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  1. I would presume you were not dealing with Thai as borrowers, as its a dangerous game to pursue and make Thais lose face
  2. Fraud is a criminal offence, not a civil matter in this case, NZ has a squad called the serious fraud squad, the police should act if they don't a serious complaint should be laid against the police BF and the girl.
  3. These will be Chinese flights, i should imagine, of no economic value to Thailand people
  4. It's not WAT you know it's who you know
  5. Looking that way, hooligan disrespectful idiots I would call them.
  6. he's displaying to everyone that hes a BHUM
  7. Was this a lady boy attack or a straight Thai man going crazy with a pool que ??
  8. I did not say I know, I said probably, and more to come from this story I hope. We all know it's usually the female that empties the Falang out, but as I said probably and I hope the full story comes to surface.
  9. Just another politician trying to make a name for himself, nothing will come of this Thaksin has a pardon and won't be wearing a new neckbrace in the near future.
  10. It's actually sexual assault. The stupid pervert should have apologized, instead he thinks touching up girls is ok. My pet hate is men that touch boys or young men and men that touch or fondle girls in public places. They are perverted, I hope the smart Alec gets Jail, which he could of avoided but thinks he is able to go around fondling girls with immunity, sick chook.
  11. Big question is his partner probably put nothing into it, then maybe she had some land , more to come I hope.
  12. Can someone explain how you carry crypto, I thought is was digital and had to be transferred??? This looks like Fibto story to me
  13. I'm sure his family would love him to be their family advisor. Good on the family, a coroners report fully done in Britain will ensure things a lot more. Bruise marks would be obvious or evidence of another type of assault . The man chasing the victim should have been arrested straight away and had DNA samples taken , if their are any left. This whole thing stinks and the police seem to be laying down doing nothing, maybe they know the chaser. was DNA taken from the victim, their could have possibly been some under his fingernails, if not washed away ??

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