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Posts posted by condobrit001

  1. I congratulate Khun Chuwit on ridding Sukhumvit Road of this sleazy area of run down beer bars and prostitute pick up dens. It has got rid of the many drunken perverts who used to frequent the area, and given us a restful quiet park to stroll, or sit and read the paper each day.

    I gather Khun Chuwit has provided this park on his land and at his expense. He is to be thanked.

    If you could take your tongue out of 'Khun Chuwit's' botty for a while, maybe you would like to be made aware in your seemingly staggering ignorance that 'Khun Chuwit' is responsible for far more 'sleazy areas' and 'drunken perverts' in the city than Soi 10 ever was....anyway. Lesson over, enjoy your Daily Mail in the park.

    I bow to your superior knowlege of the disgusting brothel bars in our city. At least you still have plenty of choice to persue your predilictions. Actually I prefer The Gaurdian for my news.

  2. I congratulate Khun Chuwit on ridding Sukhumvit Road of this sleazy area of run down beer bars and prostitute pick up dens. It has got rid of the many drunken perverts who used to frequent the area, and given us a restful quiet park to stroll, or sit and read the paper each day.

    I gather Khun Chuwit has provided this park on his land and at his expense. He is to be thanked.

    Id like to be known as Mr Drunken Pervert to you , please address me in the proper manner.wai2.gif

    I'm sorry to offend you Khun D Pervert. Where do you get your daily ration of beer and booty now?

  3. This is great news! Now perhaps the drunken louts will return to taking their holidays in Spain, and the alcoholic old perverts will have to eek out their pensions in Wetherspoons!

    As an alcoholic old pervert, what is "Wetherspoons." Should I be going there?

    Yes, Wetherspoons are low cost pubs normally found in UK high streets - near to where pensioners or those on social security collect their money each week. I think there also some in Spain now.

    Like the Knights Templar next to the Law Courts where the pensioner judges and QC's hang out you mean?

    YES! You have got it - they all go to Wetherspoons to distribute their stipends - and whatever else they need to share with the poor people of London, who will soon be strengthened by those poor souls returning from Thailand in need of a drink.

  4. This is great news! Now perhaps the drunken louts will return to taking their holidays in Spain, and the alcoholic old perverts will have to eek out their pensions in Wetherspoons!

    As an alcoholic old pervert, what is "Wetherspoons." Should I be going there?

    Yes, Wetherspoons are low cost pubs normally found in UK high streets - near to where pensioners or those on social security collect their money each week. I think there also some in Spain now.

    More than just a bar! They have parking for your mobility scooter, a rack for your crutches and ramps for your wheelchair! You can't find this level of service in Bangkok.

  5. This is great news! Now perhaps the drunken louts will return to taking their holidays in Spain, and the alcoholic old perverts will have to eek out their pensions in Wetherspoons!

    Who are these drunken students you are rambling about and why should Thai students go to Spain and Wetherspoons (wherever that is)??? Are there large Thai colonies there?

    It's a cultural thing - never mind.

  6. This is great news! Now perhaps the drunken louts will return to taking their holidays in Spain, and the alcoholic old perverts will have to eek out their pensions in Wetherspoons!

    As an alcoholic old pervert, what is "Wetherspoons." Should I be going there?

    Yes, Wetherspoons are low cost pubs normally found in UK high streets - near to where pensioners or those on social security collect their money each week. I think there also some in Spain now.

  7. British tourists will be happy, it'll be 55 baht to the £ again

    I'd be even happier if it ever got back to the 70's and 80 would be just great, but I can't see it happening so shut your mouth MB1 and stop dreaming....gigglem.gifgigglem.gif

    Ah, those were the days! smile.png

    In 2004 a singha was around 25 to 30 baht at Sailor Bar on Soi 8 Pattaya and the UK pound was at a high at the time depending where you changed your money, bar fine was around 100 to 150 baht depending on bar, short time was around 300 and long time was 500 to a thousand, depending on quality of girl and attitude, if handsum man then sometimes maybe a freebie....

    I only know about this because a good freind Iv'e known all my life, Lets just call him Pecker told me so....

    Aaaaah the good old days hey, pull up a sandbag and tell them a story...facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

    Dear me! The beer swilling procurers of prostitutes have spoken! Eleven years of drunken debourchery should be enough! Try another country.

  8. Given the fact that no cars or motorbikes are ever checked for roadworthiness, functioning brakes, lights, etc. except the superficial pat down when a vehicle is sold and bought, it is an absolute miracle that there aren't several thousand road deaths per day in Thailand. I also believe a lot of drivers are half blind and actually would need glasses or contacts, bit eyesight is check - if - then only when a driving license is made or renewed. A million factors make up this explosive road mayhem cocktail of Thailand... where to start???

    That's the flipside to having a high amount of freedom and little regulation that attract so many farang to Thailand. Yet those same people endlessly complain about the deficiencies of a developing country barely emerging from 3rd world status.

    Wrong! I went to renew the registration on my 'bike last week and was told that as it was 5 years old I needed to take it to a test center for a roadworthy certificate. Another example of TV members assuming they are all knowing!

  9. I speak for myself and other farang friends who do not understand the Thai lottery / lotteries . I think that all of the problems of ticket pricing could be solved at a

    stroke if they change the system and adopted the European / UK system where the buyer selects their own number or takes a lucky dip and the draw is

    televised for all to see at a regular tv slot time . The UK / European system allows the buyer to buy on line or can be purchased at a 7/11 type shop via a


    ticket machine . The system is simple , secure and reliable with corruption almost impossible ( but what would happen to the charitable profits is for debate )

    Surely the powers that be must realise that there are alternatives to this antiquated method.

    I am often intrigued at the powers here who I am sure must be aware of the western worlds level of expertise in many fields that has been

    gained through experience and development , yet are not concerned to catch up with modern trends but seem to be staid and content to remain at their at

    their non progressive ways .

    You certainly don't speak for me and my other farang friends. The Thai lottery system is easy to understand, and drawings are televised twice a month on Thai TV. Full results are also posted in the Bangkok Post the day after each drawing. What's not to understand?

    If Thailand adopted the UK/US lottery systems there would be serious economic repercussions for the thousands of street level ticket vendors who rely on commission as their only income source. Yes, get rid of the wholesalers who control vast blocks of ticket and push up prices, and make sure that the street vendors can buy their tickets at a low enough price to maintain the 80 Baht sticker price and make a living for themselves.

  10. Steer clear of "Thaisatellitetv", ran by a guy called Alan in Patayya. Their "Bestbox" STB is buggy - freezes regularly, drops channels (no cricket from India any more) No support from the vendor who sells these chinese boxes and subscriptions at twich the price you can get from the manufacturer direct. I have a fast 55Mbit connection, but reception is still crap.

  11. Thai law resticts or bans many things - the problem is of course selective enforcement. You can walk down Sukhumvit Road any day and purchase pornography, prescription drugs (mostly fake), knives, tazers, and a plethora of counterfeit goods - all of wich are illegal, and all of which the police turn a blind eye to. Yet, dare to accidentaly drop a cigaret but on the already filthy sidewalk and you will immediately be fined 2,000 Baht on the spot!

    Moral - those who can afford to be fined will be fined, other are time wasters and are no use to police coffers.

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