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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. Here is the list:
    1. Bangkok
    2. Tokyo, Japan
    3. Beijing, China
    4. Dubai, UAE
    5. Cape Town, South Africa
    6. Singapore
    7. Washington DC, USA
    8. Toronto, Canada
    9. New York, USA
    10. Boston, USA


    How was that list put together?  What were the criteria?   Tokyo at #2, Dubai at #4 and Singapore at #6?   Don't think so.  Definitely NOT cheapest in that order.  Maybe a good destination for a weekend getaway and not for any destination that is more than 3 hours away by air.





  2. 14 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    Well, well, protests are allowed in the U.S.!


    This will probably not be the best thing for the junta to help advertise?


    Interesting that these crowds are allowed to gather at the U.S. Embassy.


    I understand that the families are distraught, but the Thai consular officials in L.A. seem to be managing the situation.


    Someone needs to communicate to Thais in Thailand that everything that can be done is being done, and this situation is not being treated any differently than if it were U.S. citizens involved in such an accident. These are Rescue professionals, and they will get the job done in a safe manner.

    Indeed, with a very strong emphasis on "in a SAFE manner", something that is completely foreign to Thais.

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  3. I guess that human trafficking must be the latest buzz word.


    The fact is that because a person elects to work in the sex industry, it does not constitute human trafficking.  That also applies to underage workers, if they are working of their own free will.  Human trafficking really only applies if someone is forced to do something against their will, and that applies regardless of the persons age.


    The underage worker thing is a whole other can of worms and should not be mixed in with human trafficking, unless coercion is involved.


    I have known (not in the biblical sense) underage sex workers, who most definitely were working of their own free will.

  4. Fat chance anything will change, or improve in Thailand.   In fact even the government brings these kind of lawsuits against people.  The army and navy suing journalists and activists for exposing their rotten cores, never mind every Hi-So in Thailand who gets caught out runs to the legal system to file lawsuits.


    They say justice is blind.  Not in Thailand, here it is bound and gagged and run by vested interests with lots of money.

  5. 17 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    The message is clear......20 year plans for everything with the junta! The military are here to stay 2014 -2034......minimum. 

    There are 11 reform committees (friends and relatives) all of them snorting in the trough and sucking the life blood out of the economy and all for what??

    "Two subcommittees have already been set up on educational and police reform. However, the latter panel has not been fully set up. Joke?

    "The National Legislative Assembly, which is wholly handpicked by the junta". The show is all over so far as an election is concerned.

    There will be a sad ending to all this.


    Agreed, but I keep wondering how much more the Thais will take before they wise up? 

  6. 19 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    I think you have no need to worry....while they say Jomtien Beach I'm almost sure they mean Pattaya beach.

       I walk on Jomtien promenade daily and it is a nice friendly spot with traders as usual .

        I hope you and your family have a great holiday and remember the old addige......" Don't believe everything you read in the papers".


    Nope.  That IS Jomtien.

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