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Posts posted by mr3cho

  1. I've been using the 13" macbook air here for 3-4 months now and no issues of overheating. batt life is great. with wifi turned off and brightness turned down a bit, I get an estimated 9+ hours.

    As stated earlier, you can install parallels and windows of your choice to test in IE.

    As for backup...macbooks can backup to an external HD via usb using timemachine which comes with the OS without a problem. you may need to reformat the drive as OSX uses a different filesystem than windows.

    I was a windows user for 8-10 years and then switched to macs about 4-5 years ago. I like mac/osx better. less problems, less crashes and the design seems well thought out. not to mention that the hardware and operating system is designed and developed by the same company.

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