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Everything posted by acepredator

  1. Thanks for your reply. I did look into transcription and proofreading jobs. The transcription jobs I saw required investing a lot of time, and many of them dealt with highly technical fields that I'm not familiar with. Also, they had deadlines, so they would generate a lot of stress trying to get the transcription done by a certain time and date. I want to be able to set my own schedule, so that I won't have to deal with the pressure of a deadline. Many of the proofreading jobs I saw required training and experience as a proofreader, neither of which I have, and some of the work was in languages other than English. I didn't examine them too closely, but I assume most would also have deadlines, like the transcription jobs. I hadn't thought about editing jobs, but presumably they would be similar to those mentioned above: training and experience required, or at least desired, with deadlines imposed. In any event, I will look into the employment sites that you provided in your post. Thanks for the information and for the good luck wish. Same to you (I think it's safe to say that everybody can benefit from more good luck. It's never a bad thing.)
  2. Thanks for your suggestion, but, as I have very deep roots in Chiang Mai, it would be extremely traumatic for several Thais, as well as for me, if I were to ever leave. My only exit will be as smoke and ashes when I'm being cremated at a local temple. In any event, I would not even consider residing in a country that is ruled by a military junta that routinely and wantonly murders its own citizens. If the government doesn't value the lives of its own people, how would it feel about a foreigner, especially an American. Thanks but no thanks.
  3. Very interesting and detailed post. Thanks very much for submitting it. I'll definitely take the time to learn more about the trading strategy that seems to work so magnificently for you.
  4. If I sold all my investments at this time, I'd get about $280,000. Of course I would not do that. That's my nest egg for my future. In addition, I'd owe the U.S. government about $23,000 in taxes. And, of course, I'm not going to even consider opening a breeding farm, for the reasons you mentioned and because I am the world's greatest animal lover who can't stand to see them suffer in any way. I was only replying in a polite way to the person who submitted the post, who at least took the time and made the effort to do so.
  5. Maybe stagnant wasn't the right word, and "a few years" not specific enough. It just seems that the Dow has been trading between about 32,000 and 35,000 points for at least several months now, but I don't follow it closely on a daily basis. I'm looking for steady gains that would push it above the record close of 36,799, but I don't see them coming at this time. I just seem to remember that the market moved steadily upwards during previous presidential administrations, but that doesn't appear to be the case today.
  6. Unfortunately, I'm getting $575 a month in Social Security from the U.S. government. In January, it will be close to $600. $1,000 would certainly be nice, but it won't happen in my lifetime.
  7. Very interesting and novel idea. There's lot's of restaurants, bars, and massage shops in Chiang Mai, but no pedigree breeding farms that I know of. I'll look into it. Thanks for submitting your post.
  8. Very interesting post. Thanks for taking the time to submit it. A quick Google search of "price action with leverage" reveals information that looks complicated and precarious, but I'll look into it a bit more.
  9. Very interesting post. Thanks for taking the time to submit it. Sorry, but I don't understand junk funds. Do you mean funds made up of high-risk stocks and bonds, or just one or the other? Also, it's amazing to me that you trade such a huge amount of money, 100,000 dollars per trade, on something so inherently risky. The returns you mentioned are not guaranteed, unless I'm not clear on that part. No way I could even consider trading anything near that much. So even if I got 2-4%, it wouldn't be worth it for the smaller amount of money I could invest. Continued good luck on your system for making money.
  10. Then you must have the magic touch when it comes to buying penny stocks because every one of them I've ever bought has ultimately completely collapsed in value, costing me tens of thousands of dollars. The only way I've made money is by buying mutual funds from Franklin Templeton and annuities with Pacific Life Insurance Company and Lincoln Financial Group, all reputable and established companies and all investments based on the advice of my professional investment advisor. I'll never gamble and lose my money again by buying stocks that eventually inevitably become totally worthless.
  11. Thanks for the information, but these days, due to health concerns, I don't travel anymore unless absolutely necessary. That's why I'd like something that I could do sitting at my computer. Besides, I'm sure there are many videos of beautiful Thailand already posted to YouTube. I'm sure I couldn't add anything to those already there.
  12. Thanks for the advice, but small businesses are just too risky. My companion had a small massage shop, strictly legitimate, that didn't make enough money to cover the rent each month, never mind make a profit. Later, she had a small coffee shop with the same result. I've seen scores of small businesses close here in Chiang Mai, even before COVID-19 struck. I don't have the energy or enthusiasm needed to try to make a small business turn a profit. In addition, I have a heart condition called atrial fibrillation, which is an irregular heartbeat. The stress generated by seeing my small business ultimately fail could trigger a fatal stroke or heart attack, so no thank you. Sitting at my computer typing or reading is stress free, so I'll focus on that instead.
  13. Thanks for the information, but, again, I'm quit sure that schools just wouldn't be interested in hiring a 66 year old, especially one who hasn't taught in 13 years. Several years ago I tried applying for some online jobs and got absolutely zero interest. Most of the schools I applied to didn't even bother to reply. I've met many young people, in their 20s, who are teaching online. They can easily get jobs; I can't.
  14. Thanks for the information. I checked the website, and it looks very interesting. I'll start investing time in it starting tomorrow.
  15. Yes. Trading is high risk and stressful, which is why I wouldn't consider doing it. If there are no viable options, then I will continue doing what I've been doing. I'm only exploring the possibilities.
  16. I don't have any ideas for YouTube videos that people would watch. Also, I don't have anyone who could speak for me. The only people I know are Thais. Thanks for the suggestion.
  17. I'm not giving up. I'm looking into finding something meaningful I can do while sitting at my computer in Thailand. That's what I said in my original post.
  18. Thanks again. I would need the service to America, and not the expensive one. It's not that critical an issue for me, but if I could improve on my VPN, I'd be interested in checking it out.
  19. Thanks again for the suggestions, but I haven't owned or driven a car since I left the West 29 years ago, and I've never driven a bus. Bus companies don't hire inexperienced 66 year olds. I have zero handyman skills, and certainly wouldn't try to acquire any now.
  20. Very interesting, but in my case, I've been out of the job market in the West for 29 years, so I don't really see what job skills I could offer a potential employer who could find a much younger man to do the job instead of me.
  21. Very interesting. That's something I've never heard of. Thanks for the information. I'll look into it.
  22. Thanks for the suggestion, but what job do you think I could get in the West at 66 years of age? Who would hire me and to do what? The last time I worked in the West was in 1994, which was 29 years ago. So I don't think looking for a job outside Thailand is really a viable option.
  23. Yes, they do. That's why I'm hoping to find something that is not too difficult and that pays just slightly more than crap. I realize it's a long shot, but anyway I'm looking.
  24. I'm not poor now by any means. I didn't say that I was poor. It's just that my expenses have continued to increase while I have been retired so that I'm not bringing in any money other than what I make on the stock market, and it has been stagnant for a few years now. I'm only preparing for a future that will be more expensive than today.
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