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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Time to ban sharp edges!What purpose does a machete have other than to do harm! or ban the people intending or inclined on using them
  2. biden / harris newcomers coming and going illegally into the country . 'Disgusted and sickened': Man accused of trying to flee country after sexually assaulting child in Shelby Twp, Michigan! https://www.yahoo.com/news/disgusted-sickened-man-accused-trying-132612552.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAHXTuSvDyZ_OemFHLNv_xaMNbMU2GODFhyyWlGqakx8ampqKyGb6iAsNk_j7L08lkWxlBD2acPpkIbxZP0tiRi4FeY7_o2PJiJ2yoM4qoD6fWbKgqqzOt3ZQ4v4jVjMWGj3kdJ4t5-5mZpIrWLl_rRAe4aPJAxLcvguitWkuNmX8
  3. Non citizens registered in GA! A staggering 14% of the non citizens spoken to admitted to being registered voters!
  4. Judge Cannon given a Federal Election Integrity Case! Get this part , Against Impeached DHS Secretary Mayorkas & others. Wow ,looks to me like a Election Integrity truth bombshell coming before the American people, just in the nic of time! Evidence coming forward hopefully to expose federal election malfeasance ,God Speed! https://miamiindependent.com/breaking-u-s-southern-district-of-florida-judge-aileen-cannon-has-been-assigned-federal-election-integrity-case-against-hhs-sec-mayorkas-fl-sos-cord-byrd-fl-ag-ashley-moody-others/
  5. The art of Gaslighting ,trash your opponent while literally lying to Americans about their far left policies that caused a massive international and domestic crisis,during their pivot to the center.
  6. Im a Independent voter! In the USAthat means Im not committed to either party and I APPROVE OF THIS COMMENT!
  7. Bunch of far left radicals like harris spreading their style democracy!
  8. biden / harris supporters Climate Defiance group This is what harris / biden and dems are all about , my tax dollars pis-ing away on social justice causes
  9. We as Americans must expose the useful idiots , anti American , flag burning , terrorist appeasing party that wants to elect, kharris. Never forget
  10. Nah ! Its my country , I want to expose the Socialist , Nazi , Marxist agenda of the party that use to be Jfk’s I owe it to my kids in the States
  11. Independent voters are done with the far left anti American , socialist propaganda that harris / bidens administration helps fund through the EPA! Exposed & caught !
  12. One such group, What else does Climate Justice Alliance do? Last November it helped to coordinate a “March on Washington,” where protesters waved the banner “ Free Palestine Is a Climate Justice Issue.” Other slogans included “Our Government Funds Palestinian Genocide” and “Only Socialist Revolution Can Stop World War 111
  13. These radical groups that support & endorsed her Presidency rioted in Washington , DC , took down the USA flag burned it while putting up the flag of Palestine! Sick , shame , shame , kharris!
  14. One of the groups of the EPA is ,Climate Justice Alliance! What else does Climate Justice Alliance do? Last November it helped to coordinate a “March on Washington,” where protesters waved the banner “Free Palestine Is a Climate Justice Issue.” Other slogans included “Our Government Funds Palestinian Genocide” and “Only Socialist Revolution Can Stop World War III.” https://www.capito.senate.gov/news/in-the-news/editorial-the-radicals-getting-your-tax-money
  15. biden / harris gave 3 billion of taxpayers money to the EPA,Environmental protection agency! In turn the Epa funds groups through grants that promote , anti American, anti jew, anti police propaganda! These radical anti American groups just endorsed kharris!
  16. biden / harris using taxpayer funds that support anti American groups! Far left radical groups anti Semitic, anti American ,anti police are getting money from the EPA through the inflation reduction act. These far left groups endorse kharris as POTUS.
  17. Violence in the big apple by the usual suspects! No condemnation by biden or harris ,who appease the terror supporters of Hamas and Iran. https://nypost.com/2024/07/31/us-news/hamas-flag-wielding-anti-israel-protesters-show-off-portraits-of-killed-terrorist-leader-ismail-haniyeh-in-shocking-times-square-rally/
  18. And you do , right! We rely on experts the same as your country does! He’s my go to guy to cut through the propaganda ! https://www.congress.gov/116/meeting/house/108974/witnesses/HHRG-116-JU10-Bio-TurleyJ-20190228.pdf
  19. Controversial ! The democracy wanted to take his secret service protection away from him knowing that there have been several attempts on his life at rallies. These radical dems are sick ! Google is disgraceful! Try doing a search for prior attempts, 0
  20. This is imop the Gold Standard in polling. The Harvard Harris poll! Putting aside Trump lead ! Its never been an outlier for polling! Next month should be even more impressive after the lefts media honeymoon spin is unspun with Kharris radical agenda revelations! This is weird too. A majority of voters support GOP platform initiatives like protecting social security and Medicare, ending inflation, and stopping violence and crime, including over 89% of Republicans and over 79% of Independents across every policy issue. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/july-harvard-caps--harris-poll-harris-resets-race-to-pre-debate-levels-following-her-entrance-trump-holds-lead-302209850.html
  21. A brilliant response , truth be told! but don’t stop ! Whats really weird is the enemy of the west and enemy of America ! Soros helped fund the encampments and terrorist organizatio hamas activism. https://www.wsj.com/articles/some-anti-israel-protesters-are-paid-soros-rockefeller-funding-activism-hamas-fba26c20
  22. biden needs to hand the torch over to kharris , I don’t think he realizes who is promoting these radical left causes.With harris replacing biden for the remainder of 2024 ,Americans will see what she’s willing to do to promote efforts to delegitimize the branch of Government thats in the way of Radical leftism. "Now they will be championed by a candidate who needs to cater to dark money groups in the Arabella Advisors network like Demand Justice, Fix the Court and a host of other pop-up groups funded by liberal billionaires," she added! https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-caters-far-left-dark-money-groups-supreme-court-gimmick-critics-say
  23. That vox article also uses a “Fix the court” plan to radically change the court. using dark money! Fast forward 4 years ! Biden caters to 'far-left' dark money groups with Supreme Court 'gimmick,' critics say! 'Biden and Harris are declaring war on the separation of powers with this announcement': Judicial Crisis Network president https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-caters-far-left-dark-money-groups-supreme-court-gimmick-critics-say
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