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Everything posted by acepredator

  1. Wrong. It is a problem. It happens to me every time I am with my Thai companion, and it has nothing to do with language. Do you have to speak the same language as a customer to hand that customer his change from a purchase? Of course not. What an idiotic concept. The reason Thai clerks completely ignore foreign customers who are accompanied by a Thai is that they hate us. Thais are appallingly xenophobic and racist. The people of Thailand would be delighted if every single foreigner here got on an airplane and left tomorrow. Maybe they wouldn't be so happy later when they realized that we had stopped spending the billions of baht a year we spend to help support their economy.
  2. No. It would still expire on your birthday, but it would be the birthday five years after your expiration date rather than the birthday six years after. If you renewed your license after the expiration date you would only get four years and some months to use it before the next expiration date.
  3. Now we have two versions of the story. I'll just have to wait until later this month to see if I get the five or six year renewal. It seems likely to me that Mr J is right -- that it would only be five years. I doubt that the DLT would give people an incentive to wait and deliberately let their driving licenses expire in order to get an extra year until their next renewal. That would be rewarding irresponsible behavior, which I don't think any branch of the Thai government would do.
  4. That's very good to know. I hadn't realized that there's actually an advantage to waiting until after your license has expired to renew it in order to get an extra year. I just didn't pay attention to the expiration date until a friendly and helpful police officer pulled me over for a traffic violation and pointed out that my license had already expired. He informed me that there is a one year grace period during which you can renew your license without any penalty. Thanks very much for the information.
  5. That makes it crystal clear, in that yours is the voice of experience. I'll look forward to getting an extra year on my license this time.
  6. Sorry, but that's a bit confusing. My license expired in November of 2022. If I'm able to successfully renew it next month, will the new license expire in November of 2027 or 2028?
  7. My browser is Google Chrome, which has the right-click option to translate to English. The problem wasn't the nature of the text, all of which is in English. The problem, instead, was that the video featured an instructor who was speaking Thai. It wasn't until I checked the third video of three that I found the one that had English subtitles. Unfortunately, the DLT authorities didn't indicate which video was intended for foreigners. If they had, I would have saved a great deal of time and effort. Thanks very much for the information and for taking the time to reply to my post.
  8. That's the way I did my renewals in the past also, but now it's different with the online reservation and testing systems. It's probably best to do as much as you can online to save time when you do your next renewal. The website to book a reservation to visit the office is: https://www.dlt.go.th/en . The website to do the testing is: https://www.dltelearning.com . I would suggest visiting these websites before renewing your license next time. Thanks very much for your reply.
  9. Thanks for the information and for your advice. I got my first motorcycle license in 2004, so I've been through the renewal process more than once. This is the first time, however, that I've had to do anything online. In the past, I just showed up early with the necessary documents and waited all day until I got my new license. I don't remember now which tests were conducted. Once I get through the online testing, I expect the rest will be relatively simple, especially since I've already booked an appointment for 1:30 in the afternoon. If it takes all afternoon, so be it. This process takes place only once every five years, so I can and will endure. Thanks again for taking the time to reply to my post.
  10. I was able to register as a foreigner without any complications at the website mentioned above, the one without the hyphen. It wasn't until I checked the third video of the three for motorcycle licenses that I found the English subtitles. So it should be no problem completing the renewal process from here. Thanks very much for your reply.
  11. Yes, I was able to find the right video with English subtitles from the link provided. Thanks very much for your reply.
  12. I was able to find the video with the English subtitles. It was the third of the three videos for the motorcycle license. I had only tried the first one last night, assuming the other two were the same. Thanks very much for your invaluable assistance. It will make getting the new license much easier than it would have been otherwise. Extremely gratifying to know that as Thai Visa members we are available to help each other out if we can. As I said in my post, the voice of experience is always the wisest.
  13. My Thai motorcycle driving license expired last November. My Thai friend advised me to reserve a time slot to visit the Department of Land Transportation here in Chiang Mai to renew my license. I was able to register and book a time on the DLT webpage as a foreigner using English without complications. The next step is to listen to a one-hour instructional video and then take a test based on the information presented in the video. Unfortunately, this was the complicated part. The problem is that the presenter in the video is speaking Thai. An exhaustive search could produce no English language video. The questions that followed the video were in English, so no problem there. But I can't answer the questions without watching the video, and I can't watch the video if it's not in English. Has anyone else experienced this problem while trying to renew a motorcycle driving license? The voice of experience is always the wisest. Any advice as to how I can solve my problem or information about the driving license renewal process would be greatly appreciated. Thanks very much in advance.
  14. What a completely idiotic post. I receive money into my PayPal account so that I can pay for goods and services that I need to pay for using PayPal. I don't have a business, in Thailand or anywhere else. How can someone only pay out of their account if they never receive any funds into their account to replenish it? Is PayPal a bottomless well that provides us with free money? I don't think so. If you pay out funds, but don't transfer any in, then your account will at some point be at zero. If so, how can you continue to pay out of it? I'd like to suggest that next time you might try thinking a little bit before submitting a ludicrous and ridiculous post like this one.
  15. acepredator


    Where my companion buys them, they are available in any desired quantity. Fifty leaves cooked to perfection (by her) seems to have the desired effect, without exception. Some people would doubtless require more or fewer leaves, as individual tastes differ greatly.
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