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Posts posted by Darrel

  1. Ethernet is not always possible due to the distances involved especially in SAMMYCIC's case, and I have never heard of a modem equipped with HDMI . . . ! Wireless N will stream 1080p with no problem you WOULD be surprised . .

    Ethernet cable is good over 100 yards without any extra equipment, and is dirt cheap. I use it whenever possible.

    Obviously you woundn't connect an HDMI cable to a network: you put whatever convertor you are using near the router and run the HDMI cable to your amp and then to your TV. This is what I do as I use my PC for everything (Bluray, DVD, ripped media, all music, digital satellite, DTT) but prefer to have it in another room away from my TV and amp.

    I tried wireless N several times and it couldnt handle 1080P at all well. Luckily by doing it all on my PC I dont need any network connection near the TV or amp at all. As my PC is on permanently anyway this is a very good solution for me, and of course a PC is about the only device that can play all media and codecs, no matter what they are.

  2. The typical scenario these routers are used in is a hotel or similar venue which provides only an ethernet cable (no wifi) so you plug them in and create a local wifi "bubble" in the room to use a netbook/mobile without having to carry an extender cable (a smartphone won't connect to an ethernet cable anyway).

    You dont need a router for this. An access point will do the job perfectly. At the other end of the ethernet cable in the hotel there will be a router with DHCP enabled.

    I rather like the DLink range of access points.

  3. I see. Where would you be using this? Most places that travellers visit would normally have wifi available rather than ethernet, I would have thought.

    Either way, I suspect that a basic small N access point would do everything you need, as presumably you would invariably be using someone else's internet connection which itself would provide the router function.

    Though if the device you mention is reasonably priced, why not?

  4. I would agree that a touch-screen is very well suited to web-browsing and viewing/listening to video/audio. However for everything else I could not envisage using anything other than a decent 3-button mouse and proper keyboard, and some sort of drawing tool.

    Above all, the iPad screen is just too dam_n small to do any proper work on. I use a 23in screen and sometimes wish it was bigger, or that I was using two of them.

    I have never tried to install any real software (as opposed to "apps") onto a tablet: mostly because all my real software is for Windows only and I have never used a Windows 7 tablet. I suspect that the processor on most tablets couldnt handle it anyway. iPad is of course out of the question for me as it is totally incompatible with all my stuff.

    So for me all these tablet devices are only really suitable for domestic day to day use or simple jobs/note taking on the move, and not for what I would call "work". Some of the newer ones have USB sockets and video outputs suitable for large screens, and these might be more interesting. In fact I already use my laptop like this with a large external screen and extra keyboard and mouse, so in that respect the tablet would be similar. It would have to have a very powerful processor though and I'm not sure how many of them do.

  5. :rolleyes: Really?? Been coming to 'interesting' and 'raw' Pattaya for over 30 years but not sleezing at all?? Please.........

    Haha. Perhaps I should have said "participate any more". Compared to the past the modern Pattaya sleaze seems not very tempting, rather expensive, probably contaminated. And I'm getting old. So these days I get my spice from Som Tam instead.

  6. I would be very surpised if wireless "n" could correctly stream proper 1080 HD without glitches. It can probably manage 720, assuming not too many other demands being made on it and no thick concrete. It will handle SD video.

    Personally I always use ethernet cable or a long HDMI lead.

  7. Ah, here we go. It doesnt take long for some clown to start accusing anyone who doesnt share his narrow-minded views of being a pervert, does it? How tedious.

    I certainly dont need sleaze, in fact I dont participate in it at all. I just think it's far more entertaining to walk down a street with a bit of raw life in it than it is to watch fat farang families shopping for fake designer t-shirts and eating ice-cream. There are endless places around the world that cater to family tourists and I dont see the need to make more of them. One day soon this is all there will be, and there will be no point travelling at all as everywhere will be the same. That will be a very sad day.

  8. The guy was "caught in a joint operation with The Special Organized Crime Agency from UK"

    Ah, would that be the great British police on a foreign junket again, adding to the huge budget deficit, rather than doing something useful like clearing up the giant mess in their own backyard? Surely the "Organised Crime Agency" should be dealing with organised crime, of which there is apparently no shortage in Britain at all, rather than individual non-crime in Thailand? According to the news report this bloke isnt even actually charged with anything.

    No, I know what it's all about.

    has probably been promoted.
  9. Do they not realise how sad and pathetic they look?

    Perhaps they dont care? I dont think I would, if I was in their shoes and having fun.

    I'm sure that people look at me and see a sad and pathetic cheap charlie farang who eats street food. They dont know what my bank balance is though, or how much I am enjoying the street food, or that I eat it entirely from choice and not necessity.

    And, probably like the market farang you mentioned, I really couldnt care less what anyone thinks about me anyway. :lol:

  10. But who, in our hearts, can really begrudge the changes.

    Well, I do for one.

    There are loads of dull middle-class family holiday destinations in the world, all as boring as each other. No need to turn Pattaya into one also. No point for that matter.

    I remember it well as the little fishing village of the 70s and also as the sleazy single-male destination of the 80s.

    The world needs more interesting places like that, not less.

  11. My rental is almost finished and my cat destroyed almost all of the couch, rental agreement has nothing in it about damages, so i will sue my landlord if he doesn't give me back 100% of it but this is because this idiot let people inside the house to "clean" while i was away and they stole 100k worth of perfume and made the house more dirty than it was.

    on a last note, my guess is anyways you overpaid your rent as we almost all do.

    Ah, the joys of being a worry-free renter instead of living in your own property.

    I must remember this the next time someone here tells me how much better it is to rent than to buy.

  12. the worst case happens and you crash and perish in the accident, once you've gone over you realize your family is there too so they too have perished due to your decision, but now you're all together in a new dimension and life strand. Do you feel guilty and sad for them not being back in this world having cut their life short by not pulling over and then killing them too or do you feel relief and a sense of joy for having them with you on the other side?? I don't have an answer but it's been on my mind which is why I posted this thread to get other peoples thinking on it..

    Wow. Get a life. Or maybe get an afterlife. And stop wasting the few years you have here on pointless wonderings.

    There is no God. There is no afterlife. You are born. You live. You die. The end (for you, and anyone else who happens to go at the same time).

    You want a worthwhile question to ponder over? "Why do some apparently sensible and coherent people delude themselves with absurd beliefs that you are anything after you die, or that there is any mystical element at all to either life or death"?

  13. I actually got to the point of the Windows installer asking me to select the portion of the hard drive to use. It looked like all was well but after the install had seemingly finished the system was useless.

    Windows needs a fresh partition to install correctly. When you get the screen asking for the partition location you must select the option that allows you to delete the partition(s) and then create a new one(s). Windows will then install normally (assuming it isnt some pirated version).

    Set your BIOS to boot from DVD, USB and then 1st hard drive.

    Then you can run your live Linux distros with no difficulty from DVD or USB drive as these will not affect the boot structure. If you DO want to permanently install Linux as a dual-boot with Windows then the distro webpages have instructions as to how to do this.

  14. I live in Pattaya and I am in a street where there is no problem.

    The reason is very simple:


    Actually some people (me for one) would consider that a street with dogs is a huge problem in itself. Personally I would rather take my chances with being burgled than have noisy, dirty dogs living around me and making my life a daily hell. I put dogs well and truly on a par with drunks and people who play loud music all the time: none have any merit and the less I see and hear of them the happier I am.

  15. I keep money and jewelry in a safe. I don't consider 20K Euro over the top to place in a good safe in a secure house in a secure housing estate.

    I keep money in the bank and have never owned jewelry in my life, nor would I.

    And from this event clearly a good safe in a secure house in a secure housing estate isnt quite all it's cracked up to be.

    I still believe that only a fool or a crook would have 20K Euros in cash for more than the time it takes to get it to a bank.

  16. Some of the new ones coming out do have a fold-out keyboard but normally the keboard just pops up on the touch screen when required. It is NOT a "proper" keyboard, of course. Imagine a very large smartphone and that is more or less what a tablet device like the iPad is. Being larger it is much less fiddly to use and is easier to see.

    No one would ever use a tablet to write a novel or do data entry or any other serious computer work, but they can be handy devices for normal emailing, viewing photos, playing back music via headphones or built-in speakers, viewing video either streamed or stored on the device, web surfing, youtube, online banking, shopping, BBC iplayer, games, reading e-books on the train or at the beach, reading the daily paper, watching the news, internet radio or Spotify etc. etc.

  17. Yes, I am assuming the report was accurate. I have little choice if there is going to be any discussion at all.

    But it doesnt make a lot of difference whether they thought the sum was large or trifling, as I was responding to comments here about how they perceived the sum.

    Based on the information we have they clearly thought that the sum was large enough to hide in a safe and also not hand over instantly, which is the opposite of what is being suggested by some in here. The comparison between the value of the money and the probable value of the house would also make it likely that they considered it worth locking away.

    Unike them, the money I have I do leave lying around, because it is a piddling amount. I wouldnt lock it away even if I had a safe, and anyone who broke in wanting it would only have to pick it up off the table and take it. And I wouldnt be at all bothered. And if anyone asked me to open my safe I would do so immediately, if I had one, because it would be empty anyway. That's the difference between someone who has an amount of cash that they consider to be small change and someone who has an amount of cash that means something to them.

  18. No,but she did tap each tooth to gauge my pain threshhold.Was always told if the Gestapo ever got hold of me that a secret was always safe (whatever that means)

    Good job they never got their hands on me. We'd all be speaking German now if they had! Makes me cringe just to think about it.

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