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Posts posted by tajtom

  1. Its simply a law set to protect there culture and the Majeste god bless him.

    But the truth is far more harsh and the world knows its all a lie... The country is fed on sex tourists. Like from my own experience as long back. i met a nice girl out in disco. No mention of working selling or anything of such nature. We ended up at my condo she stayed and next morning woke up like she was just kidnapped. Dumb rag tried to extort money from me and threatened police, Well I gave her zero.. I do regret it now but she should have been honest

    And many are same as her. I do not feel sorry for them sorry but if your working name the price or do not get in the car

  2. YES YES please something must be done about these monkeys... I tell you now there a hazard to Pattaya. The other day I was strolling thru a arcade close to IBAR and the 2 Arabs were trying get me in to some hole. I said NO GO.... The dirty rat started tailning me close and it got to a heated stand off.. He was taller a fat guts and nearly coupled with a broken jaw.

    Little did he know I was a pro boxer and had 93 fights and friends with most Thai fighters.. But i swear I brushed it but the dog spat on the ground. I wanted to go back and cave his head in. ....... NO WORK PERMIT 100 and police let them stay HAHA

    I will not forget the scum bag

  3. ABSOLUTE JOKE..... I are offended and angered by this bullshit pretend justice system which is racist corrupt and a disgrace to the world and shows the UK and all other western countiries its hatred for US.

    You have Thais with brains the size of peanuts riding death machines and killing falang on the roads and other means and getting a lecture in court a $10,000 baht fine and no jail...

    Hey goose you just took someone from there family and the judge is a joker that should be jailed himself.

    This is not acceptable and there is no Thainess give me a break please......

    In our countries this is a minor charge the amount hardly indicates the young lad is hard core dealer... Hey dont you know you deport him and ban him from the country you TOSSERS.. I bet the skinny little Thai would not have got 50 years..

    This will not go unnoticed KARMA


  4. Standard stuff here... Nothing that surprises its not a Buddha calling its only the US Embassy a country that gave 1000,s to war torn countries and many never returned. Many western countries such as Australia have given also. I understand they see there country as a planet of its own. But thanks must be given pride or not.

  5. Not even worth commenting on the council only wants her cash... There worse than she is. Her brother is a arch cockroach.

    Police get promotions based on the willingness to pay LOL... Now theres your answer to all the problems.

    I have never seen a country where police run there own program. There all corrupt and it is right across the compete playing board. Just look at some of the faces on these people. She comes from wealth so what business did she have as a politician NONE. She was not interested in helping the people same as the current command post. Its all about control here..

    There will never be any free speech or public standers for office. Anyone that attempts will be told to cease fire

  6. Well when your parked on the road with no flashing lights or cones in a POLICE vehicle, in the middle of the night.... Hmm what type of professional authority just stops dead on high speed platform knowing the brain calibbre of some of the citizens here and around the world.

    He should have been more switched on leading by example.. I sorry for his family but the actress it was purley a dark night and the patrol car was not well marked.

    And that stupid cop trying to get a immediate statement needs a educational procedure. Dummy the lady just escaped death you monkey..

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