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bkk barney

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Posts posted by bkk barney

  1. Would you like my tax code and work permit number as well?

    Is this BKK Barney a journalist or maybe an undercover cop or something. Too many questions for my liking.

    erm, nope, i am not u howard thats for sure,

    howard, so ok we realised u made a little white lie about ur membership to the flb forum, but its a tiny little lie that will never affect anybody else so it is forgiveable, but wot about the big lies? are there any of them?if a person is willing to do the little white fibs is he willing to do the big black nasty fibs?

    i got to admit to the little tiny white lies on occasion, normally when i tell the gals that i only got 400baht on me and would that be enough for a short time? but the big lies i dont do. do you do the big lies aswell howard??

  2. hmmm , it seems we may have found ur first lie howard, in this woven web of intrigue, now shall i check when the flb forum started and when u first moved to thai, or would u rather say that u misunderstood the question,wot user name did u use in flb b4 u was htv? would u tell us?

  3. howard well first we have to decide whether u r an honest person and whether we should take ur word, so when did u join the flb forum? u stated u joined it before u moved to thailand, the flb was registered at the end of 1999, the forum was opened when?shall i check?when did u move to thailand howard?

  4. howard, thats true u dont need to prove anything to anybody, but, and this is a big but, if u did prove that u were doing good, a lot more posters would respect u for wot u r doing, and not think that u r doing this for ur own benifit or for some sneaky reason, we both know that every week there will be stories of farang volunteer police setting up other farangs and as ur the most high profile it is u that will get the stick and the abuse, maybe ur reasons are noble for being a volunteer but we all know that some of the volunteers are not volunteers because they want to do good deeds and help ppl, as we saw by that nice mr belgian man who set up jade bar, fined 20 odd thousand baht becos they have no hotel licence which is a 100 baht license, and they cant get a hotel license becos they have less than 10 rooms. still howard its nice having u around so we got somebody to abuse when our favourite bars get closed down.

  5. 12call

    thks that link has answered all my questions. i thought i would have problems of finding somewhere to park the car in thailand but it says i can take the car across. also has tourist destinations etc, thks again. :o

    ned actually i was in poi pot 2 weeks ago and never had any problems then either.

  6. ned u lost me, wot has my attitude got to do with going to cambodia, im not sure how many times i have been to cambodia but i have never had a problem there, this is the first time i am going to the had lek cross over point and i shall be staying there a couple of days, obviously i need a hotel and things to do and see.

    12call thks for the link i shall check it out now :o

  7. hi, tomorrow im off to had lek to go into cambodia, im going to stay in cambodia for a day or two, so wots the best hotel there and wot is there to do in the evenings? i know all about the visa requirements etc i just want to know about wot fun can be had in cambodia,, :o

  8. or u could try some of these **** elite, SSL China **** elite, SSL Australia **** elite, SSL Canada **** elite, SSL China **** elite, SSL Netherlands **** elite, SSL Netherlands **** elite, SSL Taiwan **** elite, SSL Taiwan **** elite, SSL Taiwan **** elite, SSL Thailand **** elite, SSL United States **** elite, SSL United States - High Anonimity Elite SSL Proxy ! China (faster)

  9. they are all pretty good questions actually, but i feel sure we will not get any answers.

    as for howard saying he joined the flb forum b4 he moved over here, the forum was opened in 2000, and i feel pretty sure if memory serves me correctly howard was here b4 then, so we have his first lie exposed, lets have a competition of how many of his lies we can expose :D

    if he is a good guy he lies to his fellow workers about seeing naked breasts, if he aint then we are all in trouble :o

    howard u choose the path u have taken and obviously this is of great interest to other farangs living here, so far u have basically been quite evasive on this subject which obviously makes us all suspicious of our fellow farangs, we read the papers about farang volunteers setting up jade bar etc, ok that werent ur lot, but u have some control of a small news rag and a small tv news thing, so u have a slight control over wot goes into the media, obviously farangs do not trust the media anyway and with u having some control over wots published it makes us all the more paranoid.

    basically u r in a no win situation unfortuneately, ur damned if u do and damned if u dont, but u chose to be in that situation.

  10. shellman, i have never had a problem accessing sites banned by thailand on any of the servers i use, just use a proxy server and ur in like flint so to speak, regardless of which port...

  11. BKK Barney,

    What the h??? are you on about. Are you a class A drug user or what. Now this I haven't heard before. I was in Peppermint 10 days before a raid. You idiot, if I was spying on the bar, the raid would have taken place HOURS after I was there not 10 frigging days. I can also confirm that I have not put any pressure on any webmaster to lock or delete threads. However, disrespecting Thai Police volunteers, whatever their ethnic origin is clearly not a wise thing to have on your website, those guys at C.A.T. are well on the case these days. Personally, I don't care about the threads.

    I like that about peppermint....LMFAO.

    I have been in every f???ing gogo bar on Walking Street, they all looked open tonight and in a couple of them I even saw pairs of ti ts. Shocking!!!!

    hmmm, first u r accusing me of being a drug user, not very professional and totally innaccurate.

    most police info about bars is not acted on straight away as they need so many police to actually go into the bar at the same time and there are crimes happening all over pattaya that merit more attention than some topless bird dancing in peppermint agogo, yes howard u were there 10 days b4 it was raided, ok that is probably totaly irrelavant u being there as far as u are concerned.

    cat aint doing a good job of banning sites from thailands viewing howard, if u believe they are u know nothing about the internet try www.webwarper.net howard and u can goto anything u want from thailand that is banned by cat, or try any proxy server, loads of em out there. as for cat caring about a few farangs working illegally as tourist police volunteers im sure they will be checking out sites for that just after they finish checking all the www.thailadymen are sexually confused sites.com

    hey i loved ur comment on how u would tell the captain u r working with, that made me laugh, made it sound like u were on equal footing till i remembered u was white and dont speak thai lol..

  12. nice post wcr.

    i have actually had a lot of involvement with the thai police,(no not becos of illegal activities b4 anyone starts :o ) , i have a couple of friends in the foriegn crime suppresion unit and know the rest from the unit, once or twice a week i go out drinking with a couple of them or to parties etc, the main guy i know i have known for about 12 years, b4 this unit he was in cid, now obviously we mainly goto bars or gogos, and nearly everytime they would ask me if i knew the owners, i always said no cos i dont want to get involved in that sort of stuff, it gets a bit embarrassing though when the owner comes up and says hi bkk barney, then i just say to my police friend,"well i have met the owner b4 but i dont know him :D ". but basically all the thai police are doing is using farangs to get evidence and info about other farangs as other farangs trust them, manys the time he has passed his mobile phone to me and i have taken the message from some farang grassing up another farang, the thing that really foked me off was one time when i knew the farang that was phoning him and i also knew the farang that he was accusing of being a farang mafia boss, did i pass the message on? yep i sure did, but unfortuneatly i got the accused surname wrong and the name of his bar wrong :D

    as for howard, every time u go out and have a good time ur fellow workers will ask ,where u went etc etc etc, would u lie to them about seeing naked breasts as u saw a few days ago, or do u tell them the truth and hope that they dont pass it on?

    i know my police friends always ask where to see naked women, i always say i have no idea, wot do u say howard??

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