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Posts posted by chooka

  1. since when does Thailand decide which countries like them or not?

    Since Uncle Too siezed power and enacted article 44 and threatened to execute anyone who didn't say nice things about him and his country.

    Would you like to provide the link which quotes the words you claim he said please?

    Or, alternatively feel free to admit you made it up.

    yea I made it up. He didn't stage a coup and sieze the country, he didn't enact article 44 and he didn't threaten to shoot journalist who didn't say nice thing about him. This whole coup and aftermath have just been a very bad nightmare.
  2. A well known Hotel,but not to us,as,is usual in cases like this

    the hotels do not like their names been published,in the fear

    it effects business, and turns out her husband not boyfriend,

    body was found at 6am half hour later they called police!

    regards Worgeordie

    couldn't have found the body at 6 a.m because as the article says they argued between 9 a.m and 10 a.m when the husband went to bed.

    "Brown told police that he quarreled with his wife between 9 pm to 10 pm . . ."

    post 3, 2nd last paragraph said a.m and not p.m someone has altered the story since I posted and before you got here.
  3. A well known Hotel,but not to us,as,is usual in cases like this

    the hotels do not like their names been published,in the fear

    it effects business, and turns out her husband not boyfriend,

    body was found at 6am half hour later they called police!

    regards Worgeordie

    couldn't have found the body at 6 a.m because as the article says they argued between 9 a.m and 10 a.m when the husband went to bed.
  4. Pathetic really,..like the nerd saying those chicks like me ...standing alone at the prom.

    Australia still bans the military from even travel to its shore ( Thai government)

    It's like having a date where she turns up to eat ( trade deals ) and you don't get anything and are not allowed to drive her home , and even claim it happened.

    It's most embarrassing .

    The Thai leader went near Tony Abbott to talk and Abbott immediately ignored him and spoke to the Japanese leader.

    The Swiss leader shunned him.

    This idea the world is friends mistakes the diplomatic cycle with something deeper..

    Perhaps when sanctions bite and stronger language is applied the emotional maturity of the Thai government will improve and it can face the reality it's unappealing to all and sundry and only being used for what it can offer.

    Which increasingly isn't much.

    Wow, if this current circus is embarrassing for you I hate to think how you felt about the previous government freak show and the message they sent the world - leader in "self imposed exile", blockading of the capital city, destroying government and privately owned infrastructure, terrorists in the employ of the leader attacking the army etc etc etc.

    Cannot imagine how you must have felt. Were you hiding behind the sofa, you drama queen you ? clap2.gif

    were you hiding behind the sofa during the Suthep and Mad Monk rampage?
  5. So much for the scamming lottery vendors crying over unsold "unlucky" numbers. Superstitious idiot lottery ghouls.

    I do not understand where the scam is?

    The scam is that the price is 80 Baht, and this is printed on each lottery ticket, but nobody will sell it to you below 110 Baht. That is why "The General" threatened to abolish the entire lottery.

    If you buy a 100 Baht Top-up voucher for your mobile phone at your local "SEVEN", but they charge you 120 Baht, what would you say/do ? if then you buy a can of SINGHA there, and the price tag clearly says "35 Baht", but they charge you 42 Baht, what will you say/do ?

    I thought Uncle Too fixed the problem with the lottery.
  6. Unfortunately for foreigners to openly own land you will have to change the national anthem as a section of it is rendered variously as saying:

    Nation of the people; belonging to the Thais in every respect. Land of Thailand belongs to the Thais. Every inch of Thailand belongs to the Thais.

    Many Thai people consider it is their nationalistic duty not to cede the land of Thailand either to foreign nations or to foreigners.

    A bit like that nasty spoilt child who won't let others touch his toys but will take the other children's toys
  7. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard ‘should have been charged’ say legal experts

    HOLLYWOOD superstar Johnny Depp should have been charged as soon as authorities discovered he smuggled his pet dogs into Australia, a legal expert has revealed.

    And an assistant for Depp and his wife Amber Heard — believed to have carried their pet pooches off a private jet concealed in a handbag — along with the aircraft operator, could both face fines and criminal charges.

    Depp’s now two infamous Yorkshire terriers, Boo and Pistol, were last night believed to have safely been back on American soil.

    The furballs were issued an export licence and departed the Gold Coast on Friday night on their very own private jet, just hours before a 9.40am Saturday deadline for them to be euthanised.

    However it is understood the two tiny pooches were due to be rigorously inspected by US customs upon their return with America not classifying Australia as a rabies-free zone.


    I hope all those that slammed and criticized Australia's customs laws and procedures will now be slamming the U.S for rigorously inspecting the poor dogs and requiring Depp to have the appropriate paper work. Requiring the same standards as Australia they are acting just like those uncivilised barbaric Aussies who picked on a poor innocent American citizen.

    I think what you fail to realize is that to enter the USA a dog needs a current rabies vaccination certificate but no quarantine. That makes sense and is not barbaric. To take a poor little doggy away from his owner for three months and put him in a doggy jail that is barbaric and cruel. It's kind of like a penal colony for doggies who did nothing wrong even if they have their rabies shots.

    Quarantine is only 10 days and owners and handlers can spend time with them there. They didnt even have thier certificate to enter the country and were out in the community where they were in areas frequented by other dogs. You may assume but cant say they were free of all transmittable canine deseases because there wasn't the required documentation of the fact, the same documentation that the U.S requires. The monkeys had the required paperwork and spent some time in quarantine and you didn't hear the tears and calls of barbaric Australians from thier owners who probably love them as much as Depp loves his dogs

  8. Tipsters Sunday Dilemma

    Well! here we are, Sunday, and NINE tipsters could be looking at a perfect 9/9

    There is the 50/50 choice of Collingwood or Richmond. both under performed last week and need a win. On paper they both have some decent players to win the game

    Then we have the Doggies v Freo. Doggies at their favored venue of Etihad stadium. Freo due for a loss. Could be an upset on the cards

    I guess we have brissie v Port also. It would be a brave tipster that bets on the Lions to win...but maybe that's what is needed t win the round.


    Pies, Freo and Port for me.

  9. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard ‘should have been charged’ say legal experts

    HOLLYWOOD superstar Johnny Depp should have been charged as soon as authorities discovered he smuggled his pet dogs into Australia, a legal expert has revealed.

    And an assistant for Depp and his wife Amber Heard — believed to have carried their pet pooches off a private jet concealed in a handbag — along with the aircraft operator, could both face fines and criminal charges.

    Depp’s now two infamous Yorkshire terriers, Boo and Pistol, were last night believed to have safely been back on American soil.

    The furballs were issued an export licence and departed the Gold Coast on Friday night on their very own private jet, just hours before a 9.40am Saturday deadline for them to be euthanised.

    However it is understood the two tiny pooches were due to be rigorously inspected by US customs upon their return with America not classifying Australia as a rabies-free zone.


    I hope all those that slammed and criticized Australia's customs laws and procedures will now be slamming the U.S for rigorously inspecting the poor dogs and requiring Depp to have the appropriate paper work. Requiring the same standards as Australia they are acting just like those uncivilised barbaric Aussies who picked on a poor innocent American citizen.

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