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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. It's always been said that once you get out of hospital and are surrounded by loving family that recovery gets better much quicker, now he's got that we should see him bounce back to good health, now he's got sunshine, fresh air and family and friends surrounding him, it's a miracle.
  2. The police are underpaid, this is well known, so he used the money for his police expenses, his BMW and Harley to get around and do the job, nothing wrong here. Just make sure the car is bullet proof, that costs a lot to get done.
  3. You can watch the video yourself, one thing the mortician did say and was permitted on the chanel was that these clots do not form after death, he said nothing grows after death, he also said that he has reported this to British medical authorities and to the police and has no answers from them. They are not commenting. So further research is needed as now 70 morticians have joined in also discovering this yet to be explained phenomenon, we will have to wait and see what comes from this.
  4. They certainly know how to put on a good show, good at making soapies as well and Thai's love soapies
  5. He's an angel compared to Netenyahu. Sorry for spelling.
  6. Your hired, should have contacted police hospital and suggested this, never knew he had neck problems thought it was his ticker, but the brace certainly makes him look sick, and others. They could have just taped an IV on to his arm without a needle and hung a jar of saline beside him.
  7. I think his personal DR's will spark a marvelous recovery to full health over the next few months.
  8. I would think that, he will be doing some jail time, and receive a ban from entering Thailand, won't be enjoying a cold beer and Thai hospitality for some time, possibly receive an airline ban as well, after he has time to think, I hope for a few years in jail, a nutter.
  9. What's happened to him on arrival?? He should be put in a straight jacket and immediately sent back to Britain. What an absolute idiot, what was he on, another example for Thailand to make things harder for the genuine people that behave.
  10. If you sell your family home,accumulated years ago and invest the money into a taxed account in NZ do you have to pay tax on transfers to Thailand. NZ has a double tax agreement with Thailand that is almost identical in wording to Australia and the uk
  11. The people of Esan will soon hang Thaksin calendars in their home's and pictures, might even place some incense and flowers eround his pictures, for good luck
  12. Could this mean the bus was beginning to overtake, and the truck drifted over to me right, as they often drift when you're overtaking them.
  13. When I read the BK post full story , I could not help but form the same opinion, just a side track, or curved ball , but why bother in the first place. maybe it will make the people think the police are doing a good job, meanwhile his sheets get changed every day at the Police Hospital, for the former policeman himself, LOS , keep smiling entertainment will keep coming.
  14. One word would correct the article, Near, plunged to her near death, she's lucky to be alive, shame on the insurance company, best wishes to the victim, and speedy recovery.
  15. Does this article mean that tourists don't need a medical to buy ganja,considering that it's supposed to be legal for medical use only??
  16. More trouble than it's worth, stupid, comment should just be ignored
  17. This is true, many cases of abuse also, here in NZ, big scandal's involving Catholic school, unfortunately schools are preying grounds for the sexually perverted world wide.
  18. Certainly sounds like he was a Jealous pimp, or a control freak, who knows ,but you have to be a sicko to do something like this, and do these pyscho's ever think about life after murder , rotting in prison because of a senseless act, let him rot in Jail.
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