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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Biden ran a campaign as being a moderate in 2020! The lies & the gaslighting wont help him with Independents anymore. His base supporters of hard core leftist that protest with Scafs concealing his face maybe & the open borders crowd and the get trump crowd will run to biden like rats to cheese. methinks
  2. He was a moderate all his 60 years of being a politician!He campaigned on a lie ! Who ever is handling him are bat crazy far leftest open borders wack jobs. Its Sad these wack jobs are putting the country through this! 2 Wars, Open borders , fbi suspicious crime reports, fbi terror alerts , billions sent to terrorist countries such as Iran & Gaza! billions sent to Ukraine methinks
  3. Apparently it p’d off many vets.The congressmen on the floor of the house, below. Gold star moms must of gave McCaul a ring ! https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=forbes that is a lie mr president&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:10f5c3b7,vid:TPnzWM5ds1M,st:0
  4. Hur was vidicated! https://nypost.com/2024/06/29/us-news/special-counsel-robert-hur-deserves-an-apology-after-biden-debate-analysts/
  5. Lets win one for the team Nationalism. The left’s lie of bidengait has reached News outlets all over the world! another words its gone viral! Its not often the left hangs out its Dirty Laundry, so lets make a stink ! methinks
  6. The far left are so good at lies! The world just witnessed the media & the dems biden decline lie at the debate! Sure wish my side had a Stalinist style propaganda machine ! activist pretending to be reporters spreading insurrection , when nobody , not one was charged! Nancy Pelosi & her tribe of useful idiots will pay for her refusal to use a NG presence. The rub, only the left can protest & riot and not be politicized! methinks
  7. Get Trump! Similar sentiment when the American Founding Fathers, a few hundred years ago wanted to expose the tyrannical British Govt. If found and captured they would of been hung as treasonous felons. Its a good day for America First and a bad day for weaponized government agencies of the biden administration. methinks
  8. I watched the clip The audience clapped as TC dismissed the basement dweller leftest .
  9. Shoe on the other foot moment . We all know the whole leftest world would be demanding those tapes. methinks
  10. Agree! If front of the whole wide world! Million & millions watching!
  11. Its was a Defcon 1 tragedy! When have you ever seen the Left almost bitterly caught with their panties down ( not counting the Clinton oval office) scandal?
  12. Do you think the meandering decliner remembers checking his watch while standing at the airport waiting for the caskets to be off loaded? He surly didnt remember that he helped kill those 13!
  13. New York Post Dems are in aggressive panic! Another Obama ex campaign Mgr. Mr Plouffe. “Defcon 1” type tragedy. Time to hear those Nixon type tapes Methinks
  14. It was apparent the second he took those steps to the podium! bidengait!
  15. Your on the path methinks. The founding fathers would of been hanged , for Treason, if caught by the Brit army. The international left dont get it! They think its degrading! My country was established by a bunch of rich felons.
  16. I read that he polled more Presidential! then biden in the debate!
  17. I dont like the establishment! I was a liberal/ Independent voter from Massachusetts . My whole life changed when I Got divorced back in 2010 . A friend I just met then, said Obama was a socialist , I didnt think much about it but I started hearing more & more. I voted for him the first time because I was young and foolish and wasn’t paying attention , like most . 2 years into his first administration is when i realized the once community organizer from Chicago was the king of BS politics .( I will not be swayed by Lobbyists, he said.I never voted dem again. Trump loves the flag! I love my anthem I love my Nationalism. The thought of open borders and Globalization disgusts me. methinks
  18. Kinda like Gangs of NewYork style . Tammany hall , Irish ,Italian ,jew and German immigrants gangs.
  19. My country tis of thee , sweet land of liberty ! Makes my eyes water 💦
  20. I voted for him , my Gov-na from Massachusetts. Won only 10 states & DC. He was humiliated in the Presidential elections!
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