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Everything posted by SteeleJoe

  1. US inflation is worse than 13 other nations in g20? Please share your source, thanks.
  2. Three things he said he would do come to mind immediately: "When I win, I will immediately bring prices down, starting on day one." "They're dying, Russians and Ukrainians. I want them to stop dying. And I'll have that done - I'll have that done in 24 hours." "On January 20th, as one of my many first Executive Orders, I will sign all necessary documents to charge Mexico and Canada a 25% Tariff on ALL products coming into the United States" None of those things happened.
  3. You are correct. That does not support your assumption of a registered marriage without any ceremony. The article says a "marriage" without a ceremony. That clearly suggests they got married (which is what it means legally when you register your marriage) but didn't have a wedding. There's no mention of anything resembling a wedding and explicitly said no ceremony. This is not uncommon in Thailand (nor is the opposite, as you pointed out).
  4. That's an odd thing to assert. "Karma" is an extremely well known concept among westerners. It's extremely common for people - including by Christians or others who would normally be disinclined to embrace tenets of Hinduism/Buddhism. It's used very casually - and often incorrectly all the time. Personally, I've shifted on my view of the concept since my time as a Buddhist: the idea that people suffering a terrible life brought on themselves encourages people to blame victims and/or be less compassionate with them. And in particular, the idea that one is being punished for actions in a past life is truly obscene: a child is born with a major disability brought it on themself despite having no control over whatever they supposedly did in some past existence? In any case, it's silly to act is if people always get what they deserve. It's simply not true.
  5. Going back to 1982,when I first arrived, that was not at all the case.
  6. You got a new one I suppose. I, and everyone I knew, did it countless times without a passport going astray (that I ever heard of).
  7. I've found that it's more often those of the rightish/Trumpian variety that make this mistake but it's surprisingly common: the notion that the 1st Amendment means you get to say anything you want anywhere you want at any time is just silly. Such a right does not exist and if you think about if for a moment it's easy to see how true that is and how it couldn't be any other way. The 1st Amendment prevents - in many but not all circumstances - the government from prohibiting your free speech or punishing you for it. That's it. It doesn't, for example, mean you get to say whatever you want at work and face no repercussions. I probably agree with that teacher in almost every way, but he was unprofessional and in violation of a reasonable policy that he is obligated to conform to if he takes a paycheck.
  8. He'll almost certainly be pulled aside pretty quickly,
  9. This the post I was referring to above. (Haven't used this site in a long time and screwed it up)
  10. It's pleasantly surprising to see that sort of empathy on this topic, in this forum. Kudos.
  11. I personally know of a case much longer than yours. I don't want to add to your anxiety but given how long its been, a lack of records might mess you up and anything that doesn't go routinely opens up the possibility that the normal process doesn't take place. Be prepared for the possibility of being detained until you have got it sorted out.
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