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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. Pipe diving, a new way to commit suicide, he should have tied his hands behind his back to create no doubt at all
  2. Quite right the victim may have tried to run across the roads b4 the bike's reached her or she might have been sick and not seen them, more to come from this story
  3. Species 8472 from the Delta quadrant
  4. You should inform him of your legal brilliance
  5. A few years ago the then PM was going to introduce log books very quickly. Nothing happened, these are standard in most countries I used to drive tour busses. But here they can drive as long as they like and drink energy drinks and smoke and pop whatever else, they are licensed maniacs and the government is responsible for the lack of responsibility to provide safety to the people who risk their lives boarding these death traps.
  6. And I would have thought wisdom comes with age, I'm in my 70s and can see a scam a mile away sometimes money gets taken from credit cards without you doing a thing, who's fault is that, The Banks security systems are flawed. They have to give the money back to you and they question the hell out of you b4 they do
  7. What caused this fire?? Electrical fault, highly probable, smoking, most hotels have smoke detectors, then it could be a lithium battery in a phone, we shall have to wait and see.
  8. It was either LPG or a Diesel leak, LPG would be my bet as diesel is harder to ignite . If this is the case then the government kneeds a rap over the knuckles as someone has slacked off checking buses. His name is Mr Brown.
  9. Security, should pat people down and scan them with a metal detector b4 being allowed entry, not the first time this has happened and I bet they would find plenty of guns.
  10. Honking is banned now , what about loud motorbikes, cars and trucks with mufflers with no baffles they drive me mad as they go past my shop. Besides that most will ignore the speed limit unless it is well policed with cameras and patrols.
  11. My GF and me were walking home to hotel close to Bayoke when a bike with a passenger on the back flew past with no light on and snatched the GF's bag tearing the strap from around her neck. Lucky she had her phone in he pocket and bank cards but they got some cash and her ID card. Police came , no one was ever caught, I suspected motorbike taxis who hung round at the top of the soi , they were a bad bunch, they have been disbanded for a while now, its very sad to see 6 Thai men attack an 80 year old with knives to rob him, it shows no respect at all for the elderly, to assault a man of this age, the could have killed him, very shameful act.
  12. Deli Aussi, they won't back away, police should investigate to see who is at fault.
  13. As you get older it becomes harder to sleep, I use Lorazepam you can get it from a clinics or some pharmacies will sell it to you I was lucky to find both. Magnesium is good and so is melatonin which you can buy on tik tok, cheap, I take 6milligrams at night and sometimes dont need Lorazepam, exercise is the Key I go to the gym Im in my 70's but if you cant exercise try to find a way to get some. Best of luck, Puritans Pride is a good brand sold on TT
  14. The Police are good at improvising fine amounts
  15. And all this time the police thought they were Thais wearing Afro wigs and using face blackening cream.
  16. There is also the problem that Thais sell fireworks of industrial grade that are dangerous and freely available
  17. Sounds like an employed cook who went wrong.
  18. I think the Thai police are duped, into believing that this color is applied makeup.
  19. He may have to get out of Dodge, because they will probably seek revenge
  20. Thais are riding around with no helmets and young children on bikes oblivious to the law, 95% dont wear helmets (guess) However a falung friend got pulled the other day, and had to pay up 900BHAT on the spot , the police wanted 1000, 900 was all he had. They excepted this and said otherwise you have to come to Police station and pay 2000Bhat. Meanwhile Thais ignore the helmet rules and police are now picking on tourists and expats, as Thais probably dont have that sort of money, I was not aware they raised the fine from150 to 2000 Bhat, it seems only to exploit those they think have money, very sick corruption nothing to be proud off shame on the Police.
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