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  1. I visited Buriram IO at the start of April pointed out I was leaving Thailand 0ne day after my visa expires. I was told I did not need to extend the visa as it was one day and I had a air ticket. When I went through the airport I told the IO one day overstay and was told no problem. A second officer then checked my passport and told me no problem and no fine.
  2. When I have had any problems relating to my visa etc I have phoned them up. They are very friendly and helpful. They will tell you what to do and how to do it.
  3. You are a good person for caring so much. I don't know where your ex wife lives. We are in South buriram our nearest specialist mental health ward is korat. They can help with assessment and prescribing drugs. Two people in our village have been sent to korat, one thai and one german. The German man stayed two weeks and then came back to the village. He had a prescription he could pick up from our local hospital. He lived ok until he went to pattaya for a holiday died in the police cells after not taking his medication and drinking heavily. The Thai man was brought back to the village and after repeatedly attacking people the police insisted he was put on a chain in his garden. The poor man lived for years like it.
  4. That's Pattaya in the background? Where exactly? It's maybe 500mts off the beach opposite soi 10. Looks a lot worse today. A speed boat has been taking people out to it, maybe working on trying to save it.
  5. South East Asia is not the West, its full of crazy stuff. The truth is its not that nice you have to mind your own business. In 20 years living on the Thai Cambodian border I have seen terrible thing's. From a mentally ill man living chained to a rice house. An 80 year old woman killed by a drunk driver and the court said no compensation because she was old and had no value. A alleged drug dealer executed by the police outside my home. A lad hit by a car ripping his leg off, later died but nothing happened because the driver that hit him was a police officer. A 16 year old having half his face cut off over drugs. A man barbecued my wife's dog, but he was hungry so it was acceptable. One of the most shocking things was when I found out my neighbour was in the khmer rouge, but it turned out he is nice. I could go on but my point is the place is not that nice, you have to look after yourself and don't look to close or it can leave you feeling sick.
  6. It's all very confusing but if a tool battery has a voltage on it that's over 40v it will be a vf relating to the Ah. Basically if you bought the xgt 199v in the post above it would very light despite having a large Ah rating. It would do a DIY job but not well. If you go to a shop you can hold the battery's, feel the weight. The heavier the battery the better it's performance. Its not as easy as ordering from lazada but you will get a better drill from a decent shop. Some people refer to the vf battery's as very fake or very flammable.
  7. Save the money to employ some extra workers to clean the place. It's been very noticeable just how much more rubbish is on the beach and dumped around jomtien.
  8. North of surin on the buriram border is the elephant village. I have not been for a few years but they had plenty of elephants the last time I went. They have a educational part with shows, the elephant paint and play football. You can feed them. If you are in a car drive through the back they have some massive male elephants. If you time it right some times they have elephants loose down by the river. The only thing I would say is when I took family they were shocked that the elephants were chained up. I don't think people understand how dangerous elephants are especially the bull's and mothers when they have young.
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