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Posts posted by jayenram

  1. I'm guessing the children at 14 are driving without a license? I know I've seen this a lot in the country but not so much in the city? What is the legal age for motorbike licenses? I see that the drivers license is 18, but is it the same for a motorbike?

    According to the Thai "Highway Code", the legal minimum age for obtaining a motorcycle license is 15. However, there is a 90 cc restriction on the engine capacity until the license holder is 18 years old.

  2. Hi All,

    Can any new home builders give me some info on roof gutters. Price per metres supplied, supplied and fitted. My wife has had a quote for Galvonised (200B /metre) and Stainless Steel(500B/metre) supplied and fitted.

    I would prefer to be able to colour co-ordinate the gutters with the roof tiles and although I appreciated the long life of Stainless Steel I think it would look a bit "industrial".

    I have contacted Blue Scope Steel Thailand but the Colorbond steel guttering is apparently not available in Thailand. :o

    Any tips anybody?

    Khun Andy

    I used PVC drain pipe. 150 mm diameter with 1/4 of the pipe cut away. Then painted it.


    There are some pictures here:


  3. An Australian friend of mine recently returned to Australia for a short visit. Upon entry, the immigration authorities advised him that his passport was damaged (some pages were coming loose) and as such, was going to be confiscated. He was given no choice.

    He is now in Australia with no passport and, unfortunately, no birth certificate with which to apply for a new one. Yesterday I sent him his old, expired passport and hopefully this will assist him in obtaining a replacement.

    This, to me, appears to be a very unusual action by the immigration authorities. Surely just advising him to renew said passport before leaving the country again would have been the logical procedure to follow?

  4. The cost of imported British beer is substantially beyond the reach of my pension. As Thai beer generally is really a bottled lager and a bad one at that, I go for the cheapest available which is currently Beer Archa around these parts. Before Archa was launched I stuck to the *Chang* but suffered many a bad stomach on the morning afters.

    I've only ever drunk Cheers once and unless it was just a bad bottle, it's the most revolting drink I've ever tasted.

  5. As far as I remember, a good time was had by all. Uncle Bukk's ribs were out of this world, although I must apologise for eating so many.

    Someone even arrived on Stevenson's Rocket.


  6. There is a difference between taking Baht out of Thailand and taking Dollars. In my experience transfer of Dollars (or any other currency) of any amount greater than the equivalent of Bht 1,000,000.00 needs special permission.

    So can you inform us about this difference??


    If you wish to transfer Baht out of the country, i.e. send an amount in Baht to the States (it arrives in the States in Baht currency), the maximum amount without further authorisation is Bht 50,000.00.

    If you wish to transfer a greater amount of Baht out of the country, the bank will convert it to Dollars (or whatever) and it will arrive in the States as Dollars. In my experience, the limit (again without special permission) is of the order of USD 25,000.00 (less than Bht 1,000,000.00).

  7. going abroad, does anyone know the maximum amount of baht I can travel with?


    Last time I heard mr T. took out trunks of cash

    Usually you need to fill in a Bank of Thailand bank to make a trasnfer outside over 20.000 US

    So my safe bet would be anything less than that???


    There is a difference between taking Baht out of Thailand and taking Dollars. In my experience transfer of Dollars (or any other currency) of any amount greater than the equivalent of Bht 1,000,000.00 needs special permission.

  8. This poll will be featured in Novembers " News from Surin" on the web-site.

    ????????? :o

    Oooops. Just noted the date of the original post!

  9. another requirement is that the balance in the bank book should match the balance stated in the letter. i had that problem too last year (as i did not update for several months) but it was solved by my agent.

    A colleague of mine had a problem with such an occurrence two years ago. The bank had transposed two of the figures in the letter and it therefore did not match his passbook. He had to return to the bank to have the letter retyped correctly, even though the difference was only around Bht 13.00.

    I would suggest that it is important to closely check the contents of the letter before you leave the bank.

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