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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. I always haggle with the girl. Usually starts at 1,500 then goes to 1,300 easily. Throw in some Thai and do the "Thai wave" at the drivers and she goes to 1,000 in a heartbeat.

    Once you've established the price, tell her you don't want a van or a junk car and it better be a new Accord or a Camry. There's invariably one available.

  2. The "too thick to comprehend that they misunderstood the OP and keep making obtuse comments even when it's been spelled out for them" brigade.

    A close relative of the " I'll keep posting serious replies in response to an article from the satirical Not The Nation website despite several posters pointing out that it's satire which can only lead mca to conclude that the serious posters either don't know what the word satire actually means or are as thick as sh*t" brigade.

    Which thread?

  3. There was no actual "incident" until Barry raised his fingers and mouthed at the minivan driver. I don't think there are any laws about how close you have to stop behind another vehicle at the traffic lights.

    Whilst not condoning the following actions of the minivan driver which were clearly OTT, if Barry has lived here for over 7 years he should probably have more local knowledge and not bothered to make a non-incident into an incident.

    Maybe not a "local" law in Thailand against driving to near the vehicle in front of you but in the educated traffic world, yes.

    You'll have to clarify your comment. Is there a law in a western country that says you must not stop any closer than x behind the vehicle in front of you?

    And our dear Barry didn't exactly get out and measure the alleged "millimetres" he claimed in the OP. I bet Barry or most other drivers couldn't tell accurately how close a vehicle is parked behind them.

    Barry may well have believed it was closer than he was comfortable with, but it may have been 300mm. From Barry's perspective looking in the rear vision mirror he may have seen the vertical front of the minivan cab and believed it was overly close because there is no hood/bonnet, this making the vehicle appear closer than say an ordinary car.

    I stick to my opinion - he created an incident where none needed to be created. Barry in fact sounds like a bit of a muppet. coffee1.gif

    UK, Australia, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark to mention a few and the fees range from GBP100,- to US 800,-

    It called reckless driving and unless you got your " sit in/on a vehicle licence" here you surely know that to introduce Western driving education and laws here would leave none on the road. smile.png

    I still think you're confused and are referring to safe following distances. Our beloved Barry was stationary when he claims a vehicle stopped too close behind him at the traffic lights waiting for them to turn green. Maybe you'd better read the OP again.

    The vehicles were not moving - they were standing dead still at the traffic lights. I ask again, if there are laws in the countries you claim about stopping "too close" behind a vehicle at traffic lights, then enlighten us all as to how close that law states - give us a URL that clarifies it.

    Ta very much!

    • Like 2
  4. There was no actual "incident" until Barry raised his fingers and mouthed at the minivan driver. I don't think there are any laws about how close you have to stop behind another vehicle at the traffic lights.

    Whilst not condoning the following actions of the minivan driver which were clearly OTT, if Barry has lived here for over 7 years he should probably have more local knowledge and not bothered to make a non-incident into an incident.

    Maybe not a "local" law in Thailand against driving to near the vehicle in front of you but in the educated traffic world, yes.

    You'll have to clarify your comment. Is there a law in a western country that says you must not stop any closer than x behind the vehicle in front of you?

    And our dear Barry didn't exactly get out and measure the alleged "millimetres" he claimed in the OP. I bet Barry or most other drivers couldn't tell accurately how close a vehicle is parked behind them.

    Barry may well have believed it was closer than he was comfortable with, but it may have been 300mm. From Barry's perspective looking in the rear vision mirror he may have seen the vertical front of the minivan cab and believed it was overly close because there is no hood/bonnet, this making the vehicle appear closer than say an ordinary car.

    I stick to my opinion - he created an incident where none needed to be created. Barry in fact sounds like a bit of a muppet. coffee1.gif

  5. OP - are you fresh off the boat?

    Asking the question as you did implies that you have absolutely no knowledge of Thailand. You need to inform yourself not only about the Royal Thai Police and their many little quirks, but also about Thailand in general.

    Otherwise your next post will be about how you spent 10,000 baht on Ping-Pong balls and lady drinks in a gogo bar in 5 minutes, took an attractive girl from Beach Road that had unexpected appendages who stole your wallet, laptop and cellphone, which you then report to the police and find your picture on the front page of the local farang newspaper.

    Start googling! smile.png

    EDIT: I just read some of the OP's other posts and apparently he's been visiting Thailand for 10 years and has a couple of condos in BKK. Hard to believe that in 10 years he's never had cause to have some sort of interaction with the BIB.

  6. did the Dr. tell you what the pills were for?

    All the pills are in Thai, tried to ask the gf but she doesn't know, gf is taking daughter to clinic and I assume his injection!

    Don't forget that a Thai will never question the opinions or treatment of a doctor directly - too much disrespect for the Khun Mor. Hell they won't even tell their hairdresser that they're cocking up the style, they'd rather go to another hairdresser to get it fixed.

    I always go when our daughter is sick so I can be the ignorant farang and ask all the obvious questions or seek clarification.

  7. Generally, Thais believe that there is a magical injection that can cure anything. I think they see it as being symbolic of western medicine, and is "superior" treatment. My missus always insists on an injection for everything - she firmly believes that if you don't get an injection, the symptoms won't improve. I'm sure that some of the injections are either simple antibiotics or even H2O and largely irrelevant to the medical condition.

    Regardless, the placebo effect is miraculous and she is instantly cured. We all know this is pure BS but that's how many of them think. I had a viral infection a while ago and the doc wanted to give me an injection. I asked what it was and she says antibiotics. Of no use whatsoever against a virus. I told her this and she said ok, we give you anti viral pills as well.

    Try taking your daughter to a clinic for a second opinion. I've found that the doctors at clinics are more inclined to spend time and understand the symptoms more so than some of the big hospitals. If she's given an injection then she and her mother will probably both feel better, irrespective of the need for an injection. Mind over matter.

    • Like 1
  8. Late afternoon is best, especially on a Monday or after a holiday. I did mine two weeks ago and as I got my numbered ticket at the front desk, my number got called. Not even one second waiting.

    I see now that they're all linked up on computers and you get a printed copy of your receipt/acknowledgement of reporting. Complete with barcode. I tried to get a look at the computer screen to see what info they had but had the wrong viewing angle - anybody been able to get a look at what's on there?

    And I was given all my documentation back (copies of passport/visas/entry card etc.) They told me I can use these next time.

  9. Now just what is it you learnt from your mistakes Jingthing?

    Not much yet.

    I was HOPING for some intelligent and knowledgeable feedback related to the idea that locals would have pressed the driver for compensation and that I should have as well.

    JT - I thought that it was common knowledge that a local would have pressed for compensation. I asked the missus and she said anywhere from 2k to 10k depending on how much blood and how bad the injury was - unconscious, broken bones, trip to the hospital, police involved etc.

    EDIT. Although she did qualify it by saying it depends which cops the bus driver knows, etc......TIT

  10. about 120k is about right. Servants run at about 25k and liquor (good wine)10-15K Wifes allowance 30k entertaining 15k

    medical and medicine 15k. two cars upkeap food, electric it all mounts up. If you have to pay rent add another 50k

    25k for servants, can i have a job please? I have no rent and spend 20k a month, 120k, i would not know how to spend it!

    How good do you look in a short skirt and a spaghetti top? whistling.gif

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  11. Few times i see the bahtbus coming along full, i said , No thanks, move on to next one that is half empty. No f***ing way to get on the full bathbus holding on to the rails at the rear end.

    I don't blame you for that. I drive a pickup and if a baht bus laden with people at the back gets in front of me I slow right down and change lanes wherever possible, especially running down Thappraya towards Patts.

    I'd rather rear end a vios or a even a merc than take out the limbs of the poor sods on the back of the bus.

    • Like 1
  12. Agree. Also, in the interests of context, the idea of a man identifying as gay as a recent thing in Thai culture (dating back to the early 60s - a western import really).


    Careful, according to one our outspoken posters on the gay forum, gay as an identity group dates back to ANCIENT times in Thailand ...

    But I agree with you. It's a recent WESTERN import.

    Actually, back in the 60's the term "gay" meaning homosexual, wasn't being used very extensively, even though it did have roots back in earlier English history. It gained popular usage in it's current form in the early 1970's.

    It's amazing what's in a word and how sensitive (PC?) we have become in the west over time. The theme music to The Flintstones cartoon, released over 50 years ago, had the closing words in the theme tune - "...you'll have a gay old time". Implying that it will be fun to watch the cartoon, and you'll be happy/gay.

    In 2010, ABC were forced to remove these words from the lyrics. One of the complainants CNN anchor Anderson Cooper said on the air: “This sort of flip treatment of the homosexual lifestyle, and that it could possibly apply to a family in the stone age, is offensive and outrageous. What are they trying to say about the homosexual community? That it is for neanderthals? For cavemen? How can any reasonable person not be mortified when they hear this song?” Now in my opinion, a comment like that about a 50 year old cartoon is nothing short of imbecilic.

    I wasn't mortified, I was a kid back then watching a great cartoon and having a gay old time!! I won't mention Noddy and Big Ears. whistling.gif

  13. Agree. Also, in the interests of context, the idea of a man identifying as gay as a recent thing in Thai culture (dating back to the early 60s - a western import really).


    Careful, according to one our outspoken posters on the gay forum, gay as an identity group dates back to ANCIENT times in Thailand ...

    But I agree with you. It's a recent WESTERN import.

    Actually, back in the 60's the term "gay" meaning homosexual, wasn't being used very extensively, even though it did have roots back in earlier English history. It gained popular usage in it's current form in the early 1970's.

    It's amazing what's in a word and how sensitive (PC?) we have become in the west over time. The theme music to The Flintstones cartoon, released over 50 years ago, had the closing words in the theme tune - "...you'll have a gay old time". Implying that it will be fun to watch the cartoon, and you'll be happy/gay.

    In 2010, ABC were forced to remove these words from the lyrics. One of the complainants CNN anchor Anderson Cooper said on the air: “This sort of flip treatment of the homosexual lifestyle, and that it could possibly apply to a family in the stone age, is offensive and outrageous. What are they trying to say about the homosexual community? That it is for neanderthals? For cavemen? How can any reasonable person not be mortified when they hear this song?” Now in my opinion, a comment like that about a 50 year old cartoon is nothing short of imbecilic.

    I wasn't mortified, I was a kid back then watching a great cartoon and having a gay old time!! I won't mention Noddy and Big Ears. whistling.gif

  14. A lot of people here seem to have more money than sense and waste their money because they can. They come out here and get a huge 5 bedroom house with pool and 2 cars and a Harley motorbike and maids whereas if they were still in their home country they would probably be in a 3 bed semi with a Ford Focus. You NEED a roof over your head, food and education. They don't have to run you these enormous sums each month. People spend the money because they can....For the record I am single and live in Bangkok and I can survive on 15,000 a month but I usually spend more ( also because I can )...

    Can you define precisely how much money is "more money than sense"? The meaning of that phrase has always eluded me because surely having more money than sense can only be analysed in a very subjective manner.

    And by definition, are there people that are diametrically opposed and have "more sense than money"? coffee1.gif

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