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Posts posted by humblefalang

  1. no, not really its a combination of dry and being taken out by the tankers of which you get paid for.

    the muck as you would guess goes into one big lagoon, from there, tankers and drying takes place,

    and yes, its one person job, you cant do it all year round cause of the raining season,,

    hard to believe but imagine you have your tubing and pumping done all laid out fro the lagoon to the shallow beds where it get dried all you have to do is pull the starter on the pump then turn it off, when all dried you bag it, then comes along the husband help load it to the truck, taken to to store house and that's it,

    as i said this is what i can see and hear from this particular people, they are family of the father in law, i know them for years,

    as you mentioned the rules are unknown to me and the missus too, even they don't seem to know how long they can keep going,

    my exact point when the missus goes on about it,

    they must have a sort of 5 10 year contract i would think.

    back to what i am doing at the moment,

    i used the balance feed, 951,952,953,954 in grain form(no complaints)

    we have another three sets of piglets 11,13,12,

    the missus for some reason wants to have a go at using this feed also from betagro but in powder form which then gets mixed with lam from rice.

    anyone feeds their pigs that way, and whats the ratio?

    my argument with the missus is as follow. Me asking the questtions offcourse.

    if the grain form just good enough why change?

    Because its cheaper.and someone in the village tried it and never went back to grain feed.

    how much is it per bag?

    not sure yet.

    all inputs appreciated,


  2. interesting last few posts here,

    what is wrong with (if you can't beat them joined them)

    I have mentioned it before, set up a farm for about 700 bests about 2million baht.

    go with betagro instead you will get about 5baht/kilo

    village where i live has 6 farms and two more being built,

    the rummor is that they are making about 300.000 every sale which is about 4 months,

    that is after electricity and water bills,

    believe it or not it is a one man job in the farm, feeding and cleaning, one outside drying the shit and bagging it, 30baht a bag,

    and you also get paid by the trucks( tank) that comes to take the shit in liquid form, 200-300 per truck full,

    again it is rummors but an uncle of the missus got a loan somehow build one did the contract with betagro, never looked back, paid the loan in 3 years, new house, new car, and seem happy, but it has hard work.

  3. lets hope so,i still have 13 to go in the next 3-4 weeks, could make a bit of profit for a change,

    by the way i have 11 piglets( off the sow yesterday, already eating b-lac from day 8-9, anyone interested?)

    near khon kaen,

    another 14 born two days ago and

    another sow having about tomorrow,

  4. i

    Last week in Isaan was 58 and this week is 64-65. Is this for real? Or is just what contract farmers get? Last week we sold to Korat at 55 bath. Its gone be fun to c what we can sell for this week. A slaughterhouse offered us 54 bath today but then we have to sell at least 25 pigs or we had to go down to 53. What a joke this country is.

    i wish i was there, here not far from khon kaen all we get is 49,

  5. What is the best way to do if i have pigs that is to fat (100kg). I have get advice to stop feeding them for a few days. Is that all or...

    I'm thinking of feeding them low energy diet with normal protein level. Any advice?

    I have a new customer i want to impress.

    Im not sure but i think days will not shed so much fat out as you think, they may lose a couple of kilos but that does not mean less fat, i probably want to set you goal from a young age piglet and givem the right food to achieve minimum fat, maximum red meat,

    anyone please put in your thoughts i also would like to knoe if there is a quick fix


  6. I am really sorry to hear that IA,

    I know from reading your posts how much you care and hard work you have put into it,(not to mention the economics)

    i has come to a sad point, i wish i had the space to help, i do have a huge pen available but i will be having piglets from two sows in two weeks, that hopefully will be about 25-30 piglets,

    this should be taken seriously all of us with pigs around the house, village, get your paper done.

    having said that i haven't and the missus dosn't get it,

    you come across as a very cautious smart man, and im sure you've done everything you could, but i still think you should remain, (That maybe just my bullish attitude)

    i hope you can get to the end of this issue the best possible way, let us know how it is going

    All the best


  7. as for gasohol eating rubber seal/ i think that is your clueless moo baan mechanics idea of it,(the one whom dont know what ethanol is or what 91 means.

    Not sure what you are saying as ethyl alcohol (ethanol) in gasohol can damage (dissolve) natural (organic) rubber parts, including the hoses and diaphragms. Neoprene, silicon or similar artificial rubbers are not an issue.

    That's exactly what i was saying,

    its not a problem when you have alternatives,(and no bloody choice)

  8. I can say that today 09/012/13 if you need benzine91 come to my station,

    i have it' plenty, but yes it will stop soon,

    we as in thailand will have gasohol 91-green in color, benzine 91 is/was yellow

    benzine 95 and gasohol 95 still available and will be available together with all your diesels

    older motobikes may have carburator issues when changing from benzine to gasohol.

    FI motobikes will be fine,

    as for gasohol eating rubber seal/ i think that is your clueless moo baan mechanics idea of it,(the one whom dont know what ethanol is or what 91 means.

    • Like 1
  9. 47b a kilo that is all we got,

    sold 14 pigs @ 47b almost had to cry for 47, fooker wanted to give me 46 (lol)

    i have no idea how come some of you lot are getting 50something,

    i sell to middle man, i get it, but the middle man say he get 47 at the slaughter house, thats why he charges me 100 each pig,

    average wight 90 kg, have another 12 to in 4 weeks, hope the price goes up,

    11 piglets at the mo, and two more sows will break the water in about three weeks time, cant wait.

    thinking about free range chicken farming together with those brown ducks for eggs,

    dont even know if i made any moneywhistling.gif

    Cut out the middleman and contact the slaughterhouse yourself. You are being robbed my friend!

    i have tryed to first was betagro house in khon kaen, well my wife called( they said they dont buy pigs from noone.

    other slaughter house where the middle man goes too? (not sure the wife does not seem to get it,

    she really believes he only takes 100b per pig, i a bit stuck honestly, i dont think the wife and me are on the same plan when it comes to the pigs,

    oh well( she know it all) after all she's Thai no?clap2.gif

  10. 47b a kilo that is all we got,

    sold 14 pigs @ 47b almost had to cry for 47, fooker wanted to give me 46 (lol)

    i have no idea how come some of you lot are getting 50something,

    i sell to middle man, i get it, but the middle man say he get 47 at the slaughter house, thats why he charges me 100 each pig,

    average wight 90 kg, have another 12 to in 4 weeks, hope the price goes up,

    11 piglets at the mo, and two more sows will break the water in about three weeks time, cant wait.

    thinking about free range chicken farming together with those brown ducks for eggs,

    dont even know if i made any moneywhistling.gif

  11. With the free movement of people, better diets, medicenes, and longievity, the world needs a natural or man made disaster to bring us back into balance. If you take the time to research, information is readily available, its quite frightning what is happening at such a fast pace. Money of a kind will always be the given currency. Happy 2013smile.png

    Another big war is what's needed to wipe out a couple of million people.

    i dont believe a couple of million would solve the food issue, more like a country the size of america for instance,(nothing personal)

  12. Who have pigs from around 100 kg.

    I need a few for my customers and don't have them from myself that are big enough.

    For the people who are intrested, I have young piglets for sale.

    if stil interested i do have some pigs


    sow is landrace/lw pretty sure, have about 5 of them at around 90-100 kilos,

    i live between khon kaen and kalasin,

    another 10 or so in a month can be sold too

  13. Urgent advice please

    one of my sows is 116 days pregnant today 28/12/12

    not very experienced i am/nor the missus

    have medicine ready to inject to initiate contractions


    full tits but not milking on stimulation

    no broken waters yet

    sure she is pregnant,

    this sow always gives baby on the day number113

    round five for her and last.

    let nature take its course, we have some sows that can be as late as 125- 126. if no milk on stimulation i would say maybe not today. but you can never tell for 100 percent. look for leakage from the virgina. dont know what meds you have put try to hold off until she is at least 75 percent through in labour. when you can see she is "itchy" she would be starting the birthing process, but still this could be some hours off or maybe up to a day.

    Urgent advice please

    one of my sows is 116 days pregnant today 28/12/12

    not very experienced i am/nor the missus

    have medicine ready to inject to initiate contractions


    full tits but not milking on stimulation

    no broken waters yet

    sure she is pregnant,

    this sow always gives baby on the day number113

    round five for her and last.

    You are as prepared as you need to be, now wait for signs of distress from the sow. If she is eating, drinking and shitting then she is not ready. Have you given her some nest building materials?

    Thanks for the reply guys

    happy new you all by the way,

    it worked out ok in the end

    we got 12 piglets all healthy and good size

    excellent sow, 5 rounds always healthy and a;ways 12 piglets

    • Like 1
  14. Urgent advice please

    one of my sows is 116 days pregnant today 28/12/12

    not very experienced i am/nor the missus

    have medicine ready to inject to initiate contractions


    full tits but not milking on stimulation

    no broken waters yet

    sure she is pregnant,

    this sow always gives baby on the day number113

    round five for her and last.

  15. we got a 2 stroke yamaha speed 120-125cc not sure

    i am 83kg and i can get 145k/h out of it still it is now about 8 years old and nothing modified,

    regular oil change and plug thats it,

    does not like to start, once it gets going its quite fast (for its category)

    i know some of you chaps on the r1 and so get to 150k/h clap2.gif

  16. I got a small bag of ammonium sulphate from my local merchant for 30 Baht.

    Mixed a small amount with the water before adding the glyphosate and it dissolves really well, leaving no residue at all. So Ok for the sprayer.

    It takes quite a long time to see the effects with glyphosate anyway, 10 to 14 days.

    It has definitely improved the effectiveness with only mixing in a small amount, so I will be continuing with it.

    What is the thay name for ammonium sulphate?

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