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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. I'm surprised that you haven't had offers for the hive. They are worth money even if if it's a hornets nest. Ask someone from Issan (m/cycle taxi driver?) whether he can help. I'm sure he'll find someone who can.

    Or take a stroll down Pattaya Tai and find one of the dudes that have the mobile hives selling honey - they'll be able to help I'm sure.

    • Like 2
  2. The "I'll be a smart-arse and show how clever I am by posting that another poster got his facts wrong, but Oh Bugger it was me that was wrong and now I feel like a <deleted>, but I'll keep arguing even though I know I'm wrong" Brigade

    • Like 2
  3. I sincerely hope the NZ authorities are applying as much diplomatic pressure as possible against Sweden to get this man brought to justice. If they leave it to the Thai authorities it's unlikely anything will happen in a hurry.

    The fact that a fellow Kiwi was killed in a foreign country should be irrelevant to the NZ Government - they should be acting on behalf the deceased NZ Citizen and his family and affording every conceivable assistance in bringing the fugitive to justice.

    But knowing the wishy washy, namby pamby, socialist doo gooder, tree hugging, politically correct, "we need to get elected next year so just keep the seat warm, don't want to upset the Swedes 'cause it might hurt the lamb and cheese exports", kind of government that we have......this ain't going to happen any time soon.

    Sometimes I wish we had a government like Israel or the US - send a couple of the SAS over there to bring him back to Thailand or NZ for justice, or dish it out summarily on the spot.

    The SAS are a unit of the British army. They are not for hire. The last phrase in your post persuades me that you do not know this.

    All three phrases in your post convince me that you should probably check your facts before you make an inane and incorrect post. From wiki:

    The New Zealand Special Air Service, abbreviated as the NZSAS, was formed on 7 July 1955 and is the special forces unit of the New Zealand Army, closely modelled on the British Special Air Service (SAS). It traces its origins to the Second World War and the famous Long Range Desert Group that a number of New Zealanders served with.

    No apology necessary, but check your facts in future huh? coffee1.gif

  4. I sincerely hope the NZ authorities are applying as much diplomatic pressure as possible against Sweden to get this man brought to justice. If they leave it to the Thai authorities it's unlikely anything will happen in a hurry.

    The fact that a fellow Kiwi was killed in a foreign country should be irrelevant to the NZ Government - they should be acting on behalf the deceased NZ Citizen and his family and affording every conceivable assistance in bringing the fugitive to justice.

    But knowing the wishy washy, namby pamby, socialist doo gooder, tree hugging, politically correct, "we need to get elected next year so just keep the seat warm, don't want to upset the Swedes 'cause it might hurt the lamb and cheese exports", kind of government that we have......this ain't going to happen any time soon.

    Sometimes I wish we had a government like Israel or the US - send a couple of the SAS over there to bring him back to Thailand or NZ for justice, or dish it out summarily on the spot.

  5. So what's the deal with the Filipino girls in Jomtiem asking for money for some charity - there's no way that it can be legit.

    And as for the dodgy "ladyboy" that walks around Jomtien holding out a big drinking cup begging for money - he should learn not to extend the cup when he's got three bags of food in the other hand.

  6. Suk is jammed. Was a mess around Klang yesterday afternoon, and as you head out of town...near Ban Amphur. Completely stopped there. A parking lot.

    Took me 15 minutes to get from Tai to Klang, heading north on suk , yesterday around 2pm.

    The beach down here in packed with Thai families. Neat to see them out having fun. Great morning as the tide is way out.

    I'm staying home today, yesterday driving was a nightmare.

    At 3pm it took me 30 minutes to get from the level 4 parking in Central Festival to the ground floor. Another 40 minutes to get from there to Phratamnak via Sai Soong, Klang, and Sai Saam. I'd expect it to be as bad today if not worse than yesterday.

    The only possible chance for traffic to flow is if the BIB decide to spend the day gathering cash contributions rather than trying to control the traffic lights. I had lunch one day at the café on the corner of Klang and Sai Saam. Traffic jammed for 45 minutes.

    Then the cop at the controller scored 6 Indians with no helmets on 3 bikes. As he stopped them he flicked it to auto and hey presto - in less than 10 minutes the traffic was flowing in all directions. He got his cash contribution from the Indians and returned to the controller - in less than 5 minutes, traffic jammed in every direction. Go figure.

  7. I dont think he is harming anyone and likely really needs the money. This is hardly a scam.

    Maybe not a scam, but dollars to donuts he's making serious coinage out of his activities. Unless he's lazy and has no work ethics, and stops when he's got enough for one meal rather than putting in a full days effort.

    A job worth doing is worth doing well.

  8. Get real!! if I try a Scouser or Geordie accent nobody will understand me - I'll starve. I'm still confused as to how the Thais can understand Scousers, Geordies, Glaswegians, and the Irish....I have to listen really hard to understand!!

    Us Kiwis are the only ones that speak proper English. whistling.gif

    You mean Baaahhh.giggle.gifgiggle.gif


    You're confusing Kiwis with Orstraylins. Baaaaahhhh is considered to be foreplay in the western isles.

    • Like 2
  9. If he is in fact mentally unfit, he sure ain't stupid.

    Probably spends 3 or 4 hours scrounging 100B off a dozen or more Falangs, retires for a leisurely meal and coffee on the beach (he doesn't drink alcohol apparently), select the best looking Coconut Bar girl and wander off to his 500B/day apartment for a short interlude, chase a few balloons for his evening meal, and still has change for breakfast in the morning.

    Tough life - I should be so lucky!facepalm.gif

    You can always do the samethumbsup.gif

    Pattaya has many soi's, hopefully you will not have to have turf warlaugh.png

    Many a true thing said in jest. I am definitely considering a career change. I'm just concerned that speaking with a Sith Efrikin accent is part of the job description. blink.png

    Stick to basics, Scouse or Geordie accents it should do the jobtongue.png

    Get real!! if I try a Scouser or Geordie accent nobody will understand me - I'll starve. I'm still confused as to how the Thais can understand Scousers, Geordies, Glaswegians, and the Irish....I have to listen really hard to understand!!

    Us Kiwis are the only ones that speak proper English. whistling.gif

    • Like 2
  10. If he is in fact mentally unfit, he sure ain't stupid.

    Probably spends 3 or 4 hours scrounging 100B off a dozen or more Falangs, retires for a leisurely meal and coffee on the beach (he doesn't drink alcohol apparently), select the best looking Coconut Bar girl and wander off to his 500B/day apartment for a short interlude, chase a few balloons for his evening meal, and still has change for breakfast in the morning.

    Tough life - I should be so lucky!facepalm.gif

    You can always do the samethumbsup.gif

    Pattaya has many soi's, hopefully you will not have to have turf warlaugh.png

    Many a true thing said in jest. I am definitely considering a career change. I'm just concerned that speaking with a Sith Efrikin accent is part of the job description. blink.png

  11. For all you know he could be mentally unfit

    He is definitely not mentally unfit. He approaches you very calmly, speaks nicely and has an answer for every question you ask him.

    This guy is approximately 60 to 65 Y/O (could be older), During his speech he mentions that he doesn't drink alcohol. You will know who he is when he speaks to you with a clear South African accent.

    Call him what you like, but a fellow who repeats the same "waiting for an overseas transfer that won't come through for 5 hours" line day after day week after week sounds like a scammer/beggar to me.

    Mental fitness is NOT only ability to speak calmly, there are many different sicknesses out there.

    If he is in fact mentally unfit, he sure ain't stupid.

    Probably spends 3 or 4 hours scrounging 100B off a dozen or more Falangs, retires for a leisurely meal and coffee on the beach (he doesn't drink alcohol apparently), select the best looking Coconut Bar girl and wander off to his 500B/day apartment for a short interlude, chase a few balloons for his evening meal, and still has change for breakfast in the morning.

    Tough life - I should be so lucky!facepalm.gif

    • Like 1
  12. This man is a South African approximately 6 feet tall or about 185 cm. Mostly on soi Buakhow but I have seen him on soi Chaiyapoon as well. Be warned he is still waiting for that funds transfer 6 weeks later, he is a scammer.


    So if you anyhow is giving a description of this guy, why not describe the most obvious????? Is he black or a white guy

    from South-Africa???? is it so unpolite nowadays that you cannot use the colour of your skin to identify a human being, is that wrong???

    People are really strange...


    The OP clearly states he is a Farang - where's the confusion?

  13. OP - if you think it's definitely the bike as opposed to your physical condition, then try most of the options that have already been posted.

    Additionally, you could get hold of some multi adjustable racing clip-ons that can be adjusted in every direction - it could be the up/down angle causing grief, even though you can adjust in/out on the standard ones.

    Maybe you need to mount them higher or lower on the forks to change the overall height position. I'm not familiar with the CBR setup, but you can get adapters for most bikes that let you raise or lower them if the triple-tree is in the way, or if putting them under the tree is too low.

    I'd also suggest that you play around with the angles of the brake and clutch levers, especially if you alter your clip-on angle. I see many bikes with levers set at all sorts of weird angles that are both unsafe, and must be uncomfortable to use. If you have to raise or lower your fingers to "reach" for them, they're in the wrong position and may cause pain.

    Also, try changing the bar-end weights to a heavier or lighter set. I had a GSXR1000K2 that had a vibration resonance (harmonics) in the clip-ons at my regular cruising speed that made both hands and lower forearms go numb from the vibrations. I changed the weights and the resonance went away. It's feasible that you have a resonance but aren't aware of it.

    Try getting a shorty clutch lever - this forces two finger usage and they're less onerous on the forearm.

    Have you got the rear-sets in the best position for your comfort and riding style? This could be impacting on your seating position and causing shoulder pain.

    Try wearing a kidney belt and see if that arrests the pain. Most of us tend to slouch overly much on sportsbikes. A belt will keep your back straighter and take the weight off your shoulders and arms.

    When braking or clutching, have as much weight as possible off your arms. Use your knees and lower abdomen. This takes pressure of your shoulders/arms, and will give you improved braking performance by lowering the angle of the weight transfer to the forks.

    Sorry for the long post.

    • Like 2
  14. The man the OP is talking about.

    Is nicknamed Tiger. He has been here nearly 7 years. In the past he taught Thais and westerners golf, and g-d knows what happened after, I assume his Tillak sent him potty.

    If he has a skill then he should try and capitalise on it rather than begging/scamming. If he offered me a golf lesson I'd be more than happy to pay him for his time. All he has to do is find one bloke willing to take a lesson - if he's any good he will get referrals. The pro's charge 800-1000 baht per hour at the ranges. He could charge half that and do quite well out of it.

    • Like 1
  15. "Its interesting to note that in terms of Thai law, everyone is equal...."

    "Seems to me the legal system is heavily weighed to rich people and they are the only people that can win."

    OP - Your two comments regarding Thai law and the Thai legal system could appear contradictory. Or are you saying that although under Thai law everybody is technically equal, but the manner in which the law is interpreted and administered by the courts favours the wealthy?

    So really, it's the same as most countries in the west. thumbsup.gif

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