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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Cnn discussing Fox hmmm laughable. Since they all show highlights from the intolerable msnbc and cnn while employing people like Rino x speaker paul ryan I find on occasion I’m watching more of lesser known news podcasts and watching experts like Dershowitch, Turley and Davis when they appear. Sure do miss Rush ! Ain’t nobody that can unshine Tucker’s commentary ! That all being said will mediafactcheckers organization take them out by giving them a disfavored rating !Conservative voices are on the edge of their seats ,wondering with anticipation!
  2. She’d be somebody’s Vp ! She’d never win the GOP primaries! As someone once said she can check all the boxes but for actual experience as a POTUS she cant compete with my choice!
  3. Like I said in my previous post I have been doing MM here for years . I agree with your intentions going forward! On occasion I get a random txt from random people which cost 5 cents ,because of this I purchased $ 10 of international roaming ! I keep half of it in my MMwallet account which never expires .
  4. 75 witnesses , some person or persons allegedly committed perjury under oath ! But no mention of who! All that time wasted and all they have is a may have been. “a majority of the grand jury believes that perjury may have been committed . The Grand jury recommends that the DA seek appropriate indictments for such crimes where the evidence is compelling”. https://www.washingtonpost.com/documents/f11f75f3-4b90-45a9-a71b-5b5c1a90fc9e.pdf?itid=lk_interstitial_manual_4
  5. Oh wow , one of my fav fantasies from my teenage and young adult years. F sake , Im getting old! RIP Honey
  6. OP,I have what you have and I’ve been living here with my mintmobile plan since 2019!The only issue in the future is if the carrier MM partners with (tmobile) sunsets the phone for the 5g technology. Make sure you activate the phone before you come here ( one less potential headache) .
  7. Florida besides being hot has no individual income tax ! Best to send them out to dem states were they could use tax payers funds to accommodate them . “On the flip side, those who want governments to help shape society — and support investments in education or infrastructure — might favor an income tax”. . https://www.bankrate.com/taxes/state-with-no-income-tax-better-or-worse/
  8. I stayed in Patong beach in December. Prices for rooms have gone up considerably since than. March is coming they better drop back down.
  9. The dog in question is competing for food with another dog! This is probably why the dogs instinct for food aggression is front and center imop How many dogs are you feeding at once?
  10. https://rawbistro.com/blogs/raw-bistro/food-aggression-in-dogs Food aggression tactics ,what dog owners can do ! Me thinks your dog is behaving badly( biting people)in your surroundings that you have created for it.
  11. Compliments to your son for understanding how important it is to watching out for mail addressed to you ! I have two grown adult children who I have trusted to do this and its hit or miss at times during their busy life ????
  12. What kind of dog was it and in your opinion why did he bite you ? Just curious!
  13. Theres much to be said about that! Politicians and people who have accumulated wealth and power! When I was a rebelliously young lad working in the steel mills I had a boss years and years ago who use to put his arm around my shoulder like a dad look me straight in the eye and say , “ play the game Ricky,just play the game” and when that didn’t sink in ,the suit with wingtips (owner)came down into the factory and said , if you don’t like what your doing here , find another way of making a living. So eventually I did play the game and left ! Months of taking my children's piggy bank savings and always returning it to make ends meet , and eventually with hardwork and with the help of a partner, rich people ,lawyers ,accountants , bankers , stockbrokers, consultants and employees.I experience the American dream while paying as little as we could “legally” in taxes. I love capitalism , billionaires, millionaires and people who know the value of making money through hardwork, risk and a little bit of luck !
  14. They’re considered Family members! Many Thai people treat their pets better than humans.
  15. A familiar theme all over the world with sick suspicious people refusing to adhere to police commands. Hope they catch the deviant!
  16. Agree its terrible! These started happening, they keep coming no matter how many times its x out! They are very annoying while using a cell phone!
  17. I was hoping for a repeat of Nancy’s x speaker performance by the new Speaker McCarthy,by ripping up a Potus Sotu speech , but instead rino Senate minority leader gave this response : “The state of our union is apparently under Chinese surveillance from our own skies…It is ludicrous to suggest that Canada and the United States had no choice but to let this thing traipse across the continent from coast to coast. President Obama’s own Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says, ‘we should have acted earlier,’” McConnell said https://www.kentucky.com/news/politics-government/article272248398.html
  18. riclag


    Im ok with ads but these below take up a good deal of the page! Anybody else have similar experience's with this annoyance?
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