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Posts posted by POSA290103

  1. If you'd summarise that long story into a short passage containing the relevant information then you'd get more responses.

    I'm guessing you are American Edward.

    I guess OP you are not Chuck Norris.

    Sorry for my joke.

    But seiriously, you got here many nice and brave advises from the TV computer chat heroes.

    So guys who will go there and help the OP to take this TH man out ???

    Any candidate ?

    That's a great point. Many of us here feel alone. The rest of the world can't get along(too much BS from politicians and Diplomats). There is a lot of talent and intelligence on this site. Why do we have to be annonymous key strokers without any social, political, moral, ethnic, religious, military, professional,political.........etc connection other than a website. I'm not advocating any kind of unlawful behavior just people of the world in a different country coming together to solve their problems. Oh, that's what happens here. Sorry for the brain fart.

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  2. re CC non payment - visa came right to the work of a friend of my wife's - as she didn't answer any letters sent to negotiate payments that weren't being made - they garnashied her big 8000 bt a month salary for 4000 bt a month...also in all this meantime... if your buddy gets a whiff of being kicked out - you also might come home one day and find all your stuff cleared out if he can hook up a pick up truck...yes evicting him might be painful - but you can't move out and let him stay as then you are liable for any damage and non rent payment...dunno - what will it cost to get out of a lease? myself I might have to say look - here is 2-3-4000 bt for getting your stuff out the door and you are going to have to hire a pick up and move it... but then you better be prepared to stay until he does... like on a weekend - or you might have your stuff gone...

    You have to look past the smile! If not, you will most likely get burned by this guy. shrimpythailand is right, YOU might lose all your possessions while you are out. Go about your business as usual and make your move. Don't put the blinders on again.

    Listen to my old friend here OP. We've been through this one before when our kids' place was under threat. The planning was hysterical mind.

    Mac66, As I stated before, you are not alone. My dear friend MJP is definitely the intelectual side of my problem solving. I'm a New Yorker from Woodside, Queens and the way things got done there was all about being stand up and the doing right thing. If someone got a broken leg in the process, he deserved it. Case closed, problem solved or another leg was broken. Eventually, someone was begging for forgivness. I hope you can guess that it wasn't the innocent party. Here in Thailand we all are out of our neighborhood. We are in their's! That doesn't mean we have to be victims. A little grease goes a long way here and patience is definitely a virtue. You have been dealing with this as-hole for 4 months, what's the rush. You have made the first step in resolving this conflict. Your options are numerous. It will be over very soon as long as you act on some of the recommendations given in this forum. Let your conscience be your guide. Things will be as they were before all this happened. The only thing you have to be concerned with is whether or not this <deleted> is stupid enough to keep it going. Cover your tracks and make it known you are not to be f-cked with. This may go against your grain but it has to be! Make it known you won't be a victim and the consequences for trying keep increasing. It must be that way! A big stick is what this type of person understands best! Overwhelming pain associated with dealng with you has to be the parent thought. Then it will be over. That goes for any culture. If you aren't the master of pain then you are one of it's subjects. Peace!

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  3. re CC non payment - visa came right to the work of a friend of my wife's - as she didn't answer any letters sent to negotiate payments that weren't being made - they garnashied her big 8000 bt a month salary for 4000 bt a month...also in all this meantime... if your buddy gets a whiff of being kicked out - you also might come home one day and find all your stuff cleared out if he can hook up a pick up truck...yes evicting him might be painful - but you can't move out and let him stay as then you are liable for any damage and non rent payment...dunno - what will it cost to get out of a lease? myself I might have to say look - here is 2-3-4000 bt for getting your stuff out the door and you are going to have to hire a pick up and move it... but then you better be prepared to stay until he does... like on a weekend - or you might have your stuff gone...

    You have to look past the smile! If not, you will most likely get burned by this guy. shrimpythailand is right, YOU might lose all your possessions while you are out. Go about your business as usual and make your move. Don't put the blinders on again.

    Listen to my old friend here OP. We've been through this one before when our kids' place was under threat. The planning was hysterical mind.

  4. re CC non payment - visa came right to the work of a friend of my wife's - as she didn't answer any letters sent to negotiate payments that weren't being made - they garnashied her big 8000 bt a month salary for 4000 bt a month...also in all this meantime... if your buddy gets a whiff of being kicked out - you also might come home one day and find all your stuff cleared out if he can hook up a pick up truck...yes evicting him might be painful - but you can't move out and let him stay as then you are liable for any damage and non rent payment...dunno - what will it cost to get out of a lease? myself I might have to say look - here is 2-3-4000 bt for getting your stuff out the door and you are going to have to hire a pick up and move it... but then you better be prepared to stay until he does... like on a weekend - or you might have your stuff gone...

    You have to look past the smile! If not, you will most likely get burned by this guy. shrimpythailand is right, YOU might lose all your possessions while you are out. Go about your business as usual and make your move. Don't put the blinders on again.

    • Like 1
  5. Gets some ghost noise recordings and pipe that into the building

    This is actually not a bad idea

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    It's a great idea. Me and the old New Yorker did this but using long exposure photography to put a ghost in the house to keep the wife and drunken boy friend out.

    Photos done, I bottled it when thinking the critical path all the way through to the moment the locals turn up with a bulldozer.

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    The ghost pics would have worked! My wife didn't want to look at the test photos. This is powerful stuff in Thaland. Anyone who bulldozed the place would have to accomodate the ghost. It wouldn't be difficult to plant that seed. We then could have done a exorcism when MJP returned and taken clean photos of the house. Atleast, this what the old New Yorker would have done. Superstition is not to be underestimated in Thailand!

  6. They are not LOSING 100 mill bht, only losing what they got for free in the first place.

    You pay for opening an account, virtually get no interest, pay for an atm card, pay to close an account, pay yearly fees for having your account.

    What do you get in return--NOWT. All they get is what I mentioned, plus OUR MONEY they keep and use to lend others at a rate of borrowing 10% + They have a nerve.

    How long have they been charging at a.t.m.? they should have quite a bit of revenue from it. Now they say they are going to lose money.. A JOKE April 1st early

    Where you come from ? you sure in your country the banks are free of charge ? in Italy and in all other countries from my experience banks are a pain. So before speak like many other how shit is this or that in Thailand check your home country and much more if you don't like what they do here why you are here ? why you not go back home and make this place free of people like you ? Too many users here only like to speak bad about Thailand but still always here, live here and spend money here so why speak ? Shut up is better or if you are a man go back home and live in your country.

    This comment is for everyone who usually speak bad about this and that but still live here. Is really annoying to read every time always the same shit from people who live here but usually speak bad about this place. There isn't a perfect country where to live so if you are here respect where you are and their rules or go back home.

    I had free ATM worldwide with US, TD Banknorth until March 8th. They even reimbursed my fees incurred in Thailand. It doesn't matter where you are in the world, Banking is a business and they will make a profit any way they can. The teaser rates and perks have a expiration date which is your responsibility to monitor. Nothing stays the same in banking or anything else for that matter so keep a watchful eye on everything you do in personal finance . Thailand is, from my experience, more than fair with their banking rates but you can always find a better deal by shopping around. In the World economy you have to maintain control over your involvement , regardless of where you may be. I believe this is a positive sign but for every positive there is a negative. Knowing that, gives you an advantage over everyone who is sitting on their hands waiting for the ax to fall or just complaining. Keep the positive, flush the negative.

  7. I have an "IDEA" that maybe others could contribute to or at least provide some constructive Criticism.

    First, determine the area of contention; and I mean professional surveyors, the full <deleted>.

    Secondly, We name this area "Friendship Park".

    Now we proceed to turn this area of violence into a tourist attraction where two cultures combine rather than conflict.

    Turn it into a corporation where both side have a 50-50 contribution and a 50-50 earning off what ever the region reaps.

    Declare if a free trade zone, so both cultures can flog their wares and food vendors can provide a variety of selections from both sides of the border.

    These are just preliminary ideas off the cuff, but imagine how it would appear on the international stage if two countries converted an area of dispute into an area of cooperation and cultural exchange?

    Maybe I'm idealistic, utopian, or just plain crazy, but it would be a unique resolution to a commonly re-occurring problem, and at least people would profit rather than die. :)

    Your idea make too much sense for anywhere in this crazy, corrupt and idiotic world. Keep dreaming!

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