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Posts posted by LuukKoeyKorat

  1. This is just getting more and more ridiculous...

    So the Democrats lost this election; isn't it time for their politicians to accept the result and move forward??

    Possibly start by looking within and figuring out what went wrong, what can be improved, how to appeal to the broader Thai electorate in future?

    This is (Thai) politics - claiming that PT could be in trouble for not fulfilling their election promises is about as baseless as claiming 'the war will be over by Christmas'.

    It smacks of political short-sightedness, childishness and a cheap last gasp attempt to regain some lost face.

    Time to grow up, or time to dumb down?

  2. Ditto the reply from Sbegin.

    Its a real pain in the butt to transfer large amounts of money out of Thailand.

    Only last week I tried to SWIFT transfer approx 70K USD from my SCB account abroad.....I was required to show Thai work permit, residency, proof of where this money came from AND work permit, business papers and residency for the DESTINATION country I was transferring to.

    I suggest making SWIFT transfers of smaller amounts for several times (ie: 25K euros at a time). I know you will end up paying more transfer fees, but it should be without problems. As far as I know, a transfer under 1 million baht (approx 25K euros?) should be problem free.

  3. Just another quick note :)

    If you decide on the 2 day Mekong slowboat experience, 2 days left in Luang Prabang will be enough for a good 'taster'. You will need just one day to explore the Old Town and the Mekong riverside. Try and make it up Phousi hill for a great sunset view of the old Luang Prabang and river. Second day maybe to Tatse or Kungsi waterfall - both are beautiful. Btw - tuk tuk ride from centre of town to LPB airport takes 15mins and will set you back 30,000 Kip or 120 baht per tuk tuk.

  4. Hi there!

    You have three options to travel from Chiang Khong (TH) to Luang Prabang (Laos) - down the Mekong with either speedboat or slowboat, or per bus from Huayxai to LPB after crossing the river. Crossing the Mekong only takes 5 minutes per taxi boat. Not sure the cost but below 100 baht.

    I guess you are interested in the river option :) ...

    Both speedboat tickets and slowboat tickets can be purchased from any travel agent in Chiang Khong town. There are not that many travel agents on the 'backpacker road' but all of them have signs outside advertising.

    Speedboat down the Mekong takes 7 hours leaving Huayxai on the Lao side at approx 9:30, going nonstop and arriving in LPB at 4pm same day. I can't tell you the exact price as I have never taken one but I am guessing approx 4000 baht. The speedboat ticket bought in Chiang Khong will include guesthouse pick up and the Mekong crossing - you'll be led by a guide to the Lao immigration on the other side.

    Slowboat down the Mekong takes 2 whole days with one overnight stay in Pakbeng. leaves Huayxai at approx 11am, arriving at Pakbeng at sunset 6pm. Leaves Pakbeng at 9am and will arrive in LPB at 5pm approx. Last time I did this trip was in March, the price per person was 2300 baht, discounted to 2000 baht. Again, includes pick up from guesthouse, Mekong crossing to Lao immigration with a guide.

    Accommodation in Pakbeng is extra - when waiting to get on the slowboat in Houyxai, there will be people advertising rooms in Pakbeng. My advice is to book there and then, saves you a lot of hassle in the evening checking guesthouses when all you want to do is have a shower and a cool Beer Lao B). Prices are generally the same offered by the touts and in Pakbeng - expect 350 baht per room. Basic double with fan, but all are clean.

    Unless you are in a real hurry, I seriously recommend taking the slowboat option. The speedboats are way too fast and dangerous - in dry season there are a lot of exposed rocks, in rainy season (ie now) there is the danger of hitting logs. There have been numerous accidents in the past, also fatal. In addition the speedboat trip involves 7 hours of sitting knees up and constant massive noise from the motor - not nice :bah:. Helmets are provided but are more for show than any protection.

    The slowboat takes longer but you get to see incredible scenery (great photo opps!), local life in riverside villages, and you can get up move about or just take a nap. Beer and soft drinks are sold onboard (but expensive ie 20,000 kip per Beer Lao / approx 100 baht) aswell as crisps. Would be worth taking a fried rice with you....make sure you take enough cash with you for the boat ride as Pakbeng has no ATM...

    Pakbeng is lovely, very small, quiet with a decent amount of simple guesthouses, some local restaurants and a few simple 'tourist' bars.

    Try and get on the slowboat in Houayxai (and in Pakbeng on the 2nd leg) as early as possible to get a decent seat, otherwise you might end up sitting on the floor the whole time (depends how full but they usually are).

    Immigration on the Laos side will take about 30mins to process. Hand in your passport, make sure you have 1 passport photo, pay in USD because paying in Baht will cost you more. Once you get your passport back you will be led to a gathering point by your guide to get on the speed or slow boat.

    In LPB you'll be met by a dozen guesthouse touts at the boat landing....I can recommend Jaliya guesthouse or Mixay guesthouse (both 250 baht / 8USD) both with hotwater and TV.

    Hope this helps...have a great trip and enjoy B)!

  5. Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

    It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

    I think you mean you wish it was dead as do the yellow shirts. Today is one for celebrating the health of Thai democracy.

    This clear mandate from the people is the best thing that could happen for the country. The people have spoken and hopefully even the army will accept it and disappear back into their barracks.

    Totally spot on! Democracy at work - big turnout, no violence, a majority elected. The result needs to be respected and accepted by all parties. If the Army comes out to make a point or the Dems take to the streets to protest - we are back to square one. Listen to the people....

  6. I say give the lady a chance. She has the support of the majority rural and working class Thais, and she has business acumen to appeal to industry. If she is smart and serious about reconciliation she won't allow her brother to return to rock the boat without doing some sort of penance ie serving some time, even if it's purely symbolic.

  7. rayw

    Very well said.

    I heartily concur with you 100%

    Yes, anyone with an ounce of savvy has to agree with rayw, but alas it will not happen, too many 500 baht notes changing hands and not too much common sense in the land of Reds... Communism and corruption will win Big Time.. Goodbye the Thailand we came to love and call home.. my ticket is already booked.. Soth Vietnam here I come.. !

    A bit of an inconsistence here. If one of the reasons to leave Thailand is 'communism will win big time', why would one go the (South) Vietnam instead ?

    :cheesy: brilliant!

  8. Hi all

    How does it work with receiving satellite Tv in Laos?

    Am especially needing Premier league football games, BBc, CNN etc

    Can someone help me out with a provider details and approximate installation/monthly subscriber costs?

    many thanks!

  9. Koh Phangan definitely - some great beaches with the whole accommodation range (Haad Yao, Haad Salad), pristine jungle and national park in the centre, great snorkelling (Mae Haad, Haad Khom), Ang Thong Marine Park for an off the track day trip by speed boat. All sorts of bars and restaurants along the west coast. Thongsala town for shopping and markets. Haad Rin town in the far south east corner if you are up for late night drinking and dancing. Sunny and hot right now until September.


  10. A smart, current, tactical move by PT - 'planking' is the current new 'craze'..... it will generate enough TV media coverage to possibly encourage any young eligible voters -who might not usually be bothered in today's age- to up and vote for PT on the day......by associating PT with being 'fun' , 'trendy' and 'in tune with the times' - attributes more important to the modern day, smartphone wielding, trend orientated 18 year old voter than the usual political messages offered. That's the way it is....

  11. I second Mui Ne.....absolutely beautiful beach and water, enough choices of old skool, medium or more expensive bungalow accommodation right on the beach, with the right prices. Little nightlife and no parties. In addition have the fabulous sand dune landscape 15km away for a day trip. Not too far away from HCMC. Great place!

  12. Hi

    I'll be moving to live and and start a business in Laos very soon. I'm not quite sure where to start with health insurance. Was wondering if there are any expats that have found good comprehensive health insurance for the country...from Thailand, within Laos, or abroad? Any infos, tips and experiences are much appreciated.

    many thanks for your advice

  13. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tiger-Trail-Outdoor-Adventures-Thailand/104777599613227#!/pages/Tiger-Trail-Outdoor-Adventures-Thailand/104777599613227?sk=info

    Highly recommended. They have just recently opened a branch in Chiang Mai, having been established in Luang Prabang, Laos for the last 10 years. They use the 'FairTrek' initiative (info below).


    Hope it helps a bit :-)

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