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Everything posted by ripstanley

  1. The tipping starts next Thursday. Only 5 starters so far. Come and join. At least I will improve from last year.
  2. In 2012 our new car was driven without number plates for 6 months. Went through police checks up north. Never was stopped.
  3. Money always talks. There would have been many brown bags
  4. I am not American but if Trump is elected to president again I pity our world. He is nothing but a megalomaniac. Biden is to old so please US voters show some sense.
  5. From the linked article. Police are warning local groceries in Phuket and Thailand that Kratom juice is listed as a controlled herbal product and any such controlled herbal product cannot be produced or sold without permission by the Thai Food and Drug Administration. Kratom Juice is also not allowed to be added as an ingredient or mixed into other food or juice for selling. So even pure Kratom Juice in a bottle cannot be sold, especially on public streets.
  6. It will happen just after the 10000 baht wallet is delivered. In other words NEVER.
  7. Go and visit your local office and ask them. When my ex wife and I separated the car I drive was in her name. She transferred it to my 9 year old son. This was allowed. You will get a lot of advice but it will be up to your local office to make the final decision. Good luck
  8. If it is land it will not be in your name unless you are Thai. If it will be in your wife's name you will have to sign a document saying that no money has come from you
  9. This has been covered days ago. Why start a new thread?
  10. You should read the initial post again. The poll closed in August 2023.
  11. The AFL has announced a few rule changes. https://www.afl.com.au/video/1074895/footy-feed-smother-crackdown-sub-latest-injured-tigers-delay?videoId=1074895&modal=true&type=video&publishFrom=1707198923001 Is anyone interested in AFL Fantasy this year? If so let me know and I will start a comp for us.
  12. I put all change in a plastic bag. Every couple of weeks I count the coins and bag into 100 baht amounts. I then deposit them into my sons bank account when I have less than 2000 baht. My local bank charge a commission if the amount exceeds 1999 baht. He has a handy balance now.
  13. Do not forget to change your passport number at your local bank and DLT if your passport number is on your licence. This will save a few hassles in the future.
  14. Thankyou for your post.
  15. You always beep at carless motorists/motorbike riders to prevent an accident. That way it is legal.
  16. Do both parents need to attend? Do they take the photos there?
  17. This topic has been covered by the news team already. Make sure when you book your ticket all your given names are listed. When you get your boarding pass ensure all the given names are on it. If not speak to the airline before proceeding. The security will not allow you to proceed unless ID and and boarding pass are exact matches.
  18. From the link. This case delves into a sensitive area of police conduct and public trust. If the allegations are confirmed, it could be a severe breach of ethics and law, undermining the integrity of the police force and their role in upholding justice. Sorry I could not stop laughing.
  19. Great result. He should have been never charged.
  20. I think you will find you do not own any part of the house. Did you sign a document at the land office that was in Thai? If you did it was saying that you did not give any money towards the house. The only document you can apply for is a Yellow Book which will say you live there. You can use this book instead of a Resident Certificate. You need to apply for a Usufruct which will give you a 30 year lease. I hope this helps.
  21. I believe Mai Sai border is closed. Check Chiang Rai forum. There is a recent posting
  22. Have a look at the link. There is a video attached. The excuse for a man is nothing but an animal,
  23. You cannot compete a TM30 with just the Passport number, DOB and name.
  24. Thai drivers license is what I use. No problems and no TM30 input by hotel. I know the license has my passport number but they require more details to submit a TM30.
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