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Posts posted by tuktukmike

  1. In the UK all pubs/clubs or any other establishment must pay to play any type of music or vids.

    The monies are paid direct to MCPS-PRS.

    Below is a guideline of costs for Uk bars/clubs.

    Page 4

    Tariff ‘P’ 2006.10)


    Bar area up to 120 square metres

    Higher royalty

    Standard royalty

    Stand-alone radio* ..........................................





    Stand-alone television* and/or system

    television* .....................................................





    Record and/or compact disc and/or tape player*

    and/or digital music service* ............................





    Music centre and/or radio-cassette player

    and/or CD radio-cassette player* ......................





    Video player* (with or without television facilities

    through the same screen) ...............................






    Bar area 121 square metres or more

    Higher royalty

    Standard royalty

    Stand-alone radio* ..........................................





    Stand-alone television* and/or system television*....





    Record and/or compact disc and/or tape player*

    and/or digital music service* ............................





    Music centre and/or radio-cassette player

    and/or CD radio-cassette player* ......................





    Video player* (with or without television facilities

    through the same screen) ...............................





    Just recently on television there has been a lot of news coverage about how China are cracking down on pirate music,

    My understanding is that some bars were in fact using their computers which had huge amounts of music downloaded on.

    I also understand that reciepts were not given in the cases where people were fined.

    The simple answer is to contact the Embassy of your origin, Keep the number on your mobile phone and let them speak with these people.

    Something simular happend to us and we paid up like idiots, dont pay unless they have a genuine case against you. And always demand a reciept as proof of payment.


  2. To get back on the main subject about house sales I would always forget about the current climate and look around for yourself.

    Get good legal advice from a real lawyer, forget about the local lawyers as they tend to have a vested interest.

    Rent for at least a year and keep your money back home until you are sure you have found what you want and can really own.

    Local real estate agents have recently tended to tell the story of the king with no clothes, ie. Those who are against buying houses are those that cant afford to, the smart investor buys maybe 2 propertys and makes huge return on his investment. :o

    Also always remember that while it may be paradise on holiday, living here is a different thing altogether.

    Hua Hin is a nice place, but paradise it is not.


  3. There is a glut of sensably priced second hand houses on the market here but as those of us who live here know they are also not selling.

    The reason without doubt is the new FBA,

    Another reason may be due to the low dollar, you can buy in Florida at knock-down prices at present due to the housing crisis and of course 2 dollars to the pound makes it attractive.

    Also of course there is the cost of flights to take into account.


  4. There are now many companies including real estate agents going into this market.

    Owners Abroad Thailand are without doubt one of the best and offer airport transfers with minibuses or cars.

    You can contact them at www.ownersabroadthailand.com

    And no i do not have any involvment in this company, just word of mouth from some of our customers who have had good reports of them.

    Mike. :o

  5. Spot on Sunrise

    Although there are closures amongst the real estate fraternity.

    Condos or flats/apartments as they should be called are selling to some extent, but houses remain unsold. There is talk that there is around 2500 empty new builds in the area.

    Due to the uncertainty of the FBA it seems people have finally got the message that farang can not own land.

    People I speak to tell me that the one or two houses they bought for investment purposes are just not selling, this has been reflected on a local forum.

    If you have a Thai partner then there has never been a better time to buy, just dont expect a huge return on your investment.


  6. When I first moved to Hua Hin I used tap-water to fill our aquarium and the poor sods died within 2 days.

    The water quality varies, sometimes what comes out of the tap stinks.

    One thing for sure, Dont Drink It From The Tap.

    Buy water in the large plastic containers and even then its not always what it should be.

    I only drink bottled water.


  7. Sorry forgot to add.

    My wifes company is registered with the FDA Thailand and with more products being added shortly.

    her company is one of a very few that have been inspected and passed by this body.

    Perhaps you would be willing to name yourself when making false claims.

    But then again knowing you i doubt it. :o

    Mike. :D

  8. Hi Burger let me quote your words.


    As you were asking about the houses, my (wife's ) project has fully sold out now, I did want to save you the last one incase you changed your mind about property, but she said you never will

    She thanks you for your interest though on the forum though.

    Good luck with your tuktuk's.




    You have already been banned from the local web site for you comments and it seems you have not learned.

    Your comment above proves the lies you have told, I need say no more.

    Imm, police, which one.

    Budgerigars, dont you mean love birds. Which of course are kept outside in an avery.

    Everyone here knows you pay nothing in taxes by putting your wife forward as the developer.

    I told you before that maybe its time to drop the robbie fowler in you and get a grip on reality.

    He He, delivering quiches. Drunk again.

    Your posts get more desperate by the day, much as they did on ====. :o


    Ps, if you would like to make a genuine complaint then please feel free to contact Hua Hin Immigration with your name and address. I look forward to their visit.

  9. QUOTE

    Stick to delivering your wife's quiches, you're better at that (PS: Don't forget the WP first though )



    Well at least I and my wife both have WPs and pay our taxes here. :D

    Unlike the majority of small time developers who as said on another thread, who work from under their Thai wifes skirts without WPs.

    Just wondering though with so many buyers taking court action against various developers here, just who will turn up on behalf of the developer. :D

    Let me guess, his wife. :o

  10. Not quite correct.

    A farang has to sign away his rights over the land due to the fact he is unable to own land in Thailand.

    I am sure we will not go to the depths that this subject sunk to on another forum, what would be the point.

    By now everyone knows the situation regarding house purchase in Thailand and for those that have not made themselves aware then tough.

    There are countless lawyers around to give good advice on this subject, just stay away from the local property lawyers.

    Mike :o

    Buy a condo and enjoy.

  11. Ok lets get this straight then,

    Your 5million dream home you just go and find some thai and put the land in their name, Really.

    That has to be the daftest idea I have ever come across and not to mention the fact that they can investigate where the Thai got the funds to buy the land.

    Safe as houses, I dont think so Paul.

    This week will see another real estate office closing down here, work it out for yourself.

    Mike. :o

  12. Another problem for people who have bought and now want to sell is that most customers will only lease rather than buy through the company route.

    The majority of former buyers of course bought through the company route as they were advised by Developers/Real estate agents this was the safe way to go.

    Prices of these units have dropped with some just wanting to offload before FBA comes into effect.

    The reality is there are just no buyers for these type of units anymore, just how do a farang couple arrange a lease held by a thai in order to sell their property.

    Nice to see that Burger is so honest, a rare commodity these days from a developer. :o


  13. Any names of some distressed developments where desperate folks might be dumping their properties for far less than they paid for them?

    Ha Ha.

    No way, it seems you cant discuss local developers properties without the threat of being sued down here.

    Just ask around, the real problems people are facing is that there is no market for a used house/villa.


  14. Cha-am is not a bad place at all and in fact I would expect to see the place gain more in the coming years.

    It has always been tarnished as a thai town due to the number of Thai families that park their pick-ups on the beach at weekends, but hey this is Thailand.

    Hua Hin is no paradise city as some would have you think, you have a main road that runs through the centre of town that really needs cleaning up. Ie Pavements/electric cables/general appearence.

    Both places have differing things to offer but there has for some time been a perception that Cha-Am is a place of much lower standing. Not sure why really.

    Maybe not enough beer bars.


  15. Is this just another property advertisment.

    If so they have missed the mark.

    There was a boom here but it has long since passed as far as houses go due to the new FBA.

    Condos are still selling to a point.

    Not sure what the guys selling houses from under their Thai wifes skirts will do now.


  16. Anyone can apply for a non immigrant multi O visa, and at present there is no problem obtaining this visa.

    Penang have also now started re-issuing this visa along with B visas.

    I dont see where anyone thinks there is a problem for this guy obtaining this visa.

    Single unmarried to a thai is no problem, reason for applying for an O visa. Long Holiday.

    I would imagine 90% of guys out here are on this very same visa.

    Mike. :o

  17. Comment I heard from a British builder,

    They can slap as many coats of paint as they want but you cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear. :o

    Who knows and who cares.

    Our landlords are builders and seem to do a good job but I would suggest people look around at various developments and if they find one they like then ask for the builders name. Ching Ching.

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