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Everything posted by riclag

  1. I assume its a external .Dont wipe your butt and use the bum gun to clean up after you do your business. After just dab up the area with tissue to absorb any remaining water on your butt. I had a Dr give me this tip many years ago. Also check your diet , you may or may not be eating certain foods that give rise to your roid issues. just a thought.
  2. Agree! The biden sycophants are a threat to transparency imop Garland appointed one of two remaining Trump appointed us atty. There are 93 in the US. The other one has had his hands full with all kinds of biden filth imop Bidens Ag has the final say of a confidential review! Inquiring minds would like to see the review before it gets to bidens AG imop “Garland assigned U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois John Lausch to find out how the material marked classified ended up at the Penn Biden Center. The review is considered a preliminary step, and the attorney general will determine whether further investigation is necessary, including potentially appointing a special counsel”. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-center-classified-documents/
  3. Been to both places Patong and Udon in the past month. I spent 10 days in Patong with my Thai family! To be fair it was Lovely , lush! Oh those smells one encounters when going to the ocean! Udon is no comparison to Patong . Every where in Thailand has its fouled smells including Udon.
  4. I have all the confidence in the world that the new house oversight committees will get to the bottom of disgraceful act of negligence! Unfortunately, Garland has his doj investigating it! "Under the Biden Administration, the Department of Justice and National Archives have made compliance with the Presidential Records Act a top priority," Comer said in a statement. "We expect the same treatment for President Biden, who has apparently inappropriately maintained classified documents in an insecure setting for several years." https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-shamed-irresponsible-trump-classified-docs-before-wh-admitted-sensitive-vp-records
  5. Millions and millions of guns owned legally by millions of Americans! Whats the chances of a 6 year old finding her parents gun unsecured! That parent broke the law by not securing their gun and should be held responsible! Gun trigger locks work for the most part only when they are used and installed properly! Unfortunately there is very little facts about this very unusual event. "In no way do I believe we were fully prepared for a 6-year-old to bring a weapon to school and shoot his teacher," Parker said https://www.cbsnews.com/news/6-year-old-who-shot-teacher-abigail-zwerner-mothers-gun-newport-news-virginia-police-say
  6. To be fair he should be extradited to England for a proper indictment and trial! Thai justice is very suspect imop The courts here don’t seem to hand out life sentences especially after a convicted citizen shows remorse ! Imop Rip sir
  7. I have a question about a usa tourist visa already obtained by my Thai wife! Where on the forum should I post it?
  8. Read the headline ! Brake failure coming down hill Police and rescue services in Prachinburi, central Thailand, were called after a truck carrying sugar descending Khao Tone suffered brake failure descending the hill on Route 304. This is what the news reported ! You’re entitled to your opinions
  9. Going down these mountains in a big truck one must use the lowest gear and apply “air brakes” accordingly! Inexperienced drivers , faulty brakes due to air loss could be the cause. Scary
  10. Donalds would of been perfect imop. The Establishment status quo-was exposed to the world! Negotiations on measures to hold the speaker accountable were changed, amongst other important improvements. Now comes the hard part making rules and sticking by them while holding the leaders accountable! Hopefully one of those committee’s they use in oversight will critique the Intel agency’s, perform impeachment hearings on biden and audit the billions that was appropriated in spending ! Tip of the hat to those who bucked the swamp to make legislation transparent for the American people .
  11. Who is Thom Hartmann the author of this article from Rawstory ,besides being the Talkers Magazine 9th most important radio talk show host in America . Rawstory pc, “Will investigations of Hunter Biden’s laptop or the FBI be enough for Republicans to re-energize their base and gain control of all of Congress and the White House by 2024”? Depends on if the court of public opinion is swayed enough! Imop https://www.politico.com/story/2013/07/thom-hartmann-view-from-the-left-093753 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thom_Hartmann
  12. Very little info on the drug she consumed ! Some of these date rape drugs screw with your memory! Its possible she did agree to many suggestions while in the company of a bad sleazy male acting out his desirers ! Stupid people taking drugs, stupid is as stupid does! No signs of a violence either!
  13. Mr. Trump endorses Mc to do his bidding ! But all of us America First fans dont want the rino unless of course he gives in to our demands of having censoring powers,Is it possible to have Tucker Carlson!
  14. Dont screw around when it comes to your eyes.Also there are different procedures according to your requirements
  15. Welcome to Thainess! Suppose to have “just falangs and their wives” come for a small party ,immediate neighbors in the dog community ( moo baan ma)we reside in. I asked the Mrs if her family was coming over ,she said no ! That was short lived . Even had a contractor come unannounced to give a quote on a fence extension to go over the wall so we dont have to see the Thai neighbors dogs and garden. Most astonishing thing today was her giving the young neise and nephews beer and Spy’s and then letting them use her motorbike. Sawadee pe mai
  16. For the record ,the left has been out to get’em. Now they have what they think is a treasure trove of political fodder! Imop In the grand scheme of things he’s my countries only hope in 2024, of draining and exposing the “ Washington Swamp” , the political cesspool of media ,merchants, politicians and bureaucrats , who suck off the Government system.imop
  17. Astonishing in deed. Im sure the edit time allowance has expired ! You’ll need help now to change the name !
  18. Good purchase for truth and justice imop. On March 25, before the news of his investment had come out, he created a Twitter poll asking if the platform “rigorously adhered” to the principle of free speech. Overwhelmingly, his audience voted no. See vox source
  19. In your opinion! Vox seemed to hit it on the nail in this opinion piece . The free speech absolute .mind you this is before the big buy which resulted in exposing the left and their sycophants. Elitist dont go blow billions on pet projects willy nilly imop “Now, he’s Twitter’s largest shareholder after buying a 9.2 percent stake in the company. The move has prompted whirlwind speculation around why Musk has bought such a large stake and what the future holds for Twitter. After Musk walked back plans to join the company’s board of directors over the weekend, Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal said in a note to the company that the decision was “for the best,” and urged employees to “tune out the noise” surrounding recent changes”. https://www.vox.com/recode/23022438/elon-musk-free-speech-twitter-stake-top-shareholder
  20. I wont be exposing myself publicly to police scrutiny during the day or evening during this time period!
  21. Stop sending aid !Or at least make it conditional! The United States is providing nearly $327 million in additional humanitarian assistance to help the people of Afghanistan. This funding includes nearly $119 million through the Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration and nearly $208 million through the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, bringing the total U.S. humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan and neighboring countries to more than $1.1 billion since the Taliban takeover one year ago in August 2021. https://www.state.gov/united-states-announces-humanitarian-assistance-for-afghanistan
  22. Apply for the two months, like someone else suggested op, avoid paying the brown envelope fee .
  23. My wife makes hot dogs and heinz beans every week ! She fry’s onions in the mix , not as good as B & M baked beans but still aloi.
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