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Everything posted by riclag

  1. The last thing I would be worrying about is whether someone is unvaxed or vaxed ! The first case of omi in california was from a vaxer https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/first-us-omicron-case-identified-in-california-health-agency/articleshow/88037972.cms
  2. Flying out of Thailand to another country would be much easier and less costly( everything dealing with covid costs) , I would think as opposed to having to come back here with all the hoops and covid revenue schemes Thailand has installed. Best to kizzy up,stay put !
  3. Some it up in a song ,"Don't worry be happy"! Can't say that if one is just starting to embark on a journey through the unknown,while sleeping with your fingers crossed in hopes you are one of the lucky ones who escaped the wrath of being untouched by covid and the travel schemes misfortunes
  4. Just when a fella started to think it was safe to go back out,it pulled me back in ! I'm much more apprehensive to travel through the bureaucratic covid requirement hoops then I am of getting the poison. "We can learn a lot about how to manage COVID-19 from the classic movie Jaws". https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/joy-and-pain/202007/just-when-we-thought-it-was-safe-go-back-the-water
  5. Recently I got a alert from B of A that they are doing away with the Safepass card ! They will start requiring account holders who use the security card to either use a USA base phone number to receive txt codes or purchase a FIDO USB Security Key that can be used in a USB port.
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