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Posts posted by humblefalang

  1. all bad around here,

    no rain grass and weed everywhere,

    turning all of it into sugarcane, even (considering taking out the latex tree out 10 rai not much) and doing sugar

    want to eat rice? go buy it.

    already do anyway,

    missus not keen thou

    around here i sell sugar at 14.000 per rai,/i know if i cut and tranported my self i get a bit more but its hard work

  2. 1st let me say that it has been some intersting reading her,

    been at farming in LOS for 5 years,

    1st i would not bother with rice husk straw as said above it suck notrogen and unless it is fuccly conposed forget it,

    2nd all this orbanic blah blah, ok it is what it is (organic) it will help growth of your plants,

    3rd if you are doing anything over 10 rai and want alternative fertilizer, here what you do,

    find your local pig farm and a truck that can carry liquid get all the pig shit you can get (liquid) transfer it to your land and just empty it everywhere, then plough the land plant your crop.


    just as good if not better than chem fert.

    we do it.

    have the best sugar cane around the family do it too, and we sell the sugar cane to be replanted beatifull fat and tall ( more profit).

    other than that i would not bother with alternative fertilizer,

    beautifull green but not practical for 10 rai up

  3. I just wanted to add that

    its corrution at its best, i dont accept it and have known about it for years, i have even been told to leave the immigration office because of verbalism regarding an officer trying to bend the rule,( maybe he just did not like my face) only to his shock i knew the rule just as good as him,

    nakon is infected aslo khon kaen quite new office,

    my frind went to do the 90 days, two days late,

    officer: why you late?

    friend: im old i cannot drive too far

    officer:I can do your future reports today,

    friend:What you mean?

    officer: you pay 2000 i give receipt for next 90 days until your visa finish,

    friend: ok

    so the officer stamped and dated 3 or four receipts fro 3, 6 , 9 months from then,

  4. I too am learning how to use one. Got hold of a 9 foot one and after a few lessons and many failed /dismal attempts actually went out today and bought a 5 foot one to learn on. Not sure if I am taking the easy way out or not but time will tell. I have actually caught quite a few fish but admittedly this is in my stocked pond in front of the house so cheating a bit really.

    Well done patongphil,doesn't really matter if it is a well stocked pond in front of your home or a lesser stocked lake,the fact is that you are opening your net and hauling it well by the sounds of it.I started with a cotton 8 foot net but I have got a 10 foot nylon/cotton one now.Maybe it's only me but I think that the nylon is easier to cast seeing as it doesnt soak and hold water the same as the 100% cotton does.I would really like to be able to do the same as my Uncle,he casts into deep water and then dives in to check the net for snags before hauling,but I am many years off that target.Good luck with your new net and happy catching.


    me too guys i learned about 2 weeks ago

    two attempts failed then one more attempt and it was great circle,

    i thoght i got!

    wrong took me another 20 try's to get the hand of it,

    great fun and great skill i love it, not so lucky for the fish

    and im getting ready to teach my son too with a smaller net offcourse,

    go to youtube

    type (how issan fishing net) there is tutorial by an young ameracan i think thats where i learned

    • Like 1
  5. Depends where you are but where I am in south-west Sakhon Nakhon province should be thinking of 50,000 per rai if road access. Many ask more but don't achieve much above this. Is the land main road side in which case could pay more because land could support house as well.

    you lucky fellas

    here near kranuan you will get nothing for less than 80.000 for rice land

    dry land for cassave and such 100.000 per rai

    to answer your question

    i think it depends where you are but i would say 30-40.000 per rai,

  6. Love it.

    Did nobody turn a turtle over to see if it had the vague winning lottery numbers on its under-belly?

    If you live here, you will know what I am on about :whistling:

    have done turtles and also some kind of frog (with baby powder spryed on the belly to increase visibility) sister in law cheesy.gif

  7. my self on and off for 7 years,

    here for the last year,

    i can understand quite a lot of(lao) speak some,

    could do my life without the missus (i mean dont need translator)

    when it comes to thai language i just dont get most if it.

    i spend my time around farm work, get to chit chat a lot with other farmers too,

    i really would l;ike to learm to read and writte that would be my ultimate goal.

    im located near khon kaen,

    some people do speak thai but most adress them selves to me in lao.

  8. My Thai daughter is hyperactive - but not a problem. We laugh and play together - she's smart - she learns quickly - her mom has taught her to be super respectful …….

    Ya, sure she talks a lot but her imagination is incredible. She dances and sings. Maybe she is a "stand out" for hyperactivity - I don't know for sure.

    What I do believe is that when some behaviour is given a name - like ADHD or ADD or whatever, one can then "own" it and say "I'm like this because I'm ADD or ADHD". Then, it becomes how they identify in life and, in some cases they feel like there's something wrong with them.

    Please don't jump to labelling these kids "hyped up brats" or suggest that "They'll grow out of it in their late teens and become lazy SOBs". Play with them, enjoy them, teach them, love them. You may have been a kid once yourself.

    spot on fella


    my kids are hyper too,

    but hey

    i have always been hyper, disobedient, too much of everything, too fast, loud, rude, and apparently they even have my face

    according to the mother, i only hope my daughter grows to be better looking than me lol

  9. QUICK UPDATE on my RKV 200. After the office Security guard decided to put a lock on my front wheel one night - and then I rode off with it still on ... Doh! .... I needed to replace the damaged speedometer sensor on the front wheel. I sent an email (in English) to the Keeway main dealer in Hua Lamphong about dropping the bike in to get the sensor replaced, and got a reply the same day (also in English) saying that they needed to order the part as they did not have it in stock and giving the name and number of the service manager. A week later they confirmed that the part was in stock.

    I was travelling with work - so the husband of the daughter of my housekeepers oldest sister (don't you just love Thai extended family networks) rode the bike to the dealer and got it fixed in an hour. 500 THB for parts and labour and they also replaced a blown side-light bulb.

    So first impressions of parts and servicing is good.

    I also got them to look at the sticky 1 to 2 gear-change .... but according to the Condo maintenance man who took my bike for a spin and the ex-motorsai taxi 'husband of daughter of sister of housekeeper' who took my bike to the dealer "it's my falang foot and not the gearchange - you are used to motorbike Angid with girls gearchange lever". They may be right, as the dealer said the gearchange seemed fine.

    The angle of the gear changer is important. I had the same problem with the CBR600 in Oz. Riding in tennis shoes Ok...riding with biker boots No good....until I adjusted it about 5 mm!

    i went to my dealer but forgot to check the tire size?

    can you check the tire size for me on your bike?

    what came with it ew i mean

    thank you

  10. so what equates to rich or poor.. I earn 100k per month.. Am i in the poor or rich band?

    If it's 100k in US dollars, I would say rich.

    If it's 100k in Thai Baht, I would say poor.

    how can 100K baht be poor

    it all depends of your life style. i would say/ but then again youi would that your income defines your life style

  11. i love to do the whole of it,

    from getting my local man to get my sow pergnant, delivery, training new sow,watching them grow vaccine, the whole lot, really,

    i even built the pens myself,(against inlaws advice) falang head bo pen,

    still doing absolutely ever\ything that needs doing,

    i even learned how to weld metal together just for the pigs,

    the way i look at it

    at worst times if i break even im ok,

    "Going to check the books" i meant the missus keep a track all cash in and out, number of beasts,piglets everything going back about year and a half,

    once decripted i will try to get a spreadsheet out here,

  12. How about a bit of each question.

    December not New Year too early to see much further rise. I haven't looked at the prices this week but would suggest it would be a good time to look for the location of the new contract growers farms. They should be coming on stream in force now. Worthy of note piglets were down this week too.

    Boys or girls. Well barrows grow fastest because they eat more. They also lay down more fat if you let them eat to appetite after about 60 kg. Boars next, the choice of meat for me (for Durocs) the issue is when they get to 70kg they will start to fight more. They should not be housed with gilts after about 50 kgs. There is the issue of taint with a boar which I have not had but if the pig is slaughtered poorly it can happen. As a rule I make the decision on a boar to breed or not at ham size, if not it is an early exit. Gilts are easy but grow a little slower.

    Buying piglets or breeding. This is all about the numbers, piglets you breed are not free they each carry a proportion of the maintenance cost of the sows. Firstly you have to figure the cost of the sow until she farrows. Gestation feed will cost around 20,000 baht per year and lactation a little more per bag. Add the insemination costs or a proportion of the boars upkeep and divide that by the number of weaned pigs per year. Lose a sow to a scorpion bite and a few too many piglets that get sat on and you are sunk. At 16kg a piglet for 1,300 baht is not a bad deal. Track those numbers carefully Humble F, I can't compete at those numbers.

    you just made sit back on my chair, IA

    you are quite right all of that must be taken into consideration,

    but i still believe in breeding,

    yes you may loose a sow, i lost one three weeks ago, going thru the second pregnancy, torsion or something like that?

    it happens,

    you may have only 5-6 piglets out at one time thats the minimum i have ever had,

    but i have also had 15 from one sow,

    and yes some were small but with extra care commitment we raised them to an average of 102 kg, at a fair feed price,

    i must admit my numbers are not exact but this last two or three posts makes want to know for sure

    would i be better off buyng piglets?

    off to look at the books?

  13. a very noob question:

    is there any mojor difference growing "boy" or "girl" piglets?

    speed of growth?

    taste of meat?

    ease of selling?

    have some piglets ready to take, for 1200thb each. what weight should i normally expect for them to be? 10kg? +? -?

    1200 i would want to be 12-15kg

    personally i dont buy piglets no more i grow the sow the mamma pig get her pregnant, and grwo her babies,

    the way the price is going if you buy the piglet for 1200-1300, plus the feed 3.500 per pig the profit is minimal.

    allow me to share how we do it,

    7 days after the piglet is born we give them b-lac from betagro they will not eat but nibble at that age,

    then by the time they are two weeks old they actually eat it, by the time they are 22-25days old they are taken from mother and put in a pen by themsleves.

    From my experience if i could choose id have boys only,

    they grow faster

    not sure about taste of meat as all my pigs are sold,

    my buyers want size, that what i aim now,

    More than you asked i know

    hope it helps

  14. http://en.engormix.c...2368/165-p0.htm

    Take the time to read the article linked here. PRRS is now endemic in Thailand. If you are unlucky and it arrives at your farm then learn how to deal with it. So far I have been lucky but I remain a boy scout and try to be prepared.

    Thanks IA very worthy article.

    indeed a good read,

    thanks for sharing

    knowledge is power

    a shot in the air

    would someone please try to help get the phone number or adress of the betagro slaughter house in khon kaen.

    i just cant find it on the net,

    but they do have a new plant there.

    Thanks in advance

  15. what does it cost to feed a pig from piglet to finish using betagro or other pig feeds.


    There is no single number. I have posted charts on the quantities my pigs consume per feed stage here several times. Excuse me if I ask you to search for them. The per grade bag prices depend on where you are. As a start I use a feed conversion ratio of 2.6 which I have achieved consistently for 4 years. That is, a pig will eat 260 kg of feed to reach 100 kg. But my sty is a low walled and not an evaporative fan forced one, many people will get better figures than me. I am essentially a breeder not a grower. It all makes a difference

    Never mind my question on the feed quantities on the PIG POO AND FLIES FORUM IssanAussie.

    will look too.

  16. let me share with you how we do it,

    please comment if you want just dont call me names

    because all our pigs like to crap in one area alone within their room (pen)? we just drop one or two bags of fresh husk in it, i mean in their pen or room 7-8 pigs each room. about 3.3mx3.3m.

    next day remove it in to a big mama of a bucket on whells and drop it on the specific place outside where we actually make compost to add to the latex trees, (cheap fertilizer)

    flies not much

    smell very little

    the pigs love it,

    we do spray some EM on the compost outside but not as often as you would think

    once a month or so,

    once i collect the husk we washed them clean let it dry for an hour or so and then add new rice husk.

    a bit of work but personally its paying off large amounts of compost.

    just dont add fresh husk when its time to feed the pigs, they will stop eating to play with the husk

    the wash water its piped into the small field with banana,

    the banana are massive by the way,

    Close enough in result if not process to what I do really. Only one comment, if the pigs stop eating to play with rice husk, can I suggest you are feeding them too much?

    Oh, I spray EM on my compost piles daily, but it is finished in 3 weeks.


    Honestly IA i wouldnt know when they have had enough of the feed, they always seem hungry as hell, and im sure the missus has no idea too

    im sure it varies from feed to feed aND their age too but generaly speaking about how much feed in weight do you give to your pigper day and how many times a day?

  17. let me share with you how we do it,

    please comment if you want just dont call me names

    because all our pigs like to crap in one area alone within their room (pen)? we just drop one or two bags of fresh husk in it, i mean in their pen or room 7-8 pigs each room. about 3.3mx3.3m.

    next day remove it in to a big mama of a bucket on whells and drop it on the specific place outside where we actually make compost to add to the latex trees, (cheap fertilizer)

    flies not much

    smell very little

    the pigs love it,

    we do spray some EM on the compost outside but not as often as you would think

    once a month or so,

    once i collect the husk we washed them clean let it dry for an hour or so and then add new rice husk.

    a bit of work but personally its paying off large amounts of compost.

    just dont add fresh husk when its time to feed the pigs, they will stop eating to play with the husk

    the wash water its piped into the small field with banana,

    the banana are massive by the way,

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