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Posts posted by Card

  1. 2 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Forget about refund...In cases like this one can leave an honest feedback telling things how the are with pictures if possible, and let the restaurant worry about the consequences...

    Problem is  the defamation laws apply even if the bad review is justified and can be proven to be true. Its that sick. Its a bit like libel laws in the USA where someone can be libelled and if he takes the libeller to court he has to prove they were wrong, not the other way around. Stupid.

  2. 1 hour ago, KanchanaburiGuy said:

    Comparing debt GDP is often used to measure. standing, but it's a fool's comparison. It's a magic trick. It's prestidigitation!


    You see, the government.......... the holder of the debt.......... doesn't OWN the GDP........... so it can't use the GDP to pay the debt, anyway! 


    It'd be like this............ 


    Say you live in a Condo and there are 50 units in your building. You run up personal debts that would be difficult or impossible to pay, based on your personal income. 


    But you say: "Hey, I'm not in trouble! Cuz, you see, MY debt is only a small fraction of the income of ALL the people who live in these Condos!" 


    Preposterous, huh? 


    It's preposterous because the income from all those other Condo owners......... doesn't belong to you! So comparing YOUR debt to THEIR income is just plain silly!


    But that's what the government does when they compare THEIR debt............ to GDP.----GDP they don't own! 


    Yes, GDP gives them some indication of potential tax revenues. And if you're going to confiscate money from someone........... it's always nice to know how much they have to begin with! But there are many factors that go into determining whether those who PRODUCE the GDP........... can actually afford to pay what the government demands! 



    Compariing debt to GDP is a fool's game; a magic trick; a scam. It's a way for governments to LOOK LlKE they are being responsible with their borrowing and debt......... when it doesn't really say that, at all! 


    My suggestion? Don't let yourself get suckered by this! ????????????



    The govt does  not own the GDP but they benefit from it through taxes as you suggest and more importantly they can control it via economic policy.

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