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Posts posted by HarryWho

  1. On 9/23/2020 at 8:02 PM, Pedrogaz said:

    Sheryl, my Thai partner is in Japan and wants to return to Thailand at the end of October. I understand from reading TV over the last few days that she does not need a COVID test, that she must quarantine for 14 days in a government facility. 

    Will she need to be on a repatriation flight? Or can she fly on a JAL flight for which she has a return ticket?


    My Thai wife just repatriated into Thailand.  She had all the forms, COE, Fit-to-Fly, T8, passport.  The embassy told her which flights she could use.  She is quarantining at Le Bali Resort & Spa in Pattaya, not too bad.  I had no idea what kind of quarantine setup she would get, but so far so good.  Paid for by the government.  She says the food isn't spicy/Thai enough, but it's good.  I plan to join her soon and need to start getting all the forms together.  Go to the Thai embassy site, all the forms and info is there.

    • Like 1
  2. Thai Love Links conversations turned into 8 years of happy marriage with my lovely Thai bride.  We live in the US now but have a house in Thailand for retirement.  We are both working FT and saving up for retirement.  She has the strongest work ethic of anyone I know. We were in Thailand for Christmas/NY last year and threw a big party in the village.

    • Haha 1
  3. I am an advocate of the WFPB (Whole Food Plant Based) lifestyle.  I believe this is the best way to lose weight, get healthy, and stop letting doctors hurt you with big Pharma "medicine".  If the TED talks pique your interest, there are many resources on the net to help you make the transition to a WFPB lifestyle.


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jX2btaDOBK8 - TED talk about the pleasure trap and why diets fail.


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5wfMNNr3ak - TED talk on the historically healthiest ways to eat, lose weight, live longer


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CN7PF10RKo - TED talk on the China Study and eating healthy


    https://www.forksoverknives.com/what-to-eat/#gs.MNlOS4E - WFPB site with good info


  4. On 12/5/2018 at 10:01 AM, ChrisKC said:

    There is a way!! Don't go on some fad diet.


    Eat Plant only based food - eat as much as you like and lose weight! And start a regime of exercise. Ask me in a personal message how to get started.



    I have proof that this WFPB (whole food plant based) method is very effective in losing weight quickly and safely.  Other benefits are it helps the planet, and you will improve your blood work!  You might even live longer!  I was able to get off 5 different big pharma diabetes and blood pressure meds, which literally do nothing to cure you or the disease, they just hide the symptoms, and the amount you need goes higher and higher.  Expensive in more ways than one. Insulin for diabetes type 1 will always be required, but you can lower the dosage and control your glucose readings better with WFPB eating.


    I sneak in a little dairy or meat once in a while, but going plant based helped me drop over 80 pounds, and I am over 60 years old. Check out Forks over Knives to learn more.  I believe WFPB eating will be huge in a few years, it is getting lots of momentum.

    But the food industry is catching on, and releasing horrible fatty vegan foods like the Beyond Burger and Good Catch "fish".  If you go Vegan, make it WFPB.  Avoid the packaged, processed crap put out by the food industry full of oil, salt, fat, and white sugar.

    I love all the posts that say just eat less and exercise more.  For people with food addiction, it just won't work.  They will fail at losing weight, and probably gain more.  Interesting book on this called The Pleasure Trap.  No, not that pleasure trap. ????


    I am in Thailand visiting with the wife's family.  They don't get the vegan thing and keep bringing us all those great tasting Thai dishes with meat and fish.  So good!  ????  I eat a few bites to not insult them, but I am slowly convincing them that it's OK for me to not each meat, fish, and dairy.  They complement me for looking skinnier.   No more poom pui.  Now they are bringing me Sum Tom Thai and salads!  No fish sauce! ???? The Thai word for vegan is Jay, they know that word.


    Good luck with your weight loss goals!


    • Like 2
  5. 6 hours ago, Harveyg said:

    There may be a bigger picture here, namely a worldwide epidemic of diabetes/obesity which I’ve kearned from several docuseries.  Obesity seems very reversible but things will get worse before better.   Walking down an American street you can see it.  Heck, look at the thai youngsters.  Too many are overweight already.  

    Yes, but it's NOT just the US, it's worldwide.  People have stopped eating veggies and fruits.  They eat mostly meat, dairy, and processed foods.  Too much fat and added SOS - sugar, oil, salt.  A good documentary discussing the issues is Forks over Knives.  I made a drastic change in my diet, eating healthy, 315 to 240 and still heading down.  No more seat spillage and seat belt extensions for me! :-)

    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    I know that this thread will soon feature many people talking about abuse of the immigration system and how they should all be thrown out of the country. Fine.


    A few years back, before I hit 50 years old, I had an ED visa and it was great! I went to my classes and got a firm, if not solid, foundation in the Thai language and greatly expanded my knowledge of Thai culture. I also was able to stay in the country, paying rent and spending money while taking absolutely nothing from a Thai person.


    Yes, the ED visa has been abused; no one would argue that. But, it was also a good thing sometimes.


    Ditto.  I got a lot out of it.  I enjoyed the teachers at Walen.  My Thai GF would laugh hard when I showed her my writing samples.  Like a kid she would say.  She took pictures and sent it to her friends.  She still has them.  We played Hangman in class, fun, lots of laughs, and useful.


    But I also saw the abuse, the guys who speak fluent Thai that didn't need the class.  Those that showed up to get the Immigration photo of them in class with a borrowed book.  And a bunch of Russians there to learn English, but they spoke English very well at the breaks. :-)

  7. 6 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


    Haters gonna hate... but me let me school you on relationships a bit. Relationships are about compromise, no?

    Yes, good point.  Marriages are a two way street, and both partners can and should share in the support of the family, however they can help. I went to Thailand, and married a lovely Thai woman.  I supported us both for a few years while we lived in Thailand and worked out the Visa thing.  She wanted to come to the US, so we moved back here.  She desperately wanted to find a job here!  She had to learn how to interview, not easy, even for native English speakers.  I hate job interviews. :bah:  After many interviews, she got a good paying job as a Massage Therapist.  I recently lost my job, so she is now supporting us.  We will move back to Thailand eventually, and live off investment income.  We bought a house in Thailand using money we both earned.  She owns about 100 rai in Thailand, and the land is used to grow rubber and eucalyptus trees, which brings in some cash every few years.  We have sent some money back to Thailand, not a lot, but we are happy to help with family issues. Her large extended family is great, and they seem to like me. Are they sincere?  I'd like to think so. :crazy: They help us in many ways.  Sorry for posting something positive on here about Thai people. :sorry:

    I look forward to retirement in Thailand!

    • Like 1
  8. We used http://www.mythaifiancee.com/ to get started.  The applications are doable on your own, but if there are complications such as visa requests denied in the past, it's best to get help.  It is long frustrating journey where small milestones seem like big wins.  If you want to read stories, check out visajourney.com.  The whole painful process is to try to catch the fraudulent couples that are trying to scam the system.  The final decider is an Immigration official behind a window in Bangkok.  That's not an easy interview.  We just filed for citizenship, the last step in the journey.  And according to the cynics here on TV, that's the day it all blows up in my face. :-)

  9. I am married to a Thai woman, we are living in the US. We may eventually move back to Thailand when I retire, or more likely, go back and forth. She has some land and a home in her name in Thailand. She wants to buy some new land. I think it's a good value, and we will go ahead with the purchase. I know I cannot own land in Thailand. She is telling me they need my ID because we are married. If I can't own the land or the deed, why do they need my ID? Is she wrong about needing my ID? TIA!

  10. I attended Walen to get a student visa and to learn Thai I spent about 8 months going to school for 6-8 hours a week. Did I learn to speak Thai? Nit noy.

    I understand you are now helping farangs learn how to teach English so they can qualify to teach and get a work visa. Some questions.

    1) Are there Walen schools that are now teaching English to Thais? What cities?

    2) How much do the Thai's pay to learn English?

    3) What's the student age? Kids or adults?

    4) After I learn how to teach English (the Walen way!), Walen will guarentee me a job?


  11. Here's a happy topic.

    I have a Thai friend in the US that wants to ship a fancy coffin to Thailand. None of the US coffin makers will ship to Thailand. She can't find any "fancy" coffins or good web sites to buy them in Thailand. It's a final request for a elder relative that saw the fancy, extravagent coffins available in the US.

    Anyone have a URL for a place in Thailand that makes a fancy coffin? Anyone ever ship a fancy casket to Thailand? I wonder why the casket makers won't ship to Thailand?

    TIA for any tips or advice!

  12. I am very suprised how quiet it is here in Sin City, lots of people really did leave! :shock1:

    I made the quickest trip ever from Soi 6 to Walking Street today.

    I need to go to immigration tomorrow, I wonder if that will be empty too? ;)

    I will be celebrating all week too if I get what I want at immigration tomorrow! :wai:

    Bring it on! :partytime2:

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