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  1. What license and police probably clipped the refund ticket
  2. Maybe he has the secret gun used for these situations
  3. Obviously they ran out of neck braces.
  4. Excuse me if I'm wrong they caught several people invoved with the bombing even the one caught on CCTV who I thought didn't look like the guy in the pics, but I don't know about convictions, what happened to them??.
  5. Post traumat stress disorder from wearing a neck brace
  6. They have been hated since the BK bombing, still no excuse
  7. 7 years my friends pitbull never harmed a fly, then seriously mauled him debilitating his arm for life after he tried to stop the dog mauling his nephews pet rabbit, the dog was put down, that is mandatory law in NZ, plus they are banned now, but lot's of mongrels still around. When will Thailand ever learn, becasuse there's no such thing as a pitbull that won't go off at some stage of its life.
  8. I worked with monks in new Zealand for a few years and when I came here they took me to see the highest monk in Thailand, whom was my nz friends mentor. They took me all over Bangkok and I stayed friends with them for years, helping them sometimes. Giving a couple of monks a lift is good karma, well done lads.
  9. When the high season is truly over the Bhat should drop a bit
  10. I have sat in terror decending steep hills in busses many times, drivers going way to fast down dangerous steep gradients and not using gears, add to that fatigue and no log books required, yet promised years ago, and possibly faulty brakes, very tragic.
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