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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Bottom line ! The last thing I would worry about on a plane is where a unvax is sitting. Booster vaxers can get and give the thing too https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/illinois-first-case-of-omicron-variant-reported-in-chicago-resident-officials/2702294/
  2. The last thing I would be worrying about is whether someone is unvaxed or vaxed ! The first case of omi in california was from a vaxer https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/first-us-omicron-case-identified-in-california-health-agency/articleshow/88037972.cms
  3. Flying out of Thailand to another country would be much easier and less costly( everything dealing with covid costs) , I would think as opposed to having to come back here with all the hoops and covid revenue schemes Thailand has installed. Best to kizzy up,stay put !
  4. Recently I got a alert from B of A that they are doing away with the Safepass card ! They will start requiring account holders who use the security card to either use a USA base phone number to receive txt codes or purchase a FIDO USB Security Key that can be used in a USB port.
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