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  1. Yes, and when you find it, can you post on here where it is so we will all know where it is.
  2. Advances in technology, and medical treatments. Also, generous welfare systems. 50 years ago, if you didn't work you would starve to death. Now, the government pays you to be unproductive, and who picks up the bill, not the rich, it's the middle class who work hard and struggle to pay the bills.
  3. Most millionaires pay no tax. They hide behind trusts, companies etc, etc. All legal, but at the end of the day, and many other countries are the same, the wealthy do not pay their fair share.
  4. Thailand heading in the same direction, for foreigners and Thai's.
  5. Some people pay good money for that service in a public toilet. Sounds like they knew their target, and already knew he was an overstay. The ex will sell the bar and pocket the cash. Then go back working in a bar again, looking for the next victim.
  6. Yes, but it is an officially pardoned reason for overstaying, with proof, of course.
  7. I'd rather encounter a foreign over stayer than a drunk expat on the road. Funny how the over stayer is arrested, detained, and deported, yet the foreign drunk driver, even after an accident, just gets fined. One is way more dangerous to the community than the other.
  8. In hospital receiving medical treatment.
  9. In that case, he'll "fit" right in.
  10. I accept your position. I only put forward my opinion. I am not saying I am right, and others are wrong. Time will tell.
  11. Simple, because we have no rights here. I've said it before. When the Thai government says to foreigners "Jump." Foreigners ask "How high?" That 12 month visa / extension is basically just a 12 month tourist visa. If you don't want to pay 1 baht tax, what do you do when they want 300 baht for a Certificate of Residence? You pay, just like every other foreigner pays. The Certificate of Clearance could end up being the same. Now, if they really go hard at this, it's 6 months Thailand and 6 months Vietnam for me, and Thailand will get zero tax from me. I really don't care what happens. I have no emotional, and very little financial ties here.
  12. I've put forward a few scenarios since news of this policy broke. The one I think the most likely is just pay a nominal amount of money for a certificate of clearance that will be needed for the extension. 500 baht, 1000 baht, whatever. The one I think the least likely is nothing will happen, it will all go away. Nothing wrong with discussing all scenarios, but time will tell how this unfolds this year, and evolves over the next few years. .
  13. No. I was told such discussion could cause undue stress to some elderly folk. Yes, elderly folk who are surrounded by prostitutes, cannabis, alcohol, rock n roll, and corruption, will be stressed by some forum chat about whether a certificate of clearance MAY be needed in the future for their extension.
  14. How so? In my opinion, members sprouting "just do nothing, it will never happen" is more dangerous than giving consideration the what moves the Thai government might make. There's no news on Thaksin's future, nor the next Thai lottery winning numbers, the weather, whatever, so what? Question: If I started a thread titled "Will they raise the 800k to 1 million baht?" Is that scaremongering. or just a discussion exploring how it's been 800k for decades, yet the value of that 800k has diminished, so it's probably due for a rise? What evidence do you have about any of this tax policy? Zero. We are all speculating what MAY happen and in my opinion there's nothing wrong giving some consideration to collection and enforcement.

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