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Posts posted by condobrit001

  1. Have you actually placed a bet in your life? For ever 1 dollar pledged, you will make it 5. It will not be a 5x increase, but a 4x net increase in your wealth..... You are free to bet if you really support trump. Let me even get the link for you.


    Wrong again. See my post above. Odds of 1 to 5 are "odds-on" bets. You need to bet $5 to win $1 (plus your stake back). So your wealth will only increase by 20% (less applicable taxes) not 4x or 400% as you say. Have you ever placed a bet???

  2. I don't know what show you are watching but as each day goes by Trump looks sillier and sillier and to think I thought he had already reached the epitome of that position weeks ago.

    He may look sillier to you, but his poll numbers keep going up.

    And Hillary's campaign is a train wreck. Look at upcoming Nevada. She's barely tied with that wimp Sanders now.

    I still can't believe that out of 330 million people, that bale of hay Hillary is the Dem party's choice to run for POTUS. What a loser.

    If Hillary manages to hang on and get the nomination, Trump is going to run over her like a bulldozer in November.


    Put your money where your mouth is, or you will look like a BS-er.

    Currently betting sites offer 1 to 5 odds for a trump victory. Sell your house sell your car sell all your positions and bet on trump, you will be 5x richer if he takes office.

    If you believe he will be the republican nominee, repeat the steps above, you will be 2x richer!

    Gambling lesson required here. If the odds of a Trump win are 1 to 5 as you say, this is an "odds-on" bet. You need to bet $5 to win $1.

    So your wealth will only increase by 20% and not 500% as you assert!

  3. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed?.

    The picture in the main link is this guy being detained in broad daylight. Yet the other picture is obviously nighttime.

    When they say early hours - how early?.

    Maybe they just keep file photo's of crazy westerners being restrained. facepalm.gif

    The picture is clearly indoors, where they have things called "lights" to make it look like outdoors during the day or night.

  4. The OP is seriously jealous of those who have a lifestyle he cannot afford.

    Oops! I'm out of champaigne - better get the Ferrari fired up and go to the shops.

    Maybe you could use some of your wealth to take spelling lessons ?

    Apologies for the spelling old chap, but I normally get my personal private secretary to take care of my mail. I will see that she is severely reprimanded.

  5. Yes hope they get all the money back.

    But you never know,

    There could be a reduced amount ( face saving exercise ) at the last minute.

    TIT. ohmy.png

    Bail money is normally paid back in full BY CHEQUE!

    Have fun cashing a Thai check if you don't have a Thai bank account.

    I'm sure these elderly expats will all have Thai bank accs.

    An anyway more than likely will be one cheque for the full amount. Prob made out to Barry Kenyon.

    They could arrange a bridge tournament - winner takes all??

  6. Does anyone know or had experience in arranging a Christian funeral and cremation in Bangkok?

    I know that there are many temples which will gladly arrange a Buddhist ceremony and cremation for non-Buddhists, but is it possible to arrange a Christian service followed by cremation in Bangkok?

  7. I have lived in Thailand for 20 years and personally know 3 people (friends and coworkers and all in Bangkok) in that time that got Dengue. No one died but it knocks them out of work for a couple weeks and took them about a month to get back to normal. If they get it again they will get the more serious form of the disease.

    Well, yes and no. There are five strains of the dengue virus, and infection with one of these strains will provide on-going immunity from that strain, but not the other four. The odds of dying from a second occurrence by one of the other four strains is no greater than for the initial infection, unless of course your immune system has been compromised.

  8. Perform a remote reset for your phone which will take effect next time the phone is switched on.

    Buy new phone and restore data and apps from the backup you should have been making regularly on your PC.

    Buy a case with a tether for the new phone and attach to your belt or carry round your neck.

    Be more careful in future, and don't be too quick to jump to the conclusion that the taxi driver kept it. I'm sure most taxi drivers don't bother to check or even clean the back seats of their cabs daily. Probably the next passenger has it.

  9. nothing but a <deleted>>--g disgrace,and who is going to make money? YES YOU GOT and where is the money goner come from? RIGHT AGAIN.

    Will you kindly translate this post to English, Google does not have a redneck translator.

    What are you talking about?

    not knowing your nationality this is the best i can doooooooooooooo, LAWYERSbiggrin.png​ TAX PAYERSangry.png .

    You will find a clue to my nationality in my name!!

  10. Supermarket "gift baskets" have always provided a means for shops to get rid of slow moving or near expiry goods at the end of each year. Additionally, since they banned the inclusion of alchol they have been even less attractive to both buyers and receivers.

    If you want to give your staff or employees a basket containing stale biscuits, sugarry fruit juices, canned soup, soap, and washing powder it is a good way to get them looking for a new job!

  11. Latest from Andy Hall is that the defence's case will be heard by Region 8 Appeals court (Surat Thani) and the outcome likely from October 2016. Koh Samui is in the Surat Thani province, and I have little doubt that they would agree with the verdict made by their legal colleagues.

    In which case, the defence will present it to the Supreme court - and by then we could be looking at late 2017 for the outcome. By then, war in Syria would have taken precedence.

    Maybe time to close the thread until then? All this misguided armchair speculation might be titillating for some, but is distasteful and doesn't help anyone.

    And close TVF down as well as most postings are speculation intermingled with a lot of none-sense and a fair percentage distasteful.....

    Agreed, too many bar stool barristers.

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