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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Ap report! A story based on projections by none other than unofficial no-officials! You had me fooled in thinking that you weren't one of they/ them.
  2. The Reality is ,the people you’ve been talking to are the people sitting in the bleachers! @Harrisfan, its like blown in the wind trying to convince or make they / them change their opinion. I’d venture to to say many want, crave ,the USA burning down!
  3. It took the left 4 years to destroy almost 250 years of the greatest show on earth. As long as America First can continue exposing the insanity , its fine by me. What ever the cost!
  4. The enemy from within ,the lefts lunatics have to be elected out of office! Mayor Bowser.
  5. You know his popularity is winning the day when the leftie lunatic's come out like this. I expect SkyNews Rita Panahi will feature this on her next Lefty Losing It show.
  6. Thats on my Bingo card!
  7. Thats a loaded question. Most, not all anti Trump people are anti American on here. They love seeing The chaos perpetrated by the Marxist groups on campus & city streets.
  8. Its not popular for the leftist to support this anymore so those who have political aspirations have moved on. Newsome for Potus lol
  9. The,We are the ones to make a brighter day so lets start giving cabal, are flailing in the wind
  10. Get Trump . Since January 21, 2017 its been a not my President derangement affliction . Its also exposed the hypocrisy of the Washington Establishment, which includes , judge shopping, legacy media, weaponized three letter agencies and most recently, waste , fraud & abuse. We dodged a Marxist/ Socialist bullet by not electing Harris!
  11. Life imprisonment with good behavior could be , possibly , might be , commuted to 10 years, especially if the convicted is rich. I’m thinking the CcTv was off .
  12. I Love that take care,take care attitude! The one I got is OCD about cleaning, so when ever she wants a new cleaning product at Home Pro , I oblige . Simple girl with a fetish for shoes, handbags and second hand clothing! Honey she says , you like my dress , 50 bht. She’s tiny & cute & kee neow( frugal), She’s a keeper.
  13. Judging by the emoji reaction ,you hit a nerve. Well said!
  14. And for crossing the Rubicon! The party of Many firsts! First time ever a dem congressman was removed from the House chamber. Stay tuned more repercussions could be coming! Green was Censured with the help of 10 dems voting for his punishment! The supporters of Green further interrupted the proceedings by singing! Many Gop want them taken off Committee jobs.
  15. Foreign students sympathizing with Terrorism , see you in court Mr & Mrs SJW advocates.When you protest ,protest legally. “This should concern all Americans. This is a first amendment and freedom of speech issue and the administration will overplay its hand,” said Abed Ayoub, the executive director for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. “Americans won’t like this. They’ll view this as capitulating free speech rights for a foreign nation.” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/06/foreign-student-visas-pro-palestinian-ai
  16. Hamas is a terror organization. Social Justice Warriors will protest in the streets and on campuses against revoking a terrorist sympathizers student visa. FAFO is surly gonna be popular with Make America Great Again , Patriots, not so much for the divest, Anti colonialism crowd of useful idiots and their Soro’s Organization donors. God Speed . I m sure many will be happy to see masked up street blocking protesters gone from the streets. “Separately, it emerged Thursday that the State Department is reportedly planning to use artificial intelligence to spot Hamas-sympthazing foreigners in the US in a bid to revoke their visas”. https://nypost.com/2025/03/07/us-news/us-revokes-first-visa-of-foreign-student-linked-to-hamas-supporting-disruptions-on-college-campus/ Story based on a report from NYP
  17. America is tired of being the bread basket for the world!
  18. Sure wish my team had 51 former intel officials ,DOJ, FBI, CIA , SDNY ,Fulton County Attorney’s Office , D.C Attorney office and the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office , MSM, Facebook and Twitter ,all assisting in the cover up. https://judiciary.house.gov/media/in-the-news/facebook-execs-suppressed-hunter-biden-laptop-scandal-curry-favor-biden-harris https://oversight.house.gov/release/hearing-wrap-up-irs-whistleblowers-expose-how-bidens-were-treated-differently/ “Life in Turmoil”? Its only the beginning . All those Pardons might be in legal jeopardy . DOJ Asked to Investigate Joe Biden's 'Cognitive Decline' While President https://www.newsweek.com/doj-asked-investigate-joe-bidens-cognitive-decline-while-president-2040641
  19. Biden’s laptop from Hell ain’t goin away ,is it !
  20. Massive win with Independent & Gop , the lunatic left not so much! During Trumps speech he mentioned there are only two genders , look at the reactions of the 3 voting parties.
  21. Waste ,fraud and abuse in Spending tax revenue will forever be challenged . 36 trillion dollars in the hole with almost 1 trillion in interest payments to pay it down. What a brilliant way of looking into the bureaucrats, who divvy out the funds . DOGE
  22. CNN edits fact-check saying Trump 'falsely claimed' there were trans experiments on mice. Cnn forced to backtrack! “DOGE announced on Wednesday that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has since canceled seven grants, some of which included $532,000 to "use a mouse model to investigate the effects of cross-sex testosterone treatment" and another $33,000 to test "feminizing hormone therapy in the male rat." https://www.yahoo.com/news/cnn-edits-fact-check-saying-220024245.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAIpHJSm-W1izH4iOkzqqpEv7FKwMcXtyd2KdTxJLAjJbQmU-s3SZwHGaWmi-d6OOUDCybbdv3dCigUU_n7z8-1756UPK1oHyAgALGQx4z3gVyXxcIYD2bjlRrI34c0yx5SVKHrfafHZs96zL2bo5qf0Mld5GlgGJNtkYBdfo-4vg https://www.foxnews.com/politics/doge-says-seven-grants-trans-animal-testing-canceled-audits-expanded-shady-expenditures-happening Story based on a report by Yahoo/ Foxnews
      • 1
      • Haha
  23. Good for him! A experience he’ll never Forget.
  24. A trollchild response from the Mad Im not allowed to use the report feature but I will put you in the room for the ignored,for purposely misspelling Trump’s name & trolling the thread.
  25. “From CNN’s Deidre McPhillips An earlier version of this item incorrectly characterized as false Trump’s claim about federal money being spent for “making mice transgender.” The article has been updated with context about the spending, which was for research studies on the potential human health impacts of treatments used in gender-affirming care”. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2025/03/04/politics/fact-check-trump-address-congress
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