully but it does tend to keep working. The UK figure for DUI convictions for the whole of 2015 was 42,587

    • Like 1
  7. 22 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Like everything else here (where anything can be had for a price), I'm betting there's a group of doctors out in the provinces who are more than happy to write up the desired certificates for a fee. Probably a nice little earner, and get repeat customers each for a couple years.


    He could put other, far feebler excuses, like 'bone spurs' to let the cowardly ones escape doing service. Of course, no rich Western country, even during a war, would do that, would they?

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    The truth of course (in the west) antisemitism is a big problem on both the left and the right (and sometimes in the middle as well). Western Jews outside of Israel tend to be more on the liberal side, so antisemitism on the left often hits closer to home. 


    For example, a Jewish college kid in the U.S. might want to join up with some kind of social justice activism group but then realize he's not welcome unless he agrees with extremist Israel demonization such as believing in an equivalence between Israel and Nazis. 

    But its still ok to be fanatically anti-Islam? With much government support.....


    Pot, kettle , black.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 48 minutes ago, geistfunke said:

    " More than 40 countries have banned or restricted the use of paraquat due to its toxicity. ..."
    Perfect, the Thai farmers can stop the Agriculture-Export now and forget about the "Kitchen of the world".

    Its use is banned in the EU, but not its export. Huddersfield can be very proud of its export achievements as the only EU factory producing the stuff, which is now being linked to Parkinsons disease as well as hundreds of suicides. Three cheers for British industry....

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, finy said:

    They only have 50mg per bottle.


    You would need 4 or 6 to hit 200/300mg.


    But thanks, good suggestion.

    M150 is 10mg caffeine/100ml

    Kritang Daeng (Red Bull) is 32mg/100ml

    Lipovitan is 50.1mg/100ml

    M150/RedBull are sold in 150ml bottles, Lipo in 100ml


    So, to max out on caffeine, it has to be Lipo.

    • Thanks 1
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