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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. She could start by asking herself for some answers about what her father was up to in the first place to warrant an assassination.

    What hope is there for the next generation of politicians when someone like this with no prior experience is made head of a new party, wants to run as an MP, but can't quite decide whether to do so under the banner of the party she leads, or under another party's banner.

    I'm sure she's a well meaning and decent women, started out as a yellow shirt, but she needs a reality check.

    He was expressing his right of free speech.  A crime serious enough for assassination in this country.  Yes your right.  She should ask.

    A bit more complicated than just 'free speech'. From Thomas Fuller who was interviewing him at that moment:

    "He's a very colorful person. He was - I think colorful is probably a euphemism. I mean he was a bit wacky. He was provocative. He was defiant. And it was a mystery to a lot of people why he couldn't be reined in. A military is not supposed to have renegade generals on the loose for as long as he was. But I don't think anyone saw him more than a mysterious, charismatic renegade soldier."


    Lest any of you forget, prior to his shooting, Seh Daeng was running off at the mouth telling evenone that Thaksin told him to do this or that and Thaksin did/or did not want this or that.  His words were directly implicating Thaksin in the running of the redshits during last years fiasco.

    It is my opinion that Thaksin did not like this direct implication and ordered him silenced.


    I will be returning frequently to the area, looking out for these particular individuals, one on one, and hopefully, my wrath will be spent. Of course, I should let it go but this particular cowardly mentality of Thai men, really should have repercussions.

    I agree, there will be repercussions, if you insist on following this path of vengence.  Most likely, one night, you will end up dead.

    Let it go mate, life is too short. 

  3.  The girlfriend is the real unknown in your budget.   My longtime girlfriend, officially, gets 30000 baht per month.  But it's the extras that can really add up.  Overall her extras can be anywhere from an extra 20 - 40000 per month.  Like most Thai girls, she is supporting mama and papa, and to a lesser extent the rest of the family in Udon.  So when something happens (mama/papa sick and needs to go to the hospital) the extras kick in.

    I know many working girls, and I doubt many of them would quit their night jobs for much less than 25000 a month.  In fact I just had this conversation two days ago with a girl I have known a long time.  She had a man who wanted to take care of her, but would only offer 20000.  She turned him down.  Not enough.

    That's not to say you cannot find women for less.  You can, but most likely not in the bars. 

  4. Perhaps if there were more topless girls dancing in the streets during Songkran, it would entice me to emerge from the bunker.

    As it is, I prefer to stay holed up until all the stupidity is over. I have to add that it seems like songkran is increasing getting out of control and I do think something needs to be done to reign it in. And no, I am not talking about the topless dancers. Maybe a limit should be set on when (and even where) the water dousing can take place. Right now it is totally out of control.

    To the Ministry of Culture I say, get a grip. Topless Thai women is Thai Culture. Do you not even know your own history? Have you seen Suriyothai?

    I have been in Isaan and have seen topless women... in public, well, sort of public. On their own property anyways. So what's the big deal here.

    I think the Ministry of Culture has opened a can of worms here. The incident will not tarnish Thailand's reputation (not by a long shot), and there are far more important things to worry about. How about cleaning up the Land of Scams image Thailand has?

  5. From my personal experiance, I find your information incorrect, True, Ais will not offer a postpay account to a Non-Thai without a workpermit.

    Sure they will. I have 3 TRUE post pay accounts and I DO NOT have a work permit. I only have a non-immigrant 'O' visa. I also do not have a credit card. This was all done at the Fortune Mall True outlet on the third floor.

    I think you just need to speak to the right person at True. If one says no, try another, the next day. Gotta love Thai consistancy.

  6. I usually have a non-immigrant 'O' visa, but one time they gave me a 'B'.  Don't know why.  But anyway, no issues at arrival.  No questions, nothing.

    But do make sure you enter the visa number on the arrival card, and then check to make sure you were given the 90 days.  If you fail to enter your visa number on the entry card, they will only give you 30 days.

    I have also come and gone through a border crossing at Cambodia and Laos.  No problems.  Same thing, just enter the visa number on the entry card to get your 90 days.

    The 90 day in and out routine is a pain in the butt.  I wish they would just give an entry until the expiration of the visa.  

  7. if  he comes back and they vote him in, or vice versa...they deserve what they get

    Amen to that.  But then, that's what they have been getting all along, and look at where Thailand is today, moving backwards, while the rest of the world moves forward.

    Thaskin has made too many enemies to return.  And if he did manage to return, I would not want to be here when he starts his cycle of revenge and payback.

    Thaskin is just bad news. Period.

  8. In Bangkok, try Fortune Mall on the 4th floor.  Don't know the name of the shop, but head towards the hotel.  The shop is large and they do electronic repairs.  They have a front counter onto the mall where they have a lot of batteries, including the sealed lead acid types you will need.

    I just replaced the batteries in my APC ups.  700 baht (I think) each.  Make sure you know the rating and size of your batteries.

    I am sure there are shops in Pantip too, but I prefer Fortune.

  9. It is us in power or nobody else.Sounds like 3 year olds fighting for a toy....................oops I forgot that the majority here has the mental ability of a 3 year old .

    Don't think so. My 6 year old (when he was 3) had more smarts than any PAD, Redshit or Thai politician.

    Pathetic... the lot of them.

  10. The Monora dinner cruise on the converted rice barge is the best IMHO.

    I have used it many times for business and personal dinners, and find the service and atmosphere very good.

    Well worth paying a few baht more and having a relaxed dinner server to your table, than the pushing and shoving on some of the other cruise ships,

    Agreed.  This is one of the best.  I have taken the day cruise and the Ayuthaya cruise several times.  Wonderful slow cruise on the river.  Very  relaxing and makes for a very pleasant change from the tour buses/boats.  Highly recommended..


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