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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. I dont know but it could have been uploaded from a digital camera Immigration agents use pics from there phones, she never told me that much but I know her well.
  2. Maybe crossed the border into Mexico and got a false passport. Anyhow , a good arrest for once
  3. This is very sad, unless he had an underlying health issue, then the story sadly looks like foul play, which happens to often in Thailand, condolences to his family
  4. I prefer not to ask and certainly won't post details, but not joking Dr Jack
  5. It's actually a joke, picking on European people because up to god knows how many percent of bikes, trucks and cars sceam past my house every day at high speed on a dangerous narrow road making unbearable noise because they have been fitted with cowboy straight through mufflers, I have seen 3 so far loose control and crash into car's which drive in the middle of the road, there's going to be a fatality soon, shame on the testing department, they can't even count lpg bottles or test brakes. I know what is wrong, the police are deaf, and colour blind when they see African girls working their streets they don't know if they are thai. And the modifications of mufflers ect is big business, I wonder who owns the supply line?? Anyone know??
  6. A girl I know got her license without appearing at land transport, said it was expensive
  7. was either NUT or his cousin Loose Screw
  8. Probably, or had a heart attack, we will never know, thats two now within a few days
  9. Drug administration by girl and robbed might be one theory
  10. Why kick up a storm now. Obviously doesn't want to come back here
  11. The British wrote NZ law the Westminster system. I recently talked to a Thai lawyer over a similar situation, his sons can not lay claim to any property in Thailand with her name on it. And she can't claim his property in England unless she was legally married to him and lived in the English property for 2 years or lived together in a defacto relationship in the property. If she was married to him or lived defacto for the required time, then the British property, she could lay claim to half of it. That is why people have prenuptuals and Family trusts, I helped a friend go through a almost identical situation and his Thai wife got everything he had In Thailand but she couldn't touch his NZ property as she never lived in NZ for more than a few weeks and never married. In fact if the Thai house is worth 10 million Bhat that's about 250k British, she's getting more than the sons who would get 200k British each, In fact this is what my friend wanted and he also gave his wife some money, what turned out was his son came here to Huahin and tried to take what he gave her, but he couldn't touch the property here as in her name, he got 2 substantial homes and a bussines in NZ and he still wasn't happy.
  12. They probably felt sorry for him, going through that horrible illness in the Police hospital. Horrible illness a good name for it, very hard to diagnose
  13. She would have to been married to him any lived in England with him for x amount of years. Thai laws don't stand up in NZ, so probably won't in England, she's got a beautiful house and probably some money,,car ect, that's a pretty good share.
  14. My insurance company issued me with papers and a sticker with phone numbers to call them if I had an accident , they also told me not to say anything until they got there, i had a couple of miner scrapes, with Thais backing into me and they were there in 20 minutes and sorted everything, I didn't have to pay anything.
  15. The mentality is beyond understanding, every time I use a roundabout I do so with caution as they don't know the road rules even after sitting in the DL video room for hours watching videos. Yesterday 5 on a bike 2 babies a teenager and 2 adults, no helmets, even falung ride around with no helmets, occasionally the police pick on a few for Tea money. I wondered how the hundreds of Burmese get licenses, there was at least a hundred at the Transport Dept. when I renewed mine, I did not see any in the video room. The trucks and bikes screaming along narrow roads with no muffler baffles, just straight through without baffles creating noise pollution that's almost unbearable and wake people up at night, is a huge blot on the traffic dept, someone is making a fortune selling and installing these, cowboys on bikes, no wonder they have such a high fatality rate with motorbikes If the Police wanted to enforce this rule just sit outside the schools and catch thousands a day. I have noticed they only pick on well dressed Thais and Falungs that go into town.
  16. Fell asleep ? no log book even though promised by the ex government.?? heart attack?? Drank to much Red Bull?? If they made log books compulsory even more corruption, who would check them.
  17. You will be wondering for a very long time.
  18. Yes thats supposed to be 2k Bhat (correct me if im wrong). these Frenchmen are dark skinned with beards it looks like. Maybe they were carrying drugs which would be long gone by the time they were arrested.
  19. What would a nursing facility be doing, baby sitting illegal workers babies or human trafficking of babies?? 1/ yes 2/ no please tick 1 or 2.
  20. I'm glad to stay away from the Chinese stampeders who charge through areas and ruin peaceful tourist experience.
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