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Posts posted by Adeeos

  1. 7 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    The report on Monday said this: "A regular in the Ruby Club who didn't want to be named told Thaivisa that Robb often acted in an aggressive manner and was known by some to be a trouble maker".


    How does that correlate with your claim of his only being here for a few hours?


    What about the initial report whereas some bar staff said the Aussie was a, "known troublemaker",,, ??

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  2. Sports drinks, such as Gatorade, etc,, or Pedialite, Ensure, (supliments for aged, and infants),,, etc, in bulk,, will help massively to re-hydrate,,, that, some Advil, Tylanol, etc, and back to bed,, Keep them in the fridge,, down some before heading to bed the night of the indescretion,,  and have some next to the bed for morning,, You'll be all ready to go again the following night if that's a concern,,, Also oxygen from some geezer's breathing tube helps,,, lolol.... 

  3. 40 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

    For all those blaming this incident not being reported, I would like to ask for your honesty.


    What would you do if you heard a domestic argument? This is obviously assuming that you can't differentiate between a domestic and a murder, which most people wouldn't be able to.


    In all the years I have been here, and all the arguing I have heard, I will be honest that I have never interfered and if I didn't actually see what was going on, I would have no intention of ever doing so. Same would apply in my home country. 


    Too many people like to think they would do what is probably morally correct in a situation until that situation happens and they end up doing nothing. Easier to blame everyone else for not doing something than being truthful with yourselves. 


    So the construction workers, being one floor under the screaming, pleading for help, didn't think to gather several together, and at the very minimum, stick their heads up stairs to see what the hell was going on?,,, I'm assuming she was screaming HELP, HELP ME in Thai,, and also assume those right below her, speak/understand Thai also?... to think that not ONE of them looked into it, or at the VERY LEAST called the police is SAD!.. So the guy murdered her,, screaming stopped, he walked away, and those below below didn't look into it until the next morning, and that's "OK" in your book?

  4. 1 hour ago, chrisinth said:


    Exactly what Adeeos was saying earlier in the thread; these are showpieces and not true functioning watches. I would have great difficulty even reading the time of most of them.


    I'm obviously in the wrong class here, I spent something like 16,000 baht (I think) on my working watch and I would hold that against any of the RM watches for performance. Day or night................:thumbsup:



    Luminox is a great watch,, As I said,, I have several higher end brands, but also have a vintage Seiko auto that I love as much,, 

  5. 1 minute ago, owl sees all said:

    I've just googled Richard Mille watches and I can honestly say they are watches that do nothing for me at all. The man himself (Richard Mille) justifies the high prices by saying they are technically unique.


    Perhaps this is an example of what is wrong with the world.

    This was my point I was trying to make earlier,,, Yes, LOTS of technical innovation in them,, etc,, but virtually useless as a time piece, nearly impossible to read,, they are a status piece,, As I also said,, he could'a pulled off a solid gold Rolex,, but they aren't "enough" for him,,, lolol

  6. Too many on here seem to not understand the topic,,, It's not to decide wether smoking is bad for you, or smokers against non-smokers,, the point is that 1, the government is claiming they are "trying" to eliminate the litter on the beaches and the ocean, while completely ignoring the raw sewage being pumped into the waters very near where people/business are, The plastic bags, bottles, diapers, etc, etc, etc,, As if discarded cig butts are the issue, and banning smoking on the beaches will solve the litter issue,, 2, the fine/penalties suggested are ABSOLUTELY INSANE considering it's so commonly reported that fines for threatening someone with a huge knife or club over a minor traffic offense, (by a Thai), is usually handled by issuing a $500Baht fine, and a Wai,, or even less,,, And 3,, The FACT that these INSANE fines/penalties will NEVER be issued to a THAI PERSON,, PERIOD!,, Never happen, it's a "Farlang only" offense, and just another way for the local cops to cheat, extort, and harass the very people that come here to spend their vacations,, And attempt to place blame on ANYONE OTHER than Thai's,, PERIOD,,, NEVER accept that they are just as much to blame, if not more,,, It's just another, in a long line of completely STUPID knee-jerk reactions by the higher-ups, to appear as if they're doing something for the, "good" of the people/country,,,, Pleeeeease,,, I decided long ago, after reading similar law, rules, etc they've proposed,, that Thailand seems to have no grip on the concept of a, "PR" Public relations" dept,, as in,, "I have an idea, let's put it to PR, and get some other opinions on it BEFORE I just announce it, and make it law, Just so we don't look like COMPLETE idiots",,, No, the idiots coming up with this crap, ALWAYS assume they are the, "smartest person in the room" and NO one besides them has any better idea/opinion, or COMMON SENSE!,,,, Lolololololol

  7. Depending on the level of it's flooding,, as in,, over the motor?,,, etc,,  or inside flooded carpets?... I ask because it's maybe been totaled because of high labor, (BMW type labor costs), in addition to parts,, If the water was say, mid door,, it's not really an issue to flush all engine, trans fluids,, and refill,,, Carpets will have to COMPLETELY come out,, you'll NEVER get it dried otherwise,,same with the seats, etc,, My point is,, if you can determine the amount of damage,, it may be possible for you to let them total it,, then you might have the option to buy the car back from them as a salvage vehicle,, (much cheaper than a similar vehicle with a clean title),,, Then hire a decent generic shop, OTHER than BMW certified, at a cheaper labor rate,, to do the replacement work,,, such as flush as I mentioned,, remove, and either dry the carpets by laying in the sun a few days,,, seats, or replace them with other wrecked parts,, It can be done here in the USA like that,, Salvage title will affect the value on resale,, but if you intend to keep it, continue to drive it,, who cares? you'll know exactly what you have,,  It might be an option for you,, and help to lessen the $$ loss to you, if you let it go to the ins company,, If, "repaired" correctly,, you really shouldn't have any issues,,, As far as any flooded electrical parts,, should be easy enough to turn the key on, NOT running, and check things like power seats,, etc,,, Just a thought to look at,, 


  8. 15 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

    Anyone know what exactly constitutes "the beach"? Is it sandy areas only; does it include sidewalk; the street next to beach?

    I'm quite sure that'll be up to the, "butt police" or similar,, or the, "beach police" when they aren't assisting the jet sea scammers in fleecing tourists... 

  9. Product called,, "heat",, IF you can find it,, (it's meant for cold climates),,, use like 3-4 bottles,,,  if not,, gallon or so of isopropyl alcohol,,, (paint supply/hardware store)  it'll mix the water and fuel,, burn it,, run it down to 1/2 tank,, fill it with good fuel,,, it'll clear it out,,, Either one will not harm anything,,, 

  10. Just now, tryasimight said:

    O.01 is well under the legal limit...you had nothing to worry about


    Exactly,, but thinking back after the fact,, once they had my 10,000baht,, And I kept insisting on blowing,, they were trying to make it clear to me,, that they already had a result for me,,, and that if I pressed it,, they WOULD be able to produce a receipt from an official machine,, showing "I blew" whatever they wanted me to blow,,, .05+

  11. 2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

     Fair enough... if you are 100% sure that you were about to be 'fit up'...


    I too have been stopped by the BiB in Bangkok (as a passenger in a Taxi), they were riding pillion down a quite soi, saw me in the back of the Taxi and requested the taxi to pull over where they request my Passport. I recognized the money scam for precisely what it was. 


    Thus, if you have lived here for a decent amount of time, have a healthy balanced opinion and do not carry too much paranoia against the Police (in this case) then its safe to assume that your experience can recognizes something for what it is....  Its would seem to be one of those unbelievable events - the sort of unbelievable event which occurs more often than we believe it could !!!


    Perhaps the only 'get out' in this situation is to have reliable and connected friends who can deal with these situations at the time... 


    A good Thai friend told me sometime later, after my illegal stop,,  the BEST thing/things you can carry in a wallet in BKK, are a biz card of a higher up cop, and a biz card of a well known good lawyer in BKK,, Unless you're really screwing up,, he said those 2 items will get you out of most any BS stop and rob by the BIB.... lol

  12. 2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Question: Are you actually that certain it was definitely a calculator with a plastic tube taped to it ?


    Perhaps you refused to blow into what you 'thought' was a calculator with a plastic tube taped to it...

    Which ever way the law looks at it, you refused a Breathalyzer test and were considered guilty by the BiB on scene. 


    The BiB then wrongly refused you your rights to take the test at the station, I'd agree that by this stage they were only interested in extorting $$$.


    Question: Can you recognize a Lieutenant or above by his uniform in the RTP ? 


    I find it extremely difficult, especially at a check point with no lighting and especially as there is usually a handful of guys one usually sat down out of the way, so unless I were to check each single Police Officer I could never be certain if there were a senior officer present or not. 



     Ya, it was NOT a roadside wand, etc,, the tube was held on with a piece of silver duct tape or such,, I stated in another post,, I've been stopped before, at a legally set up, drunk driving stop prior,, so I knew when there were no barracades, lights, desk/table, normal "grunts" yanking people off the road,, it was NOT a legal stop,, So I wanted to blow at the station,, assuming they'd just give up if I made them deal with me and not get the results they wanted at the station,, 

  13. 1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:

    And this seems like the Oldest BS to avoid giving a breathalyzer sample. 


    The first machine offered the 'Wand' does not require any contact, it simply measures the alcohol levels in the 'ambient' breath. 

    The idea that the mouthpiece has been reused by numerous people without being sanitized is simply paranoid conjecture with no basis in fact, the 'punching a series of buttons' idea is equally paranoid...


    I am no fan of the BiB in Thailand, but I find many of these comments way off balance. 


    Ultimately the question which needs to be answered: Has anyone given a Positive Breathalyzer result and been charged when they have not had one single alcoholic drink ?


     Read my post #12,,, Their result, from the "official" machine in the station,, showed that, "I" blew a .01,,, I NEVER blew,, someone else did,, They knew 10,000Baht was a "safe" bet, other than sending me to court with someone else's results,, Why run the risk of THEM getting caught in their scam, when they already had a sure 10,000,,, Biz as usual,,, I've blown at a roadside stop before,, an official, legal one, had my girl with me also,, I had NO problem blowing for them as I had not had a drink at all,, and they showed me the device, zero'd it, My girl mentioned to them to change the mouthpiece as it appeard used,, they had to look for a fresh one,,, So on that occasion,, I had zero problem complying with them,, Is EXACTLY why I knew enough to refuse to blow in the stop I related in post #12 a FAKE roadside device,,, 

  14. 3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Adeeos in post #12 refused to take the test even though he had not had a drink.

    Because of his refusal to take the test he was guilty of DUI. His friend paid 10,000 Baht to get him out. 

    He then insisted on taking the Breathalyzer test in an attempt to get the 10,000 baht back. Too late, he'd already paid his fine... I'm sure he felt his rights were violated, Ultimately he had it coming after giving up his rights when breaking the law and refusing to offer a breathalyzer sample. 


    20/20 hindsight is lovely, but in this case I'm sure a simple breathalyzer sample would have seen him on his way in mere seconds instead of a self-created drama and a shuyte load of hassle for his friends and GF. 

     No,, I refused to blow into a calculator with a plastic tube taped to it,, I INSISTED on blowing at the station, in a at least REAL breathalizer machine,, they weren't interested in enforcing drunk driving laws, ONLY extorting $$$, with and illegal road block, (no proper lights, no senior officer on scene, etc), improper/fake field testing device, and NOT getting a positive result from the actual machine in the station,,, 

  15. 2 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

    Claiming to be asthmatic and unable to blow into a breathalyser is one of the oldest BS claims alcoholics use.If you can't blow into the machine you are either dead or a liar.

    BS,, he WANTED them to blood test, Blowing into a POS machine, with most likely a used mouthpiece from possibly NUMEROUS other people, and punching a series of buttons to show a result,, is THE oldest BS the BIB use to EXTORT funds... 

  16. 7 minutes ago, exemplary21 said:


    Of  course they did...


    ...he was using a cell phone...

    I kept my cell phone, and cigs while being held,, is how I called my girlfriend, and a buddy to come get me,,, Everyone else in the cell had them also,,,,

  17. 15 minutes ago, wump said:

    What kind of reasoning is this? I have to accept all the bad and can't voice my opinion? You think it's cool people get charged with crimes they didn't commit? Your smart comments will stop once you innocently piss-test positive and have the choice between 1 month in jail or 200,000 in cash.


    Doubtful,,, as keyboard, "warriors" such as this RARELY leave the safety of home, or instant access to their computer just in case, "Someone is wrong on the internet"... They send the wife out for all necessary supplies,, 555

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