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bkk barney

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Posts posted by bkk barney

  1. Thailand is not a mafiosa society, you're right on that one.

    But there is terrorism, economic crime, plenty of traffic in Bangkok (but not a big deal unless one is on a bus or taxi like yourself, Steve), drug dealers, and plenty of prostitution (long live what's left of the Davis Group, under new management).


    a few years ago i was in this thai guys house in jomtien, sea views, swimming pool, marble floors etc, probably worth about 12 million baht.

    he does local council contracting for building the roads and schools, about 10 of us there in the dining room having a few scotches, 5 guys turn up an go into one of the rooms there and get 4 pistols and a pump action shotgun, stuck em on the dining table, loaded them up and then got back into their cars, now this was about 7 pm at nite. nope i didnt even ask as i had know wish to know why 5 guys would be going out at 7pm of an evening with loaded guns.

    but heng wot would u desribe these 5 thai chappies as?

  2. the reason they cover their mouths is cos they eat lots of live insects, and there aint nothing more disgusting than a half chewed up bug crawling out of a gals mouth while she is talking on the phone.

    or she is talking to boyfriend number 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or wotever and she dont want u to know :o

  3. well i would say the teachers demand has to be highest during the low season when gals aint getting the punters in so to speak, i mean all the gals know that teachers are cheap charlies and avoid them during the high season when they can get proper faraNGS, but i have heard that during the low season even gogo gals stoop as low as to go with english teachers to buy a bit of rice and that :o

  4. (I had a Thai guy in a car aim a Magnum at me when he wanted me to move out the way on the road near Chonburi...)

    i doubt that it was a magnum as the ammo is to difficult to get hold of here, ok a 357 u can stick 38s in it, but up until a couple of years ago any thai could get a license for anything upto 38 or 9mm, yep they can carry it in there car but it is supposed to be in the boot and not loaded, but the police if they find it will just warn u if it is loaded and in ur glove compartment, but, if u know a relatively high up pig he will write a letter to accompany you so u can actually carry it loaded with you on ur person in their district.

    even police aint allowed to carry outside of their district, but they do, thats why the laws aint enforced :o

  5. But Thumping a Thai Policeman let alone any Thai would be seen as serious enough to react in this way,I read once that a Policeman shot a Farang in the leg one at SONGKHRAN,because he fired at the cop with a water pistol,Gun culture is severe in Los,Otherwise it wouldn't be outlawed.

    i hope i have taken ur post out of context, otherwise u r advocating that the policeman was right in chasing down the farang couple and killing the man then running the gal over b4 he shot her, are u saying he was right in murdering the gal cold bloddedly becos she was purely a witness to an unfortunate spectacle.

  6. 1 million baht aint really a lot of dosh, ok u need a car or truck and also to buy a house and furniture etc, now if u got that already, then u stand half a chance here with ur 1 million baht, but, and its a big but, u got to then start earning some money, and pretty d.amn quickly aswell, cos ur 1 million aint gonna last long.

  7. It is insane that such things still happends in Thailand, Thailand is a very dangerous place  :o

    I think that is an unfounded exaggeration.

    Thailand is still a safe place to live.

    tell that to the parents of the 2 murdered ppl.

    thailand is actually more dangerous to live than the uk just on gun deaths, as for road deaths thailand has about the same amount of road deaths during sawngkran as the uk has over a complete year, so it would therefor follow that thailand is a foking dangerous country to live in..

    trouble is the worse bit is the murderer was a police man and will probably get off with it if he has any clout.pretty much the same as that politicians son who killed the cop a couple of years ago got off with it, yep thailand has its good points but there sure are a load of bad points..

  8. you wanna breed her next time she is in season? i got the cutest male rottie u could ever find, all foking 55 kilo of the beast, 6 years old and the nicest dog u could ever meet, he aint quite got the shagging bit down to pat though, last couple of times i saw him in action he thought he was doing a bukkake show. :o

  9. i got a male and a female rottie :o

    begs was gonna phone me when he got here but i reckon he got too tied up down yodsak.

    i hit walking street about once per year as there aint no where to park, plus im getting 2 gals and room at freeway for 1000baht short time all inclusive :D guess where i spend my time lol, yes dont hit me with the quality over quantity bit, ill go for quantity :D

  10. naaa dave i have never been to your bar, i like gogos and short time bars, no offence to ur bar which i have only heard good things about i might add, but it just aint my scene.

    i got 2 washing machines so we only get quilts done at other places, i have no idea where she takes them to be done though :o

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