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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Unfortunately I think the masses are too busy trying to survive to notice the chaos that was created by a biden admin. Maybe its time for another attack on my country for the sheeple to come to terms ,that the appeasers of evil terrorist organizations are the real enemy! methinks
  2. Merit base qualifications, don’t compute with many on the left. Methinks
  3. What happened immediately after 9/11 ? The rub is people forget! Now many on the left itseems are Sympathetic to Terror in America methinks
  4. I’ve been watching popular independent journalist surveying random dem strong holes in California , such as UCLA and Compton , Ca! Students are voting for the lesser of evils ,biden. Compton which is heavily minority are saying biden is the lesser of the evil. Men liked Trump! God forbid a terrorist threat comes to their neck of the woods! They’ll still think biden is the lesser.
  5. Thank god California isnt a swing state,its the Manhattan of leftist politics
  6. Ten Commandments would fit right in as a reminder ! Thug crime! ( disregard the lefts climate narrative for now). Louisiana is in fourth place, with a combined total crime rate of 3,389 per 100,000 – 67% higher than the national average. https://www.ktalnews.com/our_environment/why-louisiana-consistently-ranked-most-dangerous-and-is-climate-change-to-blame/ Why is Louisiana consistently ranked ‘most dangerous,’ and is climate change to blame? is Louisiana consistently ranked ‘most dangerous,’ and is climate change to blame?
  7. Thats the rub ,biden and the left’s propaganda machine . When it suits their narrative its front page ! When its discovered and corrected , its buried deep in the middle of a rag, it seems.
  8. In order for change , America must vote out biden ! The left would never never allow that! On a less violent approach ,remain in mexico was a good idea. To deter people from other countries that cross illegally , if caught they must be sent back to Mexico . Once deterrence is established many will stop crossing ! Cartels have to be dealt with along with the lefts NGO organizations . https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/immigration/border-coverage/ngos-american-tax-dollars-migrants/
  9. Their diversity is political/ racism . Biden: ‘If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black! https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/22/politics/biden-charlamagne-tha-god-you-aint-black/index.html His call to surge the border has p’ed off many many minorities & citizens alike. And will cost him 4 less years in the WH.
  10. The only way they answer the call is from the citizens vote! He will make a pitch on the debate stage that its the gop fault ! But he called for a surge to the border and the rest is history ,as he try’s in desperation to pivot to the middle! Him & the dems are so so screwed methinks
  11. The optics are driving the left crazy! Philadelphia rally , deep Blue!
  12. Knowing what has changed since 2020. As a “ family” what family is more corrupt,the bidens or Trumps ? I will state my answer & replies at the end of the first debate. Here is a October 2020 poll from YOUGOV: 2020 :Voters think the Trump family is more corrupt than the Biden family . https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/32742-trump-family-biden-family-corruption-poll-data
  13. Truth be told they threw everything at him ,including the kitchen sink! The ruthless left through their activist’s pretending to be journalists will do everything in their power to manipulate , devilize , trick , deceive , destroy , mock , anything Trump . But biden , not so much . Its called the dems propaganda machine trying desperately to change public opinion in the courts of public opinion! Ya got to ask yourself , Is biden such a failure or is Trump just playing on these failures and using his 4 years as 45 to his popularity! Voting against biden/any dem 1 open borders. 2 high prices for essentials of life 3 social disorder & crime optics 4 equity 5 woke 6 higher taxes 7 unlimited abortion 8 Wars 9 massive climate change spending . methinks
  14. You can have the last say ! Have a nice day ! agree to disagree with opposing ideological discourse ! Its off topic anyway
  15. Oh Please stop ! Dems helped the Gop reject the bill , most importantly American people dont want it ,that is evident in 62% wanting to mass deport the illegals ! https://www.yahoo.com/news/cbs-host-shocked-poll-showing-145801408.html
  16. Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go down, because your people, whom you brought up out of Egypt, have become corrupt. They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them and have made themselves an idol cast in the shape of a calf. They have bowed down to it and sacrificed to it and have said, ‘These are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.’ https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus 32&version=NIV Believe what you will but those truths are mostly self evident! Dont steal Dont cheat Dont kill Evil has spit in the face of these truths ! Society has lost its way in many cultures and America methinks
  17. Murdoch misinformation machine ! Thank goodness , there are choices as compared to years ago , when the forum only allowed leftist tripe or Reuters methinks. Here , Read the entire article from Cnn , murdochs competition. Democrats brought the measure back up after it failed earlier this year in an attempt to put pressure on Senate Republicans and shift the narrative on border security, but the bill exposed divides among Democrats as some came out against it, threatening to undermine the party’s messaging effort. The vote was 43 to 50. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/23/politics/senate-border-bill-vote/index.html
  18. Do on to others as they have done to you! Constitutionally of course! bragg will be taken out by the voters ,in NY. His position as a elected official and his bias is detrimental to the average Subway rider in NY. Trump’s debate will reveal that he only wants what best for America! He will take a peaceful response to retaliation. It all will come down to his AG pick! I’d like to see the current AG in Missouri Mr Bailey! Smart move methinks
  19. Shock & awe ! Breaking : biden losing women voters , Rfk at 10%.
  20. To be honest The politicians are willing to replicate what Hamas has subjected Gazian inhabitants to being human shields imop! I remember the cold war and having air raid drills in school, while having to cower under the classroom desk. It just takes one bomb , one crazy mis step. I remember being 90 miles away from Cuba missiles and fleeing in panic while we vacationed in Miami. Childhood Memories Of The Cuban Missile Crisis https://www.npr.org/2012/10/22/163395079/childhood-memories-of-the-cuban-missile-crisis
  21. I have a vested interest in my country! I m anti marxist & anti socialist! You’re obviously upset that I post facts. . You never did say your country? You keep planting misinformation ! Twice you mention blaming the gop for rejecting a bi partisian fix to the border but you neglect purposely to mention it was a bi partison rejected response. The Senate failed for the second time this year to pass a sweeping US border security and immigration bill, with some Democrats and most Republicans opposing the legislation. https://nypost.com/2024/05/23/us-news/senate-border-bill-fails-again-under-bipartisan-opposition/ I think its best i put you in my ignore room!
  22. What country you from? For the record: Any American knows the lefts Pelosi & Shummer rejected Trump’s funding for it ! democratic leaders in Congress say they have no interest in making a deal with President Trump to end the government shutdown if it includes new money for his border wall! https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cracks-in-wall-resistance-pelosi-facing-dem-pressure-to-deal-with-trump-end-shutdown President Trump noted last week that his campaign promise to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it “obviously” did not mean getting a check from the Mexican government directly. Rather, he said, Mexico will be paying for the wall indirectly, “many, many times over” via the trade agreement his administration recently renegotiated with Canada and Mexico to replace NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement). https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/mexico-will-pay-for-a-wall-trump-is-right
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