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Everything posted by riclag

  1. I seen one news agency describe his age as 60 years old in this era is 40. During the Summer of Love Riots it took Walz 3 days to call in the National Guard because of the Blm marxist mayhem of burning, looting in parts of his State. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/walzs-handling-blm-riots-strict-covid-rules-under-microscope-after-harris-vp-pick
  2. Thanks !That is definitely Woke& weird!
  3. Thanks for your comment! VDH is a historian scholar ! I often watch & read his writings in journals , in videos and seminars! He is a expert on neo cultural Marxist philosophy and Jacobian tactics! The plan is to create a socialist state through divestment of capitalism! We see the Marxist attack financial institutions because its a iconic institution!We are witnessing it on & off campus all around the world ! https://www.jamesgmartin.center/2019/01/cultural-marxism-is-real/
  4. A San Francisco progressive defending a San Francisco progressive radical. Nancy didnt allow the National Guard at the protest. She ripped up a Presidents state of the union address as a activist statement in front of the whole world as she smiled! As speaker of the house,She threatened to punch a sitting President ! Kharris needs all the activist helps she can get! https://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/18/politics/nancy-pelosi-trump-punch/index.html
  5. Someone said she (harris) is right about Woke! Face tattoos are weird & woke & are used to make a statement ! I have no issues with people tats but face tats is an exception ! Its weird Woke imop “Corporate World: Although some progressive corporations have eased restrictions on tattoos, many traditional firms, especially in finance and law, remain conservative. Visible tattoos might still be frowned upon, especially for client-facing roles, reflecting a preference for maintaining a conventional corporate image”. https://xtremeinks.com/blogs/artists-corner/the-impact-of-tattoos-on-employment-and-workplace-culture?srsltid=AfmBOoqygKBOoMGnn7yA_v1mEW_Jbys9Oo7u3e_cM-IrWZdoDe1Jo1Ch
  6. It would also help Social Security’s destruction, by paying down the debts
  7. You’ll fit in right nice Dan! Welcome ! nice comment too You’ll get my support with emoji’s and a occasional agreeing comment!
  8. I gave it a laughing emoji mate! Second time in 11 years i used it for it’s intended purpose!
  9. More concerned about everybody stayin Woke! An eleven year old would run a lemonade stand better than her! Her # 1 experience , activist & Social justice warrior! bidens vision of a new generation of leader. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/harris-says-everybody-needs-woke-unearthed-clip-spreading-like-wildfire-social-media
  10. New unearthed 16 seconds clip. Harris says 'everybody needs to be woke' in unearthed clip spreading like wildfire on social media , with her pathetic cackling at the end included. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/harris-says-everybody-needs-woke-unearthed-clip-spreading-like-wildfire-social-media
  11. More concern for election integrity! The secret plan(declaring executive communication privileges)includes… The implementation of E.O. 14019 has raised concerns of partisan bias, with evidence suggesting alignment with far left-leaning think tanks and NGOs funded by dark money. Additionally, the administration's assertion of Presidential Communications Privilege over strategic plans and core documents has highlighted a significant lack of transparency. https://www.heritage.org/the-oversight-project/election-integrity/biden-bucks-executive-order-14019
  12. Election Integrity concerns: Secret strategic plan to turn out the vote by biden / harris EO#14019 ,weaponized federal agencies to get out the vote declared by Rep Steil election commission representative on the committee. https://cha.house.gov/2024/5/chairman-steil-delivers-opening-remarks-at-full-committee-hearing-on-noncitizen-voting-and-preventing-foreign-interference
  13. I dont see their comments ! Thanks for reminding why! trolling & deflection nonsense
  14. The low information voters( in the millions) which don’t pay attention to politics will believe the leftest propaganda!
  15. It all comes down to the Swing States , in this Election cycle Red states that historically vote conservative or blue states that vote progressive aren’t a concern as much as the evenly supported states called Swing States. Swing states like Michigan! They will be decided by uncommitted ( no party affiliation) voters. Election integrity will be the deciding factor in close elections! “There’s a bill proposed right now to provide driver’s licenses for illegals”. “Methodically, they’re stripping away layer after layer of integrity in our elections, both by laws that are being passed through and by some of the past ballot initiatives that were very deceptive, and a lot of money was spent to make people think some of it was different than what it really was,” Johnson said. https://michiganadvance.com/2024/06/06/michigan-gop-lawmakers-condemn-new-election-laws/ https://www.usnews.com/news/elections/articles/7-swing-states-that-could-decide-the-2024-presidential-election Election Integrity below . https://nap.nationalacademies.org/read/25120/chapter/7 1.2% of non citizens below. https://www.axios.com/local/detroit/2023/12/11/undocumented-immigrants-michigan-population-chart-data
  16. You wont find Vance pandering for a vote! Selling hot sauce talk or talking in black American tone of voice!
  17. He busted his butt to get where he is today ! He didn’t lay down or get by on the color of his skin to get “ahead”. I gave you a heart emoji
  18. Continued from the Gop Senator tweet , With the mounting evidence proving how wrong there were, they need to support the SAVE Act, which would require proof of citizenship when registering to vote in federal elections. We need to Congress to attach it to the next spending bill. If you agree, please share this and tell your senators and representatives to oppose the next spending bill unless the SAVE Act is attached to it! With an estimated 30 million noncitizens in this country, we can’t afford to play fast and loose with voter registration.
  19. Its called gaslighting! If you say it enough, low information voters believe it!
  20. Bookmark it ! I got a hunch its gonna be needed again! All this while the biden/ harris administration efforts at bringing in millions upon millions upon millions being let into the country while making it extremely difficult to question the integrity of the vote! Fake addresses, fake social security numbers illegals committing illegal acts by crossing the border are expected to be honest and not registered to vote! In 2020 Georgia the vote difference was less than 13k. Gop senator mike Lee posts
  21. There are illegals , non citizens here. Fraud occurred under the watchful eye of DHS ! They are tutored what to do , where to go ! They apply for medicare at the bottom of forms are voter registration! And the rest is here Estimates of over 10 million illegals have come in the country illegally and Americans are supposed to believe that they are honest and not try to vote. https://responsivegov.org/research/medicaid-automatic-voter-registration-background-and-overview-2/
  22. All being denied now cause Harris is running for Potus!
  23. Everything these agencies are doing most sheeple haven’t got a clue about! All in a effort to screw over citizens who pay for this . Who Knew! Lawfully Admitted ? WHO IS A QUALIFIED ALIEN? There are 7 categories of qualified aliens. You are a qualified alien if the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) says you are in one of these categories: Paroled into the U.S. under Section 212(d)(5) of the INA for a period of at least one year; https://www.ssa.gov/ssi/spotlights/spot-non-citizens.htm
  24. The rub :HOMELAND SECURITY wants to start it back up again, they said they made efforts to fix it by making safe guards same source This story will be hard to find in the Msm because it goes against their narrative of dem democracy
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