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Posts posted by Chupup

  1. I didn't say Buy His Way Through did I?

    There are ways and there are ways,

    most cost money, like serious tutoring at exam time,

    but don't involve bribing the teachers or dean.

    Endowments of huge amounts sometimes... Like a new school for a subject

    do help turn a D into a C, or 'encourage' the professor 'putting in extra time to help a student'...

    And most certainly Oxford flunks out students every year for non-performance.

    Again not as easily to skid through compared to 'can't let the family lose face' Thailand.

    Let's consider young Oak at Oxford, for instance... well, let's not waste of time.

    1.Oxford flunks out one of the lowest proportions in the world because entry standards are so stiff.In essence if you get in and don't freak out, you will graduate.

    2.Daddy's endowments make no difference to entry or pass grades.It's Oxford not a crappy third rate place

    3.College tutors provide intensive support, and don't need to be bribed.

    Hear Hear

  2. As a tax-protester and non-producer-for-others in the USA, I adopted a lifestyle that was frugal by comparison to all but the poorest Thai before I arrived in Bangkok. So....


    Because I don't want to ever again be in a position where I'm forced to give my time and my life to freeloaders as are now many of my countrymen and will be their children and grandchildren and I desire to live within my means and in proportion to my perception of my value to society. I was a minor 'Atlas' and one that managed successfully to 'shrug'.

    Just sound like a Keanyao to me ( cheap charlie )

  3. Unless your lieing to your embassy its a non issue ??

    All thats happening here is they want to see that what you claim is reality.. If no ones telling porkies then I see no issue.

    Apparently, once again, people from Immigrations have been reading ThaiVisa message boards to find out which loopholes are being exploited. Many times when someone has posed a question on this board about proof of income or meeting the minimums, someone has responded that if you're an American (or someone else whose embassy uses sworn statements) that you can just say anything you want.

    Same was true back when people were shifting bank balances around and Immigrations then decided to require money to be in your account for several months. The geniuses posting on TV would brag about how clever they were and that loophole was closed.

    Anyway, as someone else said, the financial requirements remain the same, but because of a few dishonest people we will all have to provide more documentation that we meet those requirements.

    I don't see the relevance of the comparison of a supposed average Thai salary of Baht 8000 to the Baht 65,000 requirement for retired farang. It may hurt your feelings to face the fact that Thailand is not providing a refugee camp for impoverished farang. We're welcomed here if we are going to spend money to boost the economy. Very sensible. Not sure what other countries are laying out a big welcome for foreign welfare cases.

    The UK is No.1. in this respect, immigrants, after arriving get ... free housing, free healthcare, and a fortnightly social security payment, and officials are under instructions not do bother them in order to prevent the accusation of being a racist.

    Not to mention kicking their own pensioners in the balls by stopping aproximatly one third of their state pension ( that they paid into by deductions from wages ) if they live in Thailand :realangry:

  4. Illegal sales of timeshares happens in many places with different tactics, phone calls,mail,email usually with big promises. many of you guys here make your selves look like fools with the on going complaints and whining about Thailand. Maybe the announcement to look into this problem didn't meet your high standards but it is a start.So give it a break on the constant complaining.

    I have to make the assumption if you didn't have anything to complain about you wouldn't have anything else

    And your point is ??:rolleyes:

  5. It shows just what is thought of this "meeting "when the people representing theTuk Tuks and Jet Skis don't even bother to turn up, as for the sewage in the sea, does it really matter whether its legal or not, Its still there floating causing a health hazard :bah: but as many posters have pointed out with these meetings, its all been said before and will be again and Still nothing will be done, such a shame as Puket used to be a really nice place

  6. No..you see that's where you all 'misunderstand' what Mr Anakewongsawad was saying...It was a 'legal' illegal discharge into the sea....There's a difference you see!

    "Karon Municipality chief administrator Weerasak Anakewongsawad told the hearing that the discharge in Kata, near the Kata Beach Resort, was not the result of illegal discharge by hotels, as alleged in the German documentary.

    Rather, it was the result of a lengthy power cut at a nearby sewage treatment substation that left operators no choice but to release the untreated water into the sea."

    So it was an illegal discharge by the sewage treatment plant operators - oh well, that's alright then!

    So because the discharge was legal illegal did that make the sh-t ok to swim in :cheesy:

  7. Well, it's seems the "power of documentary" (rather, the fear of being exposed en masse), is what it takes to get the folks who are in charge down there to take corrective action.

    Maybe, but it is, as ever, actually the power of money (or loss of it) that is working here. The free market will fix everything if it is allowed to do so unhindered by government but with property rights (including personal) protected. And despite the common misconception, especially among deluded and brain washed farangs, you do not need democracy or government to achieve this.

    Despite all the scams and corruption here in Phuket it is still a great place to live and I would rather live here than any of the so called "free" countries of the west where you are anything but free and corruption is much much worse, it is just higher up, more subtle and involves a great deal more stolen money and power.

    I also prefer the anarchy on the roads here to big brother back in the UK.

    So please could the Thai Visa resident Phuket knockers and haters take a day off today from posting your juvenile and boring "I hate Phuket, why does anyone go/live there?" posts.

    A real beliver, just ignore it and it will go away :whistling::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: :jerk:

  8. I remember when Puket was a really nice island and i loved to go there, oh how things change, my last visit was three years ago on a family holiday and i have vowed never to return, friends ask me why and i give them the full S P which inclueds all the usual suspects :- Tuk tuk, jetski ect, needless to say most do not bother with Puket or Thailand when its time for a holiday !!! and to be honest WHO can blame them ??

  9. They are not LOSING 100 mill bht, only losing what they got for free in the first place.

    You pay for opening an account, virtually get no interest, pay for an atm card, pay to close an account, pay yearly fees for having your account.

    What do you get in return--NOWT. All they get is what I mentioned, plus OUR MONEY they keep and use to lend others at a rate of borrowing 10% + They have a nerve.

    How long have they been charging at a.t.m.? they should have quite a bit of revenue from it. Now they say they are going to lose money.. A JOKE April 1st early

    Where you come from ? you sure in your country the banks are free of charge ? in Italy and in all other countries from my experience banks are a pain. So before speak like many other how shit is this or that in Thailand check your home country and much more if you don't like what they do here why you are here ? why you not go back home and make this place free of people like you ? Too many users here only like to speak bad about Thailand but still always here, live here and spend money here so why speak ? Shut up is better or if you are a man go back home and live in your country.

    This comment is for everyone who usually speak bad about this and that but still live here. Is really annoying to read every time always the same shit from people who live here but usually speak bad about this place. There isn't a perfect country where to live so if you are here respect where you are and their rules or go back home.

    Well if you get annoyed reading this & that from others who live here & add to the forum, the answer is SIMPLE just stay of :whistling:

  10. Get with the programme!

    All countries with the possible exception of Nepal, Bhutan etc have a very eclectic mix of visitors.

    The PM did not say exclude budget tourism.

    The objective is to focus resources on higher end tourism which in turn supports ancillary and auxiliary services and there is NOTHING wrong with that.

    Arguably the budget end can take care of itself and when all is said and done an NTO is simply a facilitator.

    If you want to see the wealth spread... how about getting on to the TAT to develop better quality regional information... discuss :rolleyes:

    Tiffer.if the p m did not exclude budget tourists why the quote " watch my lips, no more cheap charlies ", get with the program

  11. I guess it all depends what "quality tourists" are. I do not think that low budget is low quality. I generally think that "low quality" tourist would be those of low morals, low respect and low humanity. These simply erode away at the thai culture, demeaning the locals and not contributing anything more that dirty money to thailand. 5 stars billionaires are not likely to enrich the thai culture either, lazing in poolside lounge chairs. You'd think that Back Packers, familiies and the budget consious traveller would be a good target for Thailand.

    The issue is that Thailand fails as a quality destination. Public tranportation is horrific and at times dangerous. There are pockets of quality, but one has to wade through vast cesspools to get to them. Service is poor in most places save the 5 star resorts. Finally the overall reception of tourists here is not one of mutual benefit (aka quality) but extortion (take any money you can get an run, dam_n the consequences or long term effects).

    Steps to the PM's goal:

    • target quality tourists (meaning those who seek good value, and are repectful to the locals)
    • offer a quality experience.
    • clean up the beaches, and transportation
    • treat tourist with respect that they choose to spend thier hard earned holiday budgets in Thailand rather than walking wallets processed though an turnstyle.

    Couldn't have put it better myself

  12. If I assume the PM is more western than Thai, since he was born and educated in the west, it follows that his outlook and thought process are more western. Now, since he is not your average Thai, he is expressing a more focussed aspiration for his country. I can bet there is NOT ONE leader in the West who would be happy with a certain type of tourists that seem to flock to Thailand in droves. Similarly, the PM is aware of a longer term image problem if the entrenched view is that Thailand is a low cost sex tourist destination. So what is wrong with trying to clean up the industry? The success or failure of his stated aspiration is unknown, but as I said can't blame him for stating an aspiration.

    Also, the PM is able to recognise white trash when he sees/smells/hears it...unlike the average Thai who may think all farangs are rich and well-educated. So which leader wouldn't want to minimise white trash from arriving and worse still, setlling here and breeding?


    So when are YOU leaving

  13. Wasn't this tried before under Thaksin with the whole platinum card or whatever it was that gave people free gold course access and free visas?

    Sure was, a load of bol'cks then and the same now, is the PM saying ( L O Scams ) wants bigger wallets to plunder, ??? if the averageJoe has stopped coming what chance QUALITY punters , who advises this guy ??

  14. Who will all the vendors have to pay to make the Sky Walk as hard to traverse as the sidewalks lined with food vendors?

    Bib, bib, your in my way, bib, bib your in......? :whistling:


    We joke but there is no reason for this if they simply cleared the sidewalks of vendors but understandably they don't want to put these people out of business. Yet, if you take away the majority of their potential clients you will do this. So, they will have to move upstairs and then pedestrians will go back downstairs meaning that other vendors will come causing both places to not be for walking but shopping and selling I guess having two places that are difficult to walk is better than one.

    Wow nisa, that's really clever thinking :rolleyes:

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