Taking into consideration;
Inflation on products and services have become quite important in the last year
Exchange rates have hovered at a sub par level for the last ten years
The supposedly increased financial requirements for long term visas(Based on marriage or retirement)
The restructuring and increased costs of the Elite visas
New taxes on income earned abroad to be implemented from January 2024
I know that everyone's situation is different. Some believe that the double tax treaties will shelter them, some are not subject to double tax treaties, others do not have many obligations and can pick up and leave. However most of us, have established a life here(hopefully! Unless you want to live your life like Robert Deniro in Heat!); families, friends, real estate assets, businesses, pets etc....Leaving would be an option but not a popular one. The alternatives in this geographic area are also problematic in terms of changing requirements (Malaysia, Indonesia) and the other popular options are not so appealing in comparison to Thailand. It is too early to make drastic changes but nice to prepare an alternative in order to maintain a reasonable living standard. It seems that either you either make a major change to your standard of living in "developing countries", restructuring your finances and move to a tax haven or bite the bullet and hope for the best as your purchasing power/ savings/ pensions are eroded at an alarming rate. Where would you relocate to?