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Posts posted by BrianCR

  1. One of the most hideous crimes, high treason by a top military, should be forgotten and forgiven? I don't think so.

    Only the truth will set us free.

    Sonthi has showed one more time, how little respect he has for Thai people. His arrogance is only topped by his shamelessness.

    Do you really think Sonthi could have carried off such a bloodless coup without the tacit support from Thais in all echelons of society?

    Personally I would be happy to see Thailand return to the peaceful, shirtless place it once was. Yingluck can be PM as the chosen leader of the most popular party, the PTP, and Thaksin stays away for the good of the country he loves unless he is prepared to do the time for his crime.

    The crime being a political frame up? Wake up man, hev did more for Thai's than any politician in Thai history - his crime was that he didn't pay the others off!!!

  2. One of the most hideous crimes, high treason by a top military, should be forgotten and forgiven? I don't think so.

    Only the truth will set us free.

    Sonthi has showed one more time, how little respect he has for Thai people. His arrogance is only topped by his shamelessness.

    Well, any arrogance of General Sonthi is easily topped by the fugitive.

    Maybe the fugitive. has more right to show arrogance! I know what he has done for the people of this Country what exactly (apart from a military coop) has Sonthi ever done?

  3. I like to forget the past, too!

    Better not talk about it...especially with people I owe money!

    What a jerk: look at Cambodia and Vietnam and see what "forgetting the past" brings.

    A country, diverted by mistrust and hatred, because the Khmer Rouge -past was never really overcome.

    Sums up Thailand's political scene 'A country, diverted by mistrust and hatred," All based on the principal of 'You got it - I want it!'

  4. Sonthi has showed one more time, how little respect he has for Thai people. His arrogance is only topped by his shamelessness.

    I am of the opinion as I am sure many others are too that there is a person in self exile in an Arabian state to escape a Thai courts verdict who is far more deserving of the accolade above than Sonthi.

    Obviously a contributor who forgets that the person in question has done more for ordinary Thai people than any other politician in the country's history.

  5. One of the most hideous crimes, high treason by a top military, should be forgotten and forgiven? I don't think so.

    Only the truth will set us free.

    Sonthi has showed one more time, how little respect he has for Thai people. His arrogance is only topped by his shamelessness.

    Fully agreed but hasn't this been the modern history of Thailand? Think back, the same crap are still leading the pack

  6. I am glad that most of us think in the same way. I had a chat with a Thai friend of mine, who maintains that the high import duty protects Thailand's car producers. This I totally disagree with as who in the market for a Bentley or Jag is going to consider the purchase of a cr***y Altis or such like. It's the same with motorbikes, the sky high import duty makes importing a large bike impossible. Reduce import Tariffs and in the long term everyboy will win. It would be great to see more interesting vehicles on the road. Get rid of these draconian protectionist policies.

    Apparently Harley Davidson sold an amazing 39 new motorbikes in Thailand last year!!! Not bad for a Country with 68 million people and where the most popular mode of transport is the motor bike

  7. If it wasn't so financially beneficial to try to take advantage of the Thai government's lax oversight standards, then nobody would do it. 39 million baht?! For a Bentley?! You can buy 39 houses in Bangkok with that kind of money. That's just ridiculous. The Thai government creates these "grey" and "black" markets and then sits there scratching its head trying to figure out how to stamp them out. Watching the legislation process in this country is hilarious. The basic modus operandi is to create a law banning/taxing a particular action, to which the government AND public responds by immediately creating series of loopholes to get around said action. Then they set about making laws to get rid of the loopholes and so more loopholes have to be opened. The process just repeats itself ad infinitum...it's so fundamentally insincere.

    39 houses in Bangkok? Tell me more - tell me where!!

  8. There is not truth in TRUE. Had been burnt so many times by them that is no longer funny. This is one company that I would like to stay far far away from.

    I couldn't agree more except to add that when it was trading as Orange it (if possible) was even worse as, after 6pm it was almost impossible to receive or make telephone calls because they had more subscribers than their system could cope with. After complaining their call centre offered to reduce my monthly post paid bill from 1,400 baht per month to an amazing 1,260 baht per month. I asked how this would help me make and receive calls and was informed that it was not a problem as they were refurbishing their system - great! I added, so when could i use my phone? Within the next TWO YEARS was the reply. Needless to say I opted for a 100% discount per month! True should change its name to False as that sums up the worth of its services

  9. When i read about this I think of what would have happened in Canada, if he didnot comply with a quards request. Here is what I think would have happened especially if he tried to force his way through with the balloons. He would have probably been tasered. Then balloons and him taken to local police station and his wife and child would have had to arrange bail. He would have had to go to court and probably have a criminal record at the end of it all. He and his family should apologize to the quard, the BTS and pay the quard for lost wages , pain and suffering.

    A public apology would help alot.

    New York and he probably would have been shot...

    Luckily we live in Thailand and not Canada or New YorkWPFflags.gif

  10. Second: Visa rules state that once an applicant has been issued with a retirement visa, that visa CAN NOT be rescinded for the issue of a non -i mm 'B" and a work permit. It can however be cancelled and replaced with a tourist visa

    Third: Most expats working here for International Companies are seconded from their home countries where they have worked for that company for numerous years. Thai law says that work permits should only be issued to Westerners who can perform a job that a Thai person can not do - International Companies get around this rule by declaring that the applicant has worked for many years for the same company and is an intricate part of its management system.

    You do know your talking absolute rubbish...dont you

    I have many collegues who are over 50 years of age who frequently flip form being on retirement to working on term contracts in Thailand. the "retirement visa (Non-imm O) is cancelled, they get a Non-imm B and WP, work for the required length of time and then get a new Non-imm O (retirement)....they do not need to get a tourist visa, this is a pretty common practice.

    Not all expats here work for international companies and do actually work for wholly based Thai companies and they dont seen to have problems getting WP's....they dont need to "get around" anything and declare anything

    I think that you put the rubbish out mate! Try reading the Thai visa rules you may find yourself enlightened! Oh, and whilst you are trying to read, try reading my post again you will find that I was referring to International companies NOT THAI COMPANIES. Regarding Wholly based Thai Companies they need to prove that they need foreign experts and that they can not locate a Thai person to carry out the work (if the labour department requires it may also ask the company to produce records proving that they have advertised for a Thai member of staff and achieved no success in recruiting one)

    As for your friends they either have help from high places, put Thai banknotes in the right hands or plainly just talk rubbish!

    Have a nice day

  11. You could easily be a teacher (with or without a TEFL certificate) or you could probably find an engineering job with some persistence (check the Jobs DB website).

    However, as you already have some regular income from abroad (and I assume some savings to tap into for emergencies) I think you don't need rush to find full-time employment.

    I recommend you come and get settled first. Learn to live with the 100k/month and use the web development/SEO skills you mentioned to set up some web-based businesses. This will keep your mind occupied and may produce some extra income in the future.

    Most sensible suggestion yet!

  12. Working as an Engineer would I think be extremely difficult work to find and the money paid would be much lower than you are probably used to.

    Generalisations as normal, There expats are working in Thailand of 2.0, 2.5 times the salary of what they would get in either europe or the US and expat perks and some are "local" hires.....I know this because I am one of those, and have been for the last 10 years

    The OP needs to put his CV with local employment agencies who specialise in technical recruitment in Thailand, there are about 3 or 4 major companies who do this, are there jobs about which will pay US/european salaries ?...yes...will you get here and walk straight into a job most likely not...as with most places it takes time

    Further the OP doesnt need to become and "English" teacher...how about teaching at university...ie maths or engineering.

    If your 51 and qualify financially...get a retirement visa and if you get a job, not a big deal to change over to a Non-imm B and WP....I know guys who do it all the time, of course if you really want to learn Thai the Ed visa could be a route....but you can do your Thai studies on a retirement visa as well

    A few corrections firstly, universities usually employ western lecturers in their facility of humanities where their position involves teaching all aspects of a language, True, you maybe "rented out" to another department but you will only be used to facilitate the use of a given language (in this case English). To teach in Thailand you need a Thai teaching licensee issued by the Teaching Council of Thailand,, who will, allow you up to two years to sit the four examinations you will be required to pass in order to obtain said license - you are allowed to teach during this two year period - however most universities that I know of insist on lecturers holding a teaching license issued by the education department of their own country - in which case the Teachers Council will document you as being a qualified teacher and will issue documents to prove it. followed by the full teaching license within a few months.

    Second: Visa rules state that once an applicant has been issued with a retirement visa, that visa CAN NOT be rescinded for the issue of a non -i mm 'B" and a work permit. It can however be cancelled and replaced with a tourist visa

    Third: Most expats working here for International Companies are seconded from their home countries where they have worked for that company for numerous years. Thai law says that work permits should only be issued to Westerners who can perform a job that a Thai person can not do - International Companies get around this rule by declaring that the applicant has worked for many years for the same company and is an intricate part of its management system.

  13. I didn't realize stupidity was congenital. RIP <_<

    Thanks for posting the most sensible comment on this site. From what i understand from the other postings a Westerner can pick up a prostitute (who wants his money), get drunk everyday, associate with someone who is a child (a chlld of 18 can still be in high school), pay for alcoholic parties and finally drink himself to death and, it's all the fault of the Thai and Thailand? The posts sound like the usual mixture of "I lead such a low life I hate it here'" - "I must have a target on my back, the prostitutes won't leave me alone" accompanied by racism!

  14. From my own experience - I have worked here for many years and joined the Social Security system when it first started - on reaching 60 years of age I was refunded all of my monthly payments and then the monthly fee was reduced from 750 baht (max) per month to 420 (min) covering me for full medical benefits in a hospital of my choice for life! I also get payment refunds on the money that I am now paying and which I collect once a year. The only documents you require are your SS membership card and your passport (same documents as you used when previously visiting a hospital). For those who knock the Thai SS I should point out that it covers all medical costs (in and out patient) in a private hospital of your choice, a small yearly dental allowance and a full refund of monthly subscriptions on retirement. The only qualifications for joining are that you must be working (and holder of a valid work permit), you must be under sixty years of age and that your company must be a member of the social security system

  15. I believe most TTs are rented/leased. If you cruise around the suburbs you occasionally see garages where they get fixed (I wouldn't go so far as say maintained...) and pimped up.

    Best thing is to ask at the local TT stand. Hire a 'translator' for the day from a bar like the Beergarden Soi7.

    Good luck getting it up to US environmental standards and insured... biggrin.gif

    Is that what your life is here in Thailand? The first piece of information sounded fine only then to taken with a pinch of salt by the second sentence "Hire a 'translator' for the day from a bar like the Beergarden Soi7." Anyone want a managing director or business adviser for their new business? This bar has them all!!! Undoubtedly some of the bar girls/boys are also CEO's of tuk-tuk manufacturing companies just give them your money! For some people the old piece of advice really is true - how to make a small fortune in Thailand? Come here with a large one!

  16. Its all about the money with this company now. It never used to be with great service and fairly reasonable pricing even BKK-USM.

    Right, but what is almost humorous is that it's all about the money TODAY. Somehow they are ignorant of the fact that when you take care of your most loyal customers, they will keep coming back and giving you money, and when you don't, they will give your competitors money instead! Is it really such a difficult concept to grasp? They could think long term and make it all about the money in a positive sense by taking care of their customers, but they simply don't. I think this culture stems from their monopoly on Samui. Without competition, it's easy to take customers for granted.

    You are utterly and completely missing the point and approaching the situation from a First World point of view.

    This is Thailand. Bangkok airways is a Thai airline. Thai people have no ability to envisage anything beyond today - yes, even a big company like this.

    The second element is all about status. BA and its owners consider themselves to be an elite. Therefore it is beneath them to be seen to be concerned about such unimportant aspects as service or customer loyalty. Their attitude is a big shrug and that customers can take it or leave it. To emphasise this point, the "group" who own BA have a 90-room luxury beachside resort on Samui with three restaurants, spa and olympic-standard pool. The last time I had occasion to do business with them there were just 10 guests - all of them employees of BA.

    It's all about posturing in Thailand. BA are declaring that they are so "high-class" (a Thai social concept, not my own) they are are completely unconcerned about the lower classes (you and I) and that they are so untouchably wealthy that there is no need to lower themselves to actually have annoying tourists in their big hotel.

    Plus, of course, there is the Tax Exempt status that they enjoy ad perpetuity as a reward for building the airport and making Samui accessible to all those grubby tourists . . . one rarely hears mention of this . . .


    I have to disagree with your comment regarding 'elite business owners' and add my own view to an interesting subject. Do you really think that the CEO/Senior Management know of problems that transpire at ground level? Well, the simple answer is NO they do not and not because they aren't interested! The problem is based on Thai culture and Thai belief that the elite are semi-Gods. In the case of Bangkok Airways the rule says that you have to pay a surcharge to re-book and booking staff have been taught this during training. They have also been taught to inform an in-line manager in the event of problems. However, to inform your manager that you are unable to deal with a problem is to lose face and so it is better to hide the problem under the carpet and forget that it ever happened. Should you inform your manager it will cause him worry and he will look down on you, so as not to cause worry, this part of Thai culture goes right from the lowest rung in the business to the top! The 'business elite' who are intent on making money (many with overseas experience of customer service) simply do not know what is happening as the information never reaches them. You may think that it is their job to be aware of day to day happenings within their Company but, this is all but impossible when the information is blocked by each manager at each level. Should the top brass find out they are usually appalled and after holding meetings they will correct the rule, the problem is them becoming aware that the problem exists in the first place! Remember that Thai companies/businesses small and large - and unlike their Western counterparts - operate with decisions only being made by the 'man at the top'

    How do I know this - I have spent over 30 years dealing with Thai companies on behalf of my Western company and many times have received the answer from middle management that something is impossible only to meet with the top brass later and find that the impossible has been reversed not, by information from the bottom up but instructions from the top down. Get Thai employee's to understand that by reporting problems to their in-line manager is benefiting the company and not worrying the boss and the problem is solved. However to do this the training will need to start at preschool level .

  17. The Italian 'Restaurant Da Vinci' (at the T-crossing of the Pahonyothin Rd and the road to the busstation) starts to attract more Thai local customers than tourists and expats.

    It is the only Italian restaurant with a stone-oven fired by wood.

    The Thai Chiang Rai people know the difference between a carton pizza and a real one. And more and more expats are catching up with them.

    At the international restaurant 'Aye's Place' (fifty meters further, next to the Seven/Eleven, you can order from their menue as well.

    I only tried the lasagna and it was perfect!

    Limbo, at your service.

    Hey Limbo I started to believe your postings until you mentioned the 'Italian 'Restaurant Da Vinci' which, I have had the displeasure of visiting twice over the past 3/4 years. If you like pizza that tastes like cardboard with a topping so thin it could be butter spread on it then that's the place to go man! This also applies to the international restaurant 'Aye's Place where, any reference to food was made by accident! As a general guide if you want good Western food in Chiang Rai then drive (or take a green bus) to Chiang Mai!

  18. Over the years that I was in Thailand, numerous times when upcountry I heard of rich Bangkok people buying land upcountry that was way above sea level... the city is below sea level with most of the original canals that allowed the water to flow away filled in, it is inevitable that the place will eventually implode and turn to dust - all those skyscrapers are built on poor quality soil that is continually inundated by water and they will fall down one by one. Fantastic energetic city but built on ether, may survive this flood and the next but eventually the whole infrastructure will go bang.

    Over the years I have lived here (30 to be exact) I have never heard of rich people buying land upcountry - they usually just help themselves to forestry reserve land and build what they want (that way they can save their money to invest on the Stock Exchange (SET) and get involved in insider trading

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