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Posts posted by tajtom

  1. Smile Clinic i hada experience there.. I went ask how much basic teeth clean. She said 1000 and UP :) These Thais like the up word

    My normal dentist Ban Amphur 500 baht top job

    Well I said whats the UP part... Is it a extra service or :)

    She said depends on how much has to be cleaned LOL... Hey goose a car wash washes car dirty JET BLACK or just DUST same cost

    Besides that I stabding right here. Climb in and have a look :)

    I dealt if they did 3 crowns for 13000

  2. Yes ok

    I not winging really I just want to confirm my sister back home is dental nurse and says you will pay 1000 / 2000 AU

    Yes 5000 not bad but my mte says had 3 crowns done smile clinic 13000 baht.. That is a private dentist

    I was just confirming a government hospital 5000 theres no way Thais pay that... I not believe. Yes my girl she say her home pay 30 baht clean teeth

    Now I understand they have a system in place.. But falang pay much more

    13k for 3 crowns - private dentist then these must be the cheapest materials you can get - half decent crowns typically come in at 8k to 12k each

    Yes his story does not carry much weight............. 5 k is good as assumed

  3. 6 good years to bulid his nest egg, no wonder his smiling are THE LAND OF SMILES :) :) :)

    6 good years to rob steal and under mind the media the people and laugh at the JUNTA. Lets be honest the Army have no hope. There not street smart enough. The police as they say are the gangsters.

    Anyway nothing has or ever will change the only difference is the leader has some well chosen words read from western books

  4. 5k is very cheap cant see what the OP is whinging about, if he thinks this is expensive he needs to get on a plane and go back to farangistan see how much it costs

    2 crowns + 4 veneers - 65k at BPH which i thought was reasonable

    I wasn't aware he was whinging !

    Yeah I love a good whinge and a good Boom Boom not long after

  5. Yes ok

    I not winging really I just want to confirm my sister back home is dental nurse and says you will pay 1000 / 2000 AU

    Yes 5000 not bad but my mte says had 3 crowns done smile clinic 13000 baht.. That is a private dentist

    I was just confirming a government hospital 5000 theres no way Thais pay that... I not believe. Yes my girl she say her home pay 30 baht clean teeth

    Now I understand they have a system in place.. But falang pay much more

  6. Maybe a little to confident

    Firstly they may want to realign there counter parts, in the system of love :)

    Immigartion need a swift kick in the ass and meal restrictions for burning the falangs and treating them like garbage... The word traveled fast and now your left with empty buses loud Chinese that no one wants

    So yes it may pay to think positive although your far from repair son

    Hey spray some Indians white and pretend......................................... :)

  7. Hi

    Well living here and married to a Thai.. I needed dental work and previous visit to the Banglamung hospital for minor work was cheap enough. Now I need rear cap and had it checked 250 baht open mouth.

    Low and behold the young doctor told me 5,000 Baht at a public hospital ?

    Research and asking amate he had his done for 5000 at Smile clinic Sth Pattaya... Yes right in the tourist trap.. How the hell can the public hospiatal tell me 5000. What a absolute rort

    Prayuth mentioned there over charging well that is a understatement :)

    Anyone have any thoughts or recomendations on the matter


  8. That former police chief is a disgrace to Royal Thai Police and looks like a factory worker..... Anybody police or not on the roads MUST at ALL TIMES observe the law.

    Who is he to tell anyone he no need be tested.. God damm man are you a retard and what you said in your defence tells us your are

    Good riddens i wonder how much you paid for your uniform.. As you cant lead by example in the real world

    No I not like you :)

  9. I never by China made its all ways shit...

    I also never understand why the Thai brass promote China they are useless and unwanteds

    Have a look where do you see these people... Let me tell you Asians with money never travel to Asia... Its just the way it is.. They come here to dig in and see what they can make here..

    Wake up and stop talking shit about quality Chinese visitors.. They are NOT

    And the Phuket Chief must be a real goose. How is your probe same size as police I suppose


  10. Australia is the most humane country in the world and was the 1 st to take Asian refugees and every other nationallity

    Gave them free home and money and life

    While there own people got to pay extra taxes for them

    What a joke yes turn them back send a message from time to time..... I cant see Thailand giving nothing to any of them

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