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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Stop making it look like its a gop failure. It was rejected by dems & Gop. “The Senate failed for the second time this year to pass a sweeping US border security and immigration bill, with some Democrats and most Republicans opposing the legislation”. Why,It would still allow thousands to come in ,unvetted! Lankford: “They did this by design, and that’s what’s so terrible about it. He’s had executive authority every day to reverse what he’s done, but he refuses to use it”. https://nypost.com/2024/05/23/us-news/senate-border-bill-fails-again-under-bipartisan-opposition/
  2. For the record: You mean it reminds you of the nation that nearly found a final solution to a certain group ,that the biden supporters are chanting about all over again, in the cities of the UNITED STATES! https://time.com/6973573/palestine-campus-protests-joe-biden-democrats/ For the record in your opinion of facts! Two tier hate when it comes to the lefts boogieman! Its always hitler with these leftest as they themselves act out Hitlers fantasy , with chants & humiliating slogans, just like in the 30’s. WASHINGTON (TND) — A protester at George Washington University invoked a horrific Nazi euphemism Thursday by carrying a sign reading “final solution” while at a protest on campus. https://mynbc15.com/news/nation-world/anti-israel-protester-seen-holding-final-solution-banner-at-george-washington-university-nazi-phrase-genocide-world-war-ii-palestine-israeli-gaza-ceasefire-war-campus-protests-columbia-university#
  3. I tried that! Doesn’t work! I m responding to this old post cause I got a confused emoji from a fan club member methinks . Back-in March the city officials came again to resolve our dog noise issues! The neighbor refused to come out to discuss the matter after seeing police , vets and 20 other officials. His daughter came out and was very concerned that my Wife & I would take them to court( perhaps because my wife’s English Professor uncle was talking to a lawyer in the group) just a guess. The daughter, us and the city signed a paper ,that they would CONTROL the Dogs During 10pm till 6am. Its gotten 80% better since then! 3 of the 4 chihuahuas have died leaving the neurotic mother and 3 small other yapping dogs left! That chihuahua is the nemesis , 95% of the time. I still use Pittbulls greatest hits album at 60-70decibles during the afternoon and evening hours when needed(mostly ever day). I got about 15 recordings of the neighbors dog children since the meeting! Im looking to get 60 during the times he overlooks disciplinary actions of the quiet time rule, his daughter signed. When he goes out at night ,6 pm ,he leaves them to bark until he comes home12 midnite- bar closing. Here is a sample , 3am in April. recording #131.m4a ARE YOU AWAKE YET!!!!!!
  4. One hand giveth and the other hand taketh, New york post vs fox news. Any fool knows its all about the swing states! Trump leads biden in all six key states and ties in blue Minnesota -ahead of debate. Illegal migrants and their criminality will do in the worst leftest Potus ever. The surveys from Emerson College and The Hill show the 45th president edging out Biden in Arizona (47%-43%), Georgia (45%-41%), Michigan (46%-45%), Nevada (46%-43%), Pennsylvania (47%-45%), and Wisconsin (47%-44%). https://nypost.com/2024/06/20/us-news/trump-leads-biden-in-six-battleground-states-even-in-blue-minnesota-ahead-of-next-weeks-debate-poll/
  5. I betcha he outlasts the former lifeguard who used the asthma deferment 5x ! https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/09/16/fact-check-biden-received-multiple-draft-deferments-vietnam/5809482002/
  6. You can help stop the spread by getting the vaccine! Fauci & Mayor of DC go spreading disinformation . Start watching the door to door knocking from 2:30 on.The guy towards the end shut the fear mongers of fauci & bowers down, they walked away with their tails between their legs.
  7. Recent poll 62 % of Americans want them deported! The recent Forbes video has the Senator describing the governments efforts of vetting migrants as nil! He said many are coming from jails ! “Those views appear to have intensified over the past five months, with stronger favorability for deportation in the latest YouGov survey. With a reckless and unsustainable Open Borders agenda that threatens civil society and national security, the political elites have pushed Americans to the brink. Even left leaning groups including many Democrats and college-educated voters are expressing deep dissatisfaction with Biden’s border crisis and a desire to deport illegal immigrants”. https://www.cerescourier.com/opinion/editorial/poll-most-americans-have-had-enough-people-jumping-border/
  8. Sen . Lankford list the latest reasons why biden’s migrant crisis could cost him the Election ! It’s criminal ! Methinks
  9. Rand exposed fauci . Preponderance of evidence !
  10. From fauci emails to a debunked made up clinton conspiracy ! Read , Get Trump , by A. Dershowitz Apologizes for straying OT ,
  11. A few years ago my countries dem political party took a knee & worshipped a career drug addicted felon who held a gun to a pregnant lady stomach! Now these same SOB want to kill the ex Potus by incarcerating him without SS protection on a dem concocted charges! How Stalinist & Maoist is that ! You wouldn’t know you probably never heard these leaders who murdered for power! You just spew the lefts propaganda! what country are you from?
  12. You take your dementia claim to ridicule a no wars president and Ill take bidens dementia to a world in crisis on 3 fronts , bidens border policy , failed policy in Ukraine and Gaza!
  13. The rapist is a lie it was civil case. If it were rape it would of been in a criminal court .Stop with the disinformation!The russian crap was debunked! The CV is a dem concocted prosecution from dem soup to DEM NUTS
  14. Exactly , antisemitism lately is being perpetuated by the left ! Pedophilic disorder is characterized by recurring, intense sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behavior involving children (usually 13 years old or younger). Pedophiles may be attracted to young boys, young girls, or both, and they may be attracted only to children or to children and adults. methinks
  15. While your at it democracy isnt even on that paper! https://westhillscollege.com/lemoore/admissions/financial-aid/documents/constitution_day_facts.pdf
  16. The foreign policy is second! Domestically , Traditional America is at war with a culture that chants death to its existence . I dont recognize the dem party who would allow so much domestic and foreign chaos! Voting against biden/any dem 1 open borders. 2 high prices for essentials of life 3 social disorder & crime optics 4 equity 5 woke 6 higher taxes 7 unlimited abortion 8 massive climate change spending 9 wars methinks
  17. According to the audiences applauds at minute 10:55 ( The reason we have a crisis is because of the administration’s policies)! loud & clear!
  18. I never never reply to you! Why ! You didn’t even watch the video !
  19. biden & the illegal border crossing crisis, that he created by calling for a surge ,will cost the Dem’s the WH.
  20. biden approval in November 30 2020 55% biden approval today 37.4 lowest approval ever! Silver noted that Biden is in “MUCH worse shape,” in terms of polling, than he was in 2020 heading into Election Day, when he held leads in the swing states of Arizona, Florida Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin https://news.gallup.com/poll/326885/biden-favorability-rises-trump-dips.aspx https://nypost.com/2024/06/10/us-news/pollster-nate-silver-suggests-it-might-be-time-for-biden-to-drop-out-of-2024-presidential-race/
  21. @impulse said “First, Congress should be granting the amnesty (and tested by the Supreme Court). Second, if he did have the power, why didn't he do it 3-1/2 years ago? Why wait until he's getting excoriated in the polls”? Me: Common sense argument
  22. Iran is sitting large ,Money from all angles ! One might even say they are a biden proxy! methinks “Additionally, the waiver granted Iran limited access to approximately $10 billion in Iraqi payments held in escrow accounts, ostensibly for purchasing "humanitarian goods" without facing US sanctions”. https://www.iranintl.com/en/202403113522#
  23. Diversity Equity Inclusion! “Diversity, equity and inclusion are three different but interconnected concepts. They work together to create an environment of respect and fairness. It involves initiatives promoting the equal access, opportunity, employment and sense of belonging of underrepresented people in the workplace”. It use to be you had to have met merit base requirements !But progressive minded officials have lowered the standards! https://www.techtarget.com/searchhrsoftware/definition/diversity-equity-and-inclusion-DEI
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